Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2571
Currently Logged in: 173

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Twenty-ninth round: Aug 07, 2014 - Oct 06, 2014 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 553 countries in the Alliance server.

1 LaFing at SoF (#351) 20,813$255,933,885 DG SoL
2 NovoEbunovo (#10) 23,773$205,232,407 HG RIVAL
3 Jew Jew Lips (#21) 58,858$187,253,701 DG RIVAL
4 King Looie Katz (#348) 29,636$174,833,704 D LCNostra
5 Mork N Bark (#256) 25,874$167,458,995 DG 90mega
6 jackknifed juggernaut (#395) 20,850$165,638,138 DG 90mega
7 AzN StyLe RiCe (#308) 49,129$158,588,127 HG LCNostra
8 the city of good old Watts (#210)  Game profile 32,730$145,224,560 DG LCNostra
9 Dream Team ALPHA (#239) 39,673$142,690,194 H 90mega
10 Work Mexican Work (#238) 39,483$142,628,631 DG RIVAL
11 Don Herbs (#575)  Game profile 47,649$139,792,022 DG EvoAzN
12 Tool (#148) 43,750$133,734,296 DG RIVAL
13 Asterix (#264)  Game profile 25,067$130,026,471 RG MONSTERS
14 Essence of Tumescence (#335)  Game profile 41,258$128,110,710 HG LCNostra
15 High River 2013 (#7) 38,295$124,885,169 H RIVAL
16 Feniks (#245)  Game profile 28,997$122,888,789 H RIVAL
17 I said Boooourns (#124) 30,220$118,369,549 H RIVAL
18 dont use the bidet (#445) 25,000$116,949,621 HG 90mega
19 wigglewigglewiggle (#476) 22,373$116,614,143 HG 90mega
20 The MEAT wagon (#275) 35,689$113,725,619 H RIVAL
21 Rivendell (#299) 21,240$111,623,591 R LCNostra
22 Amish Paradise (#179) 30,148$110,070,098 H 90mega
23 Fury (#35)  Game profile 41,441$109,982,625 HG ICN
24 Lazy 90s (#382) 30,151$107,524,582 HG 90mega
25 Omega Got Dat Goten Jawn Back (#579) 31,647$104,976,231 H 90mega
26 Same old Arsenal (#292) 30,376$103,978,106 DG RIVAL
27 Krakatoa Volcano Eruption 1883 (#6)  Game profile 24,461$103,321,272 H RIVAL
28 Medecins Sans Frontieres (#160) 24,024$103,320,730 RG LCNostra
29 OutaNames (#507)  Game profile 21,747$101,643,952 HG LCNostra
30 now here is nowhere (#334) 22,925$100,880,019 DG MONSTERS
31 Tutuwarrior (#166)  Game profile 28,342$100,623,085 H MONSTERS
32 Bark N Mork (#254)  Game profile 27,639$100,000,958 H 90mega
33 Happiness (#309)  Game profile 23,145$97,672,785 HG MONSTERS
34 nanananananinety (#262) 23,709$96,857,518 H 90mega
35 XC (#233)  Game profile 22,747$95,475,703 HG 90mega
36 Swedish Olympic Gold (#469) 24,302$94,464,833 H 90mega
37 Offtachoke My Carebear (#174) 23,174$93,965,654 HG MD
38 Fengz (#200) 14,280$93,897,322 D 90mega
39 Rivals Black Sheep (#169)  Game profile 28,192$93,841,522 H RIVAL
40 Herp A Derp (#438) 22,892$93,240,212 H RIVAL
41 Darknessland (#505) 23,564$91,710,730 HG 90mega
42 Don Bocce (#989)  Game profile 30,496$91,678,212 H EvoAzN
43 window pain (#552) 22,667$89,437,604 HG 90mega
44 25 Ashes Burn My Soul (#679)  Game profile 27,763$89,099,428 HG SoL
45 Das tut dir gut (#368) 26,304$86,614,281 D MONSTERS
46 name (#394) 10,584$86,439,696 D LCNostra
47 a new golden age (#1106) 33,636$86,250,636 D MD
