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Active countries: 2462
Currently Logged in: 205

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 156th round: Nov 19, 2012 - Nov 26, 2012 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 140 countries in the Express server.

1 McDonalds (#38)  Game profile 23,678$33,786,376 CG
2 Land of Asia (#52) 23,948$25,668,935 CG
3 Where is this place (#93) 20,725$24,392,473 RG
4 boneSAW or vintage or afaik (#48)  Game profile 20,904$20,000,000 CG
5 And so on (#85) 15,143$18,430,283 RG
6 nina dobrev is an angel (#63)  Game profile 14,110$17,662,535 FG
7 GatorNation (#115)  Game profile 11,534$16,828,937 RG
8 World War Z (#57) 16,527$16,728,262 CG
9 Amaru (#21)  Game profile 5332$15,782,115 R
10 Shenandoah Valley (#16) 11,499$14,822,600 RG
11 assAssin is an Ars whole (#73) 17,064$14,455,838 CG
12 Axion Jaxon Jump Up (#2) 9146$14,366,997 HG
13 Enterprise NX01 (#12)  Game profile 15,467$13,281,685 CG
14 strugglin (#11) 11,180$13,150,691 HG
15 xpress (#103)  Game profile 8029$12,250,291 HG
16 Payback b4tch (#23) 15,968$11,903,349 I
17 Whore to Culture (#82)  Game profile 9112$11,859,441 R
18 Your Mum Got Dick (#42) 15,192$11,688,025 HG
19 Foaskei (#20) 13,221$11,506,731 FG
20 C R O A T I A (#43)  Game profile 20,910$11,506,085 DG
21 Helos (#99) 13,143$11,458,584 HG
22 USSR2025 (#123) 13,935$11,384,436 RG
23 True Grit (#81) 12,383$11,266,703 R
24 Sorry Number XX (#8) 7843$10,356,859 HG
25 BioHazzard from XI (#39)  Game profile 8834$10,342,293 FG
26 Vodoo Lounge (#13) 13,310$10,223,400 RG
27 Cascade (#53) 9690$9,764,525 HG
28 neversilence (#89)  Game profile 10,276$9,734,619 CG
29 ingle (#77) 10,994$9,548,480 HG
30 Arathodoxia (#32)  Game profile 10,179$9,540,842 RG
31 TheForest SoF Cocoy (#95) 15,036$9,394,126 CG
32 Hultahult (#60)  Game profile 9458$9,026,800 DG
33 You Kicked My Dog (#50) 14,881$8,560,525 C
34 Ultra Vires (#88) 11,621$8,423,265 HG
35 steel (#83) 13,319$8,379,842 F
36 kaizerlovescarlita2 (#36) 9640$8,111,421 F
37 Das ist SoLs Driver (#33)  Game profile 13,244$7,950,290 CG
38 No Touch SKrillex Land (#92)  Game profile 11,231$7,853,617 C
39 Im pink therefore Im spam (#51) 9553$7,808,411 D
40 Walls Of Stalingrad (#3) 16,564$7,646,647 DG
41 I R WoG SuperFly (#9)  Game profile 9363$7,489,466 CG
42 PaRaDiSo (#98) 12,879$7,385,951 D
43 1death2death3 (#55) 14,282$7,348,540 C
44 ALLIESYeah I need them (#64)  Game profile 13,132$6,947,597 H
45 shark tank (#25) 10,991$6,838,317 D
46 Ole (#90) 16,745$6,746,820 CG
47 xDFAx (#58)  Game profile 7968$6,394,537 R
48 L O C U S T (#24)  Game profile 12,264$6,253,831 HG
49 Hopper (#114) 11,554$5,499,254 H
50 133tz (#71)  Game profile 13,636$5,139,890 CG
51 Zachelvania (#106)  Game profile 6645$4,924,854 F
52 YK (#74) 10,160$4,781,576 C
53 Issus (#5) 5611$4,774,916 D
54 BuYaKa (#119) 13,238$4,749,839 C
55 grimshaw (#104)  Game profile 9356$4,594,852 T
56 umadbro (#7) 11,063$4,550,417 CG
57 Red Bus (#18) 7654$4,534,877 R
58 TT (#15) 10,598$4,503,011 F
59 NorWestNaturalsPaintball com (#27) 13,605$4,449,208 F
60 Isengard (#54) 8627$4,430,462 H
61 Faulty Missiles (#35) 5995$4,389,142 H
62 Pig Destroyer (#67) 12,699$4,218,345 F
63 Whips and Chains (#49) 6845$4,034,782 C
64 1 (#87) 12,119$4,029,508 DG
65 Alin (#101)  Game profile 7466$3,955,253 T
66 Pangea (#75) 6065$3,911,669 HG
67 Dara (#94) 9242$3,754,928 R
68 terranova (#46) 10,174$3,749,903 T
69 Thanksgiving (#62) 9531$3,736,000 CG
70 Greennation (#70) 8926$3,626,930 F
71 Adeptus Astartes (#10) 7482$3,551,971 TG
72 MArineLiFePaRK (#113) 10,044$3,549,050 TG
73 abc (#68) 8878$3,503,672 R
74 Badonkadonks (#6)  Game profile 14,507$3,411,757 C
75 Cocaine Factory (#41) 8341$3,369,414 HG
76 zackayou (#45) 7573$3,312,227 IG
77 The Cloaked has Derpes (#19)  Game profile 11,026$2,922,954 C
78 North Dakota Ya (#31) 9071$2,820,137 C
79 JOIN NEOFED or DIE (#14) 8817$2,707,934 C
80 DeviousBastage (#66) 3554$2,662,316 I
81 Vengence (#30) 9001$2,604,257 T
82 Pakistan (#59) 10,652$2,470,443 R
83 Make Haste (#125) 6901$2,431,086 TG
84 tainted pussy (#61) 779$2,303,463 T
85 Silliness (#76)  Game profile 10,412$2,289,596 CG
86 Faerun (#100) 6470$2,283,835 C
87 winterfell (#79) 5781$2,265,909 D
88 Wolf359 (#44) 7426$2,242,146 F
89 DarwinMaufucka (#111) 7759$2,060,753 H
90 HatchetUnderground (#34)  Game profile 4304$1,974,451 F
91 Mesovaus (#22) 8934$1,951,246 M
92 Golden Falcons (#17) 6828$1,767,782 C
93 Noveria (#129) 6741$1,642,986 C
94 Kaboom Goes Gaza (#29) 7866$1,559,233 HG
95 Password is Taco (#65) 9267$1,538,516 R
96 Quinnibaug (#102) 4085$1,499,249 C
97 Mzirites (#97) 5918$1,448,512 C
98 LG NETWORTH 877 GRAB NOOOOOWWWWW (#120) 7854$1,442,972 C
99 Warner (#4)  Game profile 6893$1,392,551 DG
100 DanoLand (#127) 9872$1,299,594 R

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