Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2463
Currently Logged in: 193

Alliance Clan: La Cosa Nostra (LCNostra)

Thirty-first round: Dec 07, 2014 - Feb 06, 2015
Clan Standings
Membership Rank5 of 20
Total Networth Rank4 of 20
Average Networth Rank5 of 20
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
23 Trife makes Liberace look str8 (#226)  Game profile 59,545$161,367,705 DG
39 trife voted for romney twice (#4)  Game profile 46,381$138,987,478 HG
54 Growing up Nostra (#31) 13,379$123,761,573 D
55 Trife smells like Pooh (#382)  Game profile 25,493$123,739,007 H
57 Its Me (#325)  Game profile 14,232$120,787,569 DG
60 Trifes ManLove with Obama (#94) 13,451$120,547,234 D
61 i forgot to spend my stock (#142) 34,012$120,424,940 F
63 Hon Thomas Meyers Esq (#232) 27,543$119,593,086 RG
66 CamaroLand (#39)  Game profile 26,819$117,725,191 H
70 Woopiedo (#100) 22,424$114,367,335 H
75 dont tread on me (#83)  Game profile 47,786$108,965,571 C
100 Not Livin the Trife Life (#87)  Game profile 31,641$93,428,723 H
106 Trife has a Barbie collection (#30) 27,064$91,302,414 HG
107 i refuse to mock a disabled kid (#65) 47,468$90,019,332 D
113 AB (#73) 31,350$84,659,453 R
136 Its Kim Trife JungOn to You (#301) 19,311$69,069,069 D
144 Who ties trifes shoelaces (#380) 16,189$63,662,895 H
155 Bells will be ringing (#269)  Game profile 25,565$56,167,939 R
161 Advocate of Light (#308) 30,785$52,718,230 R
167 even cosby wouldnt bang trife (#297) 19,447$47,794,616 H
197 TBP (#131) 28,035$31,725,957 T
216 AzN StyLe RiCe (#347) 4776$25,081,088 T
237 Trife is his own parents (#101)  Game profile 18,729$20,118,480 M
262 rhinoland (#421) 15,405$14,045,125 R
316 Trife Banged His 1st Cousin (#47)  Game profile 21,134$5,670,125 R
The GUARDIAN (#137) 57$5034 R
Trife is my hero (#230) 5505$509,770 F
I eat trifey for breakfast (#352) 21,260$11,214,556 R

Total countries: 28 (Show ranked countries only)

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