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Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 199

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 486th round: Mar 18, 2019 - Mar 24, 2019 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 108 countries in the Express server.

1 Eagle on a Par Three (#3) 20,574$58,549,579 DG
2 tatties ower the side (#37) 31,043$53,853,653 CG
3 dxc3 (#53) 18,207$42,687,612 DG
4 Vox Clamantis In Deserto (#78) 33,691$39,082,578 CG
5 Lollipop Gang (#100)  Game profile 31,899$34,755,252 HG
6 MassiveWang (#25)  Game profile 18,293$30,075,943 HG
7 Rock Lobster (#80)  Game profile 13,684$28,143,984 RG
8 I R WoG SuperFly (#23)  Game profile 15,000$24,110,958 CG
9 Humbug (#8) 7137$24,022,246 DG
10 Puppygristle (#66)  Game profile 13,803$23,339,926 CG
11 9EiGhT (#98) 3977$22,086,985 RG
12 BioHazard from XI (#49)  Game profile 7306$20,628,603 HG
13 Vince McMahon (#12)  Game profile 14,475$19,292,750 RG
14 Whatever (#27)  Game profile 15,601$17,685,920 RG
15 Ace of Spades (#90) 13,437$17,153,052 CG
16 landfarm (#59)  Game profile 14,977$16,917,275 HG
17 Xxx Jake the Dog xxX (#101) 20,030$15,722,822 CG
18 BaDonkaDonks (#94)  Game profile 14,274$14,235,556 HG
19 Dazed and confused (#20)  Game profile 16,180$14,170,300 MG
20 Harker William Black (#62) 5180$13,906,184 D
21 UltramaN (#7) 13,440$13,611,322 HG
22 Kastenzs Horde (#67) 5854$13,068,369 HG
23 Panther Sweet (#1) 6512$12,157,584 D
24 Trying not to lose it by Sat (#17) 20,929$12,028,821 C
25 Calene (#22) 6073$11,682,450 T
26 wwwHelpingTheLittleGuycom (#82)  Game profile 5973$11,151,046 HG
27 Karatel (#42) 15,746$11,076,540 CG
28 What Do I Do With All These Turn (#68)  Game profile 9981$10,172,998 RG
29 Trustee Lady (#43) 15,805$9,799,888 R
30 Mylene (#33) 14,830$9,435,399 R
31 celphi (#4) 15,882$8,846,588 RG
32 hooray (#104)  Game profile 6045$8,509,642 D
33 Ayne Kilder (#47) 5323$8,305,140 D
34 Sithikpildoor (#52) 5343$8,300,156 H
35 Brave Scissors (#38) 16,079$8,272,292 RG
36 Herringbone (#6) 11,352$8,259,777 H
37 Cainon Draghone (#48) 15,997$8,226,206 RG
38 Count Blood Zek (#32) 5549$8,138,251 T
39 Tomara (#28) 15,321$7,878,172 RG
40 Kardashian Kommonwealth (#39)  Game profile 12,459$7,365,066 DG
41 Lord Zerin Tapetes (#72) 5662$7,364,704 D
42 Riandurs Parents (#13) 16,002$7,276,001 RG
43 Gloomy Backpack (#73) 11,946$7,151,640 R
44 Blacksmith John Redbeard (#58) 15,771$7,027,329 R
45 Pink Reindeer (#56) 14,995$6,989,429 D
46 Bandit Kangaroo (#83) 15,678$6,790,298 R
47 Rapid Jupiter (#63) 14,357$6,700,921 R
48 Furious Azazel (#93) 14,476$6,675,972 IG
49 Marcia Ravenbeard (#57) 5058$6,547,189 DG
50 Mujardins Heart (#81) 15,950$6,317,203 D
51 mattyfran (#103) 15,313$6,306,611 R
52 Ipdorn Relboron (#61) 15,621$5,954,858 FG
53 Big blue bug (#14) 14,583$5,564,997 T
54 Dreadbeard Jack Dreadbeard (#36) 14,487$5,274,340 R
55 Salty Misha Darkblade (#46) 15,517$5,268,858 R
56 Generic County Name (#44)  Game profile 10,398$5,212,375 T
57 De Belleville George Ravenbeard (#96) 13,882$5,196,803 R
58 Essential Peasant (#41) 13,672$5,110,569 F
59 Bernie Sanders (#5) 13,300$5,037,939 RG
60 Little Blue Bug (#99)  Game profile 8257$4,889,704 D
61 Richard Cranium (#35) 7574$4,859,652 I
62 Jane Deadwood (#77) 5060$4,577,812 HG
63 Invisiblebully (#71)  Game profile 11,738$4,570,101 M
64 DAMN I MISSED THE END (#10) 17,512$4,507,674 RG
65 Weshinlurd (#26) 13,147$4,493,393 F
66 Draghone (#60) 13,187$4,284,428 I
67 MM (#87) 15,394$4,193,985 C
68 Obama yo momma (#16) 13,576$4,185,631 TG
69 Colt (#84) 15,989$4,184,323 F
70 Dosmans Villains (#86) 11,337$4,140,352 F
71 you like my beer belly (#18) 11,768$4,107,761 H
72 RAWR (#88) 9434$3,961,680 C
73 Salty Jack Sangre (#51) 13,860$3,787,032 F
74 Comtesse Zynoa Blood (#34) 13,741$3,718,710 C
75 Xelx Pendus (#15) 13,386$3,677,777 M
76 Abdun Staph Temil (#89) 11,545$3,633,993 C
77 Jacob Redbeard Ravenblack (#31) 12,958$3,621,699 F
78 Wathmon Mathar (#69) 11,102$3,575,651 C
79 Bonzai Kitten (#105)  Game profile 3000$3,547,087 DG
80 Jack Gull Seagull (#40) 12,899$3,436,489 M
81 Ysane (#64) 12,271$3,373,440 C
82 Trump Tower (#55) 8217$3,261,027 HG
83 Thol Beeron (#54) 10,859$3,108,686 C
84 Lord Purple Vlador (#76) 11,948$3,031,248 F
85 The Wolves of Mafur (#45) 13,663$2,983,282 R
86 The Warriors of Mardin (#74) 8871$2,692,067 C
87 Damion Vinther (#50) 14,083$2,674,133 M
88 Jacob Digger Seagull (#70) 13,106$2,654,034 M
89 Smellott (#97) 5098$2,485,224 R
90 Aldaren (#75) 12,721$2,368,011 D
91 Elson Agon (#29) 7759$2,020,509 I
92 Anfarc Elidin (#19) 7565$2,009,106 CG
93 Duck (#111) 5004$1,705,384 H
94 achaelogue guild (#110)  Game profile 2623$1,487,638 M
95 Lord Alexander Von drakon (#65) 12,049$1,473,527 F
96 Black William Shelley (#85) 12,674$1,361,187 F
97 why am i paid less than women (#21) 8059$1,097,369 T
98 Mine (#107) 9846$1,090,016 D
99 chilipepper (#24) 0$1,040,412 C
100 Deez Nutssssssss (#2)  Game profile 6174$908,161 T

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