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Active countries: 2474
Currently Logged in: 190

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 317th round: Dec 21, 2015 - Dec 27, 2015 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 112 countries in the Express server.

1 Hydroponic Avocado (#90)  Game profile 31,000$34,380,050 C
2 saison (#12) 24,730$22,262,292 HG
3 MakeMyDay (#93) 18,084$19,820,465 RG
4 I R WoG SuperFly (#17)  Game profile 18,576$19,455,736 CG
5 BiBiGoN (#50)  Game profile 18,380$18,867,234 CG
6 nowhere (#74) 16,745$16,753,101 CG
7 C R O A T I A (#33)  Game profile 9150$16,367,725 RG
8 Navarone (#59) 17,004$14,273,802 CG
9 I always retal (#40) 19,685$14,246,529 CG
10 Knight Club (#94) 10,925$14,110,211 T
11 BaDonkaDonks (#87)  Game profile 12,905$13,802,287 FG
12 mFrost (#86)  Game profile 14,819$13,685,651 FG
13 Lox (#57) 6353$12,120,580 D
14 I M GROOT (#9)  Game profile 14,055$11,950,721 DG
15 CSS (#14) 159$11,804,098 MG
16 I H8 XMAS (#43) 15,139$11,474,893 RG
17 Mr Lucky (#19)  Game profile 15,983$11,252,929 R
18 and1me2i3 (#23) 15,655$10,554,188 HG
19 RustyNails (#22) 10,538$10,120,055 RG
20 big mountain fudgecake (#24) 10,740$9,769,971 D
21 Crimson (#2) 1660$9,236,581 HG
22 jimmy (#85) 9876$8,804,084 DG
23 Gastronome (#25) 12,732$8,801,920 RG
24 Worthy Rocking Wildcat (#77) 5149$8,634,564 H
25 christmas time (#21) 7995$8,299,724 RG
26 No Hay Problemo (#91)  Game profile 12,207$8,135,891 T
27 Scheherazade (#26)  Game profile 16,976$8,005,492 RG
28 jnhbuhguytdtsed (#97) 13,043$7,825,682 I
29 RiverFishin (#13) 11,026$7,383,277 F
30 Saudi Arabia (#36)  Game profile 10,359$7,268,346 HG
31 Jag (#70)  Game profile 14,777$7,005,658 C
32 Fat Girls need Love too (#16) 10,510$6,904,782 F
33 (#1) 12,018$6,803,163 HG
34 Lord Anfarc Frozen (#67) 5102$6,517,003 H
35 Pallas (#103) 13,838$6,356,958 RG
36 Sevastopol (#92) 15,128$6,194,704 CG
37 Fourth Reich (#95) 16,115$6,039,078 CG
38 Serious Mole (#42) 4768$6,019,973 H
39 Retaliation Swift and Sure (#8) 7577$5,543,109 I
40 Petoria (#37) 11,975$5,147,585 CG
41 artichoke (#28) 12,154$4,737,382 RG
42 Bealx of the Devils (#47) 5162$4,686,469 T
43 Darkwing Duck (#88)  Game profile 11,032$4,504,604 C
44 7734 (#18)  Game profile 12,648$4,328,720 CG
45 MatthewBooker (#30) 10,044$4,036,909 C
46 Enterprise NX01 (#96)  Game profile 12,028$4,001,689 RG
47 donazee (#31) 8401$3,883,035 R
48 Kool (#29) 12,875$3,709,651 HG
49 garlic breath (#7) 12,499$3,606,461 F
50 I Pooped Thrice Today (#66) 7510$3,500,361 T
51 landfarm (#6)  Game profile 6169$3,486,565 TG
52 Freaky Mare (#73) 11,345$3,473,662 R
53 EagleEagle (#61) 11,924$3,467,612 F
54 Honey Crystal (#68) 11,847$3,407,136 R
55 YEs (#76) 13,981$3,260,835 R
56 mERRY cHRISTMAS (#98) 7904$3,244,888 RG
57 Kala Silverblade Silverblade (#41) 9399$3,147,020 F
58 Zenobeuther (#56) 12,031$3,035,133 D
59 Veldar (#71) 10,283$3,023,652 D
60 Bloody Margaret Seagull (#58) 12,583$3,014,345 I
61 Caraxes (#52) 14,363$2,680,728 I
62 BiBiHoN (#20) 8755$2,626,251 HG
63 Captain Luna Darkblade (#38) 11,267$2,617,517 I
64 the Temple (#27) 9208$2,544,340 RG
65 The Mighty Horde (#82) 4754$2,397,637 T
66 Maximum Plastic (#51) 7633$2,366,330 F
67 Dingleberry (#34) 4815$2,063,099 H
68 KoopaWreckedYourMum (#99) 5383$2,000,073 C
69 5 (#111)  Game profile 4009$1,885,217 T
70 InjectMethSmashDopeWigOut (#78) 7839$1,849,045 C
71 Naughty List (#4) 3483$1,771,854 CG
72 Blow Stock to Retal (#62)  Game profile 6636$1,726,109 HG
73 Honey Sweet (#54) 12,453$1,662,745 I
74 Justahllaspor (#64) 11,993$1,643,762 C
75 blackout (#46) 0$1,530,410 C
76 KnIgHt (#32) 8740$1,509,924 CG
77 Home (#3) 5708$1,502,102 CG
78 Ruby Bitter (#39) 10,502$1,387,072 C
79 crash site (#48)  Game profile 9327$1,382,977 R
80 Blah (#114) 3543$1,347,459 T
81 Canada (#75) 7017$1,335,114 HG
82 666 (#110) 8056$1,050,000 M
83 Albrecht Winters (#60) 7476$1,019,759 R
84 Ban Muslim MFKRs Chop EM UP (#35) 5210$1,007,667 D
85 evilempire (#83) 5393$870,930 TG
86 Captain Brutus Black (#69) 7936$827,628 C
87 Riss (#55) 6015$821,570 M
88 Rare Larva (#45) 5617$770,916 M
89 Small Breeze (#105) 6080$713,636 M
90 Jazz Dangerous (#104) 5637$713,461 C
91 pass the eggnog (#72) 5073$676,198 F
92 TBP (#15) 6357$659,582 M
93 one day wonder (#113)  Game profile 3809$658,177 C
94 Irona (#80) 4656$638,977 M
95 ab (#101) 6478$630,056 F
96 Comtesse Angelina Raving (#44) 6909$580,639 C
97 Theodora Tapetes (#79) 4796$401,042 C
98 Morbid Mizar (#109) 2649$399,051 I
99 noo (#112) 4446$385,147 F
100 Tilthan Kilder (#49) 4618$377,826 C

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