Feb 26 - Apr 26
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Jan 12 - Mar 12
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Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 200

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 587th round: Feb 22, 2021 - Mar 01, 2021 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 95 countries in the Express server.

1 All We See Is Sky For Forever (#79)  Game profile 14,940$55,610,021 DG
2 coulda shoulda woulda (#65)  Game profile 14,396$40,607,491 DG
3 Kamala Harryass (#44)  Game profile 24,299$40,429,768 HG
4 letting nitell win this time (#45)  Game profile 6414$37,638,624 DG
5 I R WoG SuperFly I RETAL (#14)  Game profile 19,890$23,812,316 CG
6 Lords of Chaos (#31)  Game profile 25,328$22,743,281 CG
7 NIO (#78)  Game profile 12,038$22,726,781 H
8 RasTIEfari (#85)  Game profile 11,021$22,246,645 H
9 Tmac (#51)  Game profile 12,164$19,276,517 TG
10 plat time (#3)  Game profile 15,931$16,181,306 HG
11 Tech guy (#6)  Game profile 25,982$16,028,469 C
12 World Of Tankers (#42)  Game profile 24,511$14,403,514 DG
13 Here Again (#30)  Game profile 14,592$12,883,562 RG
14 Magnus Fargloom (#32) 5074$12,227,455 D
15 IIII IIII IIII (#88)  Game profile 14,592$11,252,355 CG
16 Mesilla Madness (#2)  Game profile 11,159$11,189,089 RG
17 Escape from Heaven (#82)  Game profile 18,845$11,171,602 H
18 Comtesse Raven Theodora (#22) 6704$9,858,054 H
19 Zio Darkblood (#53) 15,782$9,248,947 R
20 Print (#68) 16,563$8,858,036 R
21 Shelley Nathan Scully (#18) 14,858$8,601,168 RG
22 Seantopia (#73)  Game profile 11,434$8,590,830 H
23 Garlic Kildiz (#56) 15,355$8,396,249 F
24 Pointless Moose (#37) 5178$8,381,915 T
25 no (#33)  Game profile 13,903$7,961,877 RG
26 Vectomons Slayers (#8) 15,186$7,874,282 R
27 The Yodelers (#63) 15,482$7,797,484 R
28 Driz (#57) 5709$7,680,731 HG
29 Lady Lana Dreadweep (#52) 5460$7,677,195 D
30 Lidorn Riders (#13) 16,153$7,657,926 RG
31 The land of law and order (#7)  Game profile 15,265$7,581,498 IG
32 Ibfistbaduk (#62) 5852$7,551,630 D
33 Daimons of Mythik (#28) 15,677$7,511,746 RG
34 Brave Alpha (#58) 15,439$7,451,680 R
35 Screaming Dingo (#47) 5064$7,262,785 D
36 Rebel Mellow Sugar (#23) 14,414$7,027,807 RG
37 Stoker Rosa Shelley (#27) 4549$7,025,175 DG
38 Carolina Moonship (#41) 14,990$7,010,278 D
39 Padan Cipyar (#21) 15,659$6,825,593 R
40 Strong King (#43) 15,609$6,808,389 I
41 Comtesse Devil Iris (#36) 15,593$6,535,406 R
42 Flower Lamb (#46) 15,091$6,218,910 D
43 Terraplana (#67)  Game profile 11,690$5,681,777 C
44 Lana Slavanovitz (#26) 15,133$5,625,339 F
45 Ravenbeard Johnny Davis (#72) 3984$5,486,671 D
46 Fadiss (#11)  Game profile 22,567$5,431,330 H
47 Zestia Schneeky (#38) 14,734$5,417,782 IG
48 Falcords Trolls (#71) 14,400$5,355,300 FG
49 Bleeding Cat (#16) 15,948$5,321,115 D
50 Kelar Calden (#35) 14,258$5,186,868 D
51 Ayne Bein (#61) 15,021$4,941,873 FG
52 Dask Ancestor (#60) 13,983$4,721,799 H
53 Synestra Atlin (#24) 12,790$4,646,089 C
54 HOTA (#77)  Game profile 11,588$4,585,276 CG
55 Express Groun Hog (#17)  Game profile 13,484$4,528,192 H
56 RatZilla (#5)  Game profile 9025$4,527,299 HG
57 Dookie Shoes (#1)  Game profile 12,228$4,489,777 C
58 Stanley Twenty Five (#81)  Game profile 9603$4,436,303 IG
59 EntrixLand (#83)  Game profile 14,797$4,306,855 HG
60 ThePassage (#25)  Game profile 14,366$4,075,927 MG
61 Chill Smooth West Coast Gangsta (#20)  Game profile 8315$4,061,702 F
62 Brynhilde (#69) 10,467$3,590,964 C
63 Trolls of Sothale (#64) 11,353$3,583,595 C
64 Warm Wriggler (#59) 10,868$3,528,204 C
65 Early Straw Mars (#66) 12,457$3,523,219 FG
66 Alliance of Zilex (#4) 11,427$3,481,755 C
67 ASTRAL (#75)  Game profile 10,684$3,480,042 DG
68 Davis John Digger (#54) 11,537$3,353,995 C
69 Nomagestuss Ancestor (#49) 11,098$3,249,038 C
70 Gai Vilan Mezo (#29) 12,072$3,143,295 C
71 Tespan Etar (#34) 10,903$3,112,903 C
72 Unportant (#84)  Game profile 14,856$2,915,060 CG
73 Count Alexander Sangre (#40) 13,391$2,909,918 R
74 Moonship Misha Silverbeard (#39) 10,458$2,700,473 C
75 Mardin Grim (#19) 7497$2,655,017 CG
76 PETE (#80)  Game profile 10,136$2,652,283 I
77 Zema Zilex (#15) 13,015$2,629,359 M
78 Colthan (#76) 14,725$2,494,740 R
79 John Harker Hawkins (#55) 13,124$2,209,313 I
80 Amara (#50) 13,084$2,171,266 M
81 Trolls from Print (#10) 12,590$2,066,161 M
82 USSR (#12)  Game profile 9667$1,902,059 T
83 Guardians of Bealx (#74) 7409$1,743,408 I
84 0 0 0 0 0 (#87)  Game profile 4699$1,461,064 TG
85 Mine (#91)  Game profile 6040$895,016 D
86 WhoLivesWhoDiesWhoTellsYourStory (#48)  Game profile 6665$769,869 DG
87 Gexzhell (#95)  Game profile 1706$372,626 C
88 tx (#96)  Game profile 3729$358,799 M
89 Carl Douglas (#92)  Game profile 1083$100,402 M
90 Snuggleton (#93)  Game profile 444$33,330 F
91 Happy New Year (#70)  Game profile 140$6517 MG
92 Bay Bay Baby (#86)  Game profile 140$6517 M
93 aack (#89)  Game profile 120$5617 M
94 Fourth Reich (#94)  Game profile 100$4717 M
95 Chicken Wing King (#9)  Game profile 100$4717 M

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