Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2463
Currently Logged in: 193

Alliance Clan: Sons Of Liberty (SOLxMaki)

Fifty-fourth round: Oct 10, 2018 - Dec 09, 2018
Homepage: http://sol.ghqnet.com
Recruitment message: SOL is recruiting! We are a warring clan, believe in honor, integrity, and have a team mentality. SOL welcomes all! The only thing we ask for in return is activeness and participation. You’ll gain friends, gain medals, advance through the ranks, gain game knowledge, and overall become a much better player.
Clan Standings
Membership Rank2 of 20
Total Networth Rank7 of 20
Average Networth Rank9 of 20
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
63 Makironi the slacker (#299) 24,310$40,762,271 T
74 SOLs Death Angel (#62)  Game profile 20,822$26,348,649 I
77 Take Care MakinSOL (#56)  Game profile 17,550$24,029,030 T
78 Makin Bacon (#170)  Game profile 6274$23,661,118 T
81 Academus (#521) 15,231$22,717,630 I
90 Captain Makinso (#430)  Game profile 5480$20,363,939 C
98 Demolition Legion (#184) 18,823$19,563,840 T
126 Maki got destroyed (#514) 15,239$17,853,955 T
160 DaS Ist SoL (#34)  Game profile 12,854$16,202,776 F
173 Attero Dominatus (#513) 16,560$15,207,135 M
176 MakiEatPotatoAgain (#544)  Game profile 7199$15,075,396 T
202 WeeZy (#198) 8537$13,371,185 I
219 Makinso and Dry Thanks (#536) 8261$12,288,915 F
228 PartDeux (#532) 10,711$11,854,968 T
234 Baby Shark (#217) 9684$11,348,096 F
237 Shoguns (#520) 2487$11,288,661 I
239 YoYoYoYo (#549) 5372$11,141,591 I
248 makis undeadz killer (#307)  Game profile 16,682$10,606,003 T
252 Nama Saya Amin (#511) 9123$10,190,476 T
270 Maki Soldier (#523) 6871$8,982,649 T
282 EF 4 Maki (#23) 14,509$8,598,407 I
343 Baby Shark (#409)  Game profile 4111$5,337,278 T
355 SOLs undead killer (#563)  Game profile 5042$4,766,919 T
363 Suicidal (#534) 2820$4,422,253 I
376 Carcass (#556) 666$3,795,525 T
378 How Bout MakiNO (#30)  Game profile 864$3,734,898 I
382 New Klot (#142)  Game profile 3627$3,644,731 C
384 Suicidal WeeZy Drunck (#517)  Game profile 9221$3,576,779 T
393 EF for life 2 (#559) 5172$3,161,674 M
398 Penguin Lands SOL 2 (#541) 3658$2,667,396 T
Jekyll (#8)  Game profile 12,286$15,981,605 T
Nama Saya Amin (#16) 34,075$18,487,792 I
17 Makinsos Thanks (#22) 16,362$11,718,133 F
Penguin Lands SOL (#29) 4462$5,564,413 I
Suicidal (#43) 17,092$21,249,095 I
Feed Maki With Potato (#67)  Game profile 21,457$18,045,992 T
YoYoYoYo (#77) 14,767$17,017,727 I
Low (#103) 21,147$16,187,894 F
Makinso is HAWT (#149) 33,902$18,461,051 F
Mike Delta (#239) 41,600$23,621,020 F
GeneralMaki the Destroyer (#243) 30,412$23,080,082 T
Dr MakinSoL (#253)  Game profile 20,655$13,924,217 T
Asylum of the Rogue Templar (#295) 44,407$26,652,332 M
FrazzleDazzleisMissed (#352)  Game profile 120$5617 M
MakisRevenge (#410) 22,847$22,008,341 T
Universal SOLdier (#426) 16,838$17,557,023 T
sol nick boom (#439) 12,487$11,349,741 T

Total countries: 47 (Show ranked countries only)

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