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Top Players - Express

Next Reset Thirty-seventh round: Aug 10, 2010 - Aug 16, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 113 countries in the Express server.

1 enshula (#29) 324$24,910,127 HG
2 unduly aided theo (#66) 14,024$20,093,681 HG
3 bored (#76) 13,302$19,403,192 HG
4 Unicorn Paradise (#25) 11,166$17,566,197 R
5 Hammer Jackson (#68) 10,713$17,261,045 HG
6 Kualalala Lumpur (#84)  Game profile 7151$17,016,510 HG
7 Detroit Playa (#85) 8387$16,487,554 HG
8 corfu (#97)  Game profile 10,021$15,508,212 H
9 Wharfed (#22)  Game profile 12,752$15,460,151 RG
10 BigPinkBear (#59) 9193$14,375,666 H
11 Planet Spot (#57) 6340$14,064,375 HG
12 Voyager NCC74656 (#40)  Game profile 12,187$13,627,669 R
13 Torguth (#28)  Game profile 13,054$13,463,148 R
14 Vestax (#77) 15,452$12,799,822 F
15 Walls Of Stalingrad (#1) 7389$12,325,846 HG
16 FroGGy (#6)  Game profile 12,162$11,233,394 RG
17 iTunes Sucks so Bad it BLOWS (#67) 6182$10,900,651 HG
18 she blurs the line (#69) 9504$10,660,410 R
19 jajajaja (#45) 12,688$10,228,206 FG
20 Dai Tormy Dai (#99) 9547$9,944,878 H
21 The Land of Dangling Participals (#38) 13,191$9,649,111 FG
22 Trigger (#56) 13,657$9,415,407 R
23 White Crystals (#89) 5964$9,385,474 H
24 EDgeville (#5) 8201$9,353,083 R
25 Your mom was DTF last night (#41)  Game profile 13,858$8,843,170 FG
26 bws country (#90) 14,538$8,644,125 F
27 SpyMeAndISuicide (#15) 17,340$8,504,492 H
28 NICKel (#70) 12,537$8,384,286 HG
29 Farts Are Good (#21) 15,207$8,370,512 CG
30 Because Toma Wont Let Me Rest (#83)  Game profile 11,145$8,214,306 HG
31 Starvin Marvin (#62) 14,894$8,139,565 H
32 PRS Dragon (#46) 11,904$8,048,396 RG
33 Doras Dead (#93) 10,318$7,942,572 C
34 wicked (#44) 8108$7,797,748 H
35 El Arzorn A Odin (#108) 9082$7,645,585 RG
36 diamonds and guns (#36)  Game profile 8797$7,582,190 T
37 EyE m SeKsI (#61)  Game profile 6135$7,296,550 C
38 31 (#31)  Game profile 20,711$7,277,122 F
39 Polgara (#42) 13,278$7,126,913 H
40 Surrey Hills (#35) 10,129$6,886,700 H
41 FATTY McFAT FAT (#10) 7962$6,879,667 R
42 Missle (#65) 9147$6,664,929 R
43 secret squirrel (#37) 13,082$6,554,858 RG
44 tony (#55) 6184$6,460,937 R
45 Neptune (#39) 9790$6,317,950 H
46 Gunny gonna slap a hoe (#53) 15,610$6,166,242 R
47 Imag (#2) 9775$6,047,686 D
48 Cyanide (#32) 13,295$5,977,843 C
49 Troy (#24) 15,230$5,330,940 I
50 Maple Leafs Hockey (#12)  Game profile 11,281$5,314,694 HG
51 dagga (#104)  Game profile 6450$5,203,631 D
52 Thou shall kill (#60) 11,836$4,750,523 F
53 karma (#7) 7723$4,584,853 DG
54 I WIN (#72)  Game profile 9080$4,494,504 C
55 Top Cat (#100) 13,270$4,177,207 H
56 HALO WARS (#88)  Game profile 1801$4,161,013 I
57 Mehul Patel (#87) 10,751$4,116,163 RG
58 susans (#98) 26,685$4,108,455 I
59 Scruff (#13) 9014$4,064,607 IG
60 Can of half eaten tuna (#91) 8314$4,025,786 H
61 Meatwad (#26) 8784$3,947,791 TG
62 you never forget 1st love (#3) 9778$3,910,453 I
63 Swagger of a Chupacabra (#82)  Game profile 12,754$3,895,596 F
64 TripleSixMafia (#19) 10,434$3,799,729 C
65 Soviet Union of Death (#86) 9144$3,596,950 C
66 Arm01 (#106) 7667$3,531,359 M
67 ksfforever (#27) 12,210$3,497,102 RG
68 Say IT LoUd (#34) 8263$3,261,707 H
69 wanna get chemmed then hit me (#17)  Game profile 10,102$3,254,330 R
70 obsessive retals dont LG me (#74) 8250$3,098,922 T
71 w (#18) 6537$2,993,083 HG
72 Blagu (#58) 4274$2,715,754 R
73 Uticant (#102) 2839$2,704,822 T
74 Zachelvania (#43)  Game profile 4518$2,463,507 T
75 Illyria (#48) 9532$2,430,386 R
76 this is my weekend (#8)  Game profile 9282$2,392,627 C
77 If i was a suicider id be dead (#16) 13,225$2,343,222 D
78 Extensa (#78) 8609$2,057,860 R
79 Click Click BOOM (#109)  Game profile 5901$1,992,008 T
80 Captain Jack (#51) 6703$1,965,500 T
81 Samantha Smiles (#47) 16,018$1,965,155 T
82 Jus In Bellum (#9) 9111$1,934,360 C
83 SHEMPised (#81) 1819$1,904,459 T
84 Sketch Electro Beetle V7 (#49) 9923$1,873,363 RG
85 MOBSTERS (#96) 5544$1,831,034 T
86 Regina George (#4) 2708$1,798,486 F
87 I ARE MULTI ASSIMILATE (#92)  Game profile 3865$1,335,937 C
88 UrPoweredByPuppyKisses (#75) 6392$1,310,197 C
89 Cajunland (#23) 5853$1,270,697 I
90 EDSA Revolution (#30) 4612$1,006,383 C
91 Last Ride (#111) 5685$887,719 F
92 i dont retal i SuIcIdE (#95) 3876$707,854 T
93 To Start War Press Here (#11) 1344$473,704 T
94 llaars test country (#80) 20$320,061 D
95 Landfarmer (#20) 3018$305,687 T
96 Torch (#52)  Game profile 1102$217,949 RG
97 Weeping Angel (#14) 2047$168,825 R
98 FRANKLINFISH (#54) 1007$111,517 C
99 walau aku kalah aku kisah apa (#79) 1573$91,936 R
100 Lebesque measure this (#64) 869$80,560 M

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