48 BiBiGoN (#357)  Game profile 18,619$85,595,090 D RIVAL
49 LCN is ranked to high (#194) 20,523$85,301,639 D LCNostra
50 ALPHAs eat Vegemite (#215) 28,908$84,637,741 H 90mega
51 Artichokes scrwed CareBears (#154)  Game profile 31,359$82,950,130 CG MD
52 Out of Space (#378) 27,732$81,838,415 D RIVAL
53 Pop Will Eat Itself (#467) 18,586$80,593,532 H 90mega
54 hoop 20 (#838) 37,447$80,481,585 HG MD
55 Backstreets Back (#79) 27,030$79,892,786 H 90mega
56 Advocate of Light (#56) 29,151$79,846,375 R LCNostra
57 90 Omega 90 (#53)  Game profile 24,592$79,771,723 H 90mega
58 Lone Star Monster (#131)  Game profile 24,134$79,755,219 D MONSTERS
59 Growing up Nostra (#446) 21,240$79,565,758 D LCNostra
60 Cutler Throws Like A Care Bear (#105) 21,000$79,302,418 HG MD
61 OMGD (#47) 19,392$78,933,512 H 90mega
62 NoNsensical Monsters (#337) 29,611$78,162,896 F MONSTERS
63 I am Back (#546) 13,521$77,068,683 D 90mega
64 DEATH (#229) 23,319$75,794,498 F RIVAL
65 Lions (#151) 14,116$74,265,016 DG RIVAL
66 Im Really Bad at This (#242) 21,374$72,670,713 HG 90mega
67 ooops that wasnt a fart (#365) 26,496$72,427,864 F RIVAL
68 uR bOoBs My HaNdZ (#324) 28,427$70,768,609 HG SoL
69 TaliWali (#247)  Game profile 31,092$70,408,642 R MONSTERS
70 Monovision (#515) 25,518$69,808,144 D RIVAL
71 Nyu Pipols Armi (#107) 43,347$69,763,374 C TPA4EVER
72 Pizza Pie (#110) 24,737$69,505,181 D LCNostra
73 One Two Three Bear (#829) 37,662$67,519,151 TG MD
74 Fulamak (#410) 22,483$66,912,215 D 90mega
75 My Scribble Pad (#354) 19,311$61,708,103 R LCNostra
76 Two Pina Coladas (#433) 20,379$61,554,872 D 90mega
77 Don T Fock with me (#102)  Game profile 23,743$61,393,899 C EvoAzN
78 Omega90lazynetters (#325) 31,697$60,119,360 T 90mega
79 Mossad (#116) 29,968$59,992,967 T DK
80 Dauntless (#460) 25,999$59,943,776 R RIVAL
81 barbequed iguana (#241) 20,476$59,823,803 D LCNostra
82 Wonder Bugs (#535) 27,101$58,760,632 D RIVAL
83 King Cobras PlayGround (#203) 20,541$58,109,827 H SoL
84 Cant wall and drive (#708) 20,566$57,823,988 HG SoL
85 Monsters In Your Bed (#259) 10,720$57,771,827 DG MONSTERS
86 Funshine Artichokes (#5)  Game profile 22,018$54,663,947 CG MD
87 Hey Hey What Can I Do Black Dog (#370) 24,697$54,050,767 H LCNostra
88 dOgMiLk (#145)  Game profile 18,008$53,589,393 D 90mega
89 buch (#222)  Game profile 25,152$53,274,474 T DK
90 KillerdragonMD (#361) 18,291$52,688,906 D MD
91 SOL IX (#587) 20,750$51,335,837 HG SoL
92 Phone System Fail (#798) 26,955$51,203,617 DG PDM
93 CareBears Eating Artichokes (#173) 15,095$50,992,504 HG MD
94 Chitshow (#994) 35,331$50,927,413 H RIVAL
95 O72 (#81) 18,548$49,059,050 R ImagNum
96 The Doctor Returns 2 (#483) 23,584$47,612,584 H 90mega
97 Hug Trees Not Missiles (#248)  Game profile 19,867$47,257,609 HG MD
98 The Pantera Apocalypse (#628)  Game profile 18,017$46,282,039 C TPA4EVER
99 Here (#740)  Game profile 27,310$46,017,683 T LCNostra
100 LCNs Village Idiot (#490) 27,552$45,881,827 R LCNostra

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