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Active countries: 2575
Currently Logged in: 173

Alliance Clan: The Omega Cartoon Edition (Toonmega)

Sixth round: Oct 04, 2010 - Dec 03, 2010
Clan Standings
Membership Rank5 of 21
Total Networth Rank2 of 21
Average Networth Rank2 of 21
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
7 COWABUNGA (#507) 28,633$173,727,126 DG
8 OMG Highrock Killed Kenny (#325) 24,329$171,522,616 DG
18 Corrupted Apple (#168) 14,546$147,493,086 DG
21 Turtle Power (#388) 28,164$146,430,913 HG
22 The Age of Gargoyles (#331)  Game profile 33,689$143,244,459 DG
25 MicroteK (#212) 30,438$137,472,034 HG
28 Schmetterling in Gummi Glen (#566) 27,083$134,502,287 HG
34 BiteMyShinyMetalBender (#230) 30,780$128,680,107 HG
35 Soundwave G1 (#317) 24,907$126,894,797 HG
36 Captain Planet (#416)  Game profile 26,684$126,821,854 H
37 Popeye The Sailor Man (#509) 28,938$126,694,160 HG
38 Yaba Daba Dooo (#306) 30,279$126,624,903 HG
39 Betty and Minnie the Moocher (#486)  Game profile 11,785$125,206,341 DG
44 At Shortstop Bugs Bunny (#290)  Game profile 30,495$118,046,000 HG
46 You are very dumb for real (#413) 29,440$116,834,351 DG
48 Kumbaya Eek the Cat (#286)  Game profile 31,203$115,297,128 D
51 Turtles in a half shell (#560) 27,413$112,103,020 DG
56 The End (#550) 26,556$109,977,602 DG
62 Vicky Viking (#579) 27,050$104,926,373 HG
71 Alicia loves Mighty Mouse (#420) 29,954$100,000,000 DG
72 Dark Magician (#339) 29,062$99,689,568 HG
75 Omega Roadrunner goes meep meep (#270) 29,603$98,533,158 HG
90 Rainbow Brite (#321)  Game profile 25,461$88,047,174 H
93 Havoc touched me (#663) 24,510$87,597,427 DG
97 Molson (#637) 30,424$85,370,221 DG
99 Cheesecake Factory (#567) 9123$81,951,616 HG
104 Bamse (#596) 27,976$80,360,382 D
130 Scrotie Mcboogerballs (#664) 16,478$62,215,051 R
135 Danger Mouse (#380) 26,433$60,885,381 D
140 My Little Pwny (#485) 11,093$57,485,487 H
155 ThelastAirbender (#651) 19,689$49,121,042 H
156 Pole Position (#459) 17,404$47,019,010 DG
183 Lets Get Dangerous (#232)  Game profile 22,890$37,953,357 C
193 Strength of Ten Ordinary Men (#356) 20,590$34,018,354 C
241 Sally Two Dicks (#652) 15,649$21,645,150 H
263 Baloos Air Service (#312) 26,526$18,422,372 HG
315 SniperOne (#673) 6247$12,190,702 R
321 Spiderman (#465) 17,155$11,845,961 D

Total countries: 38

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