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Active countries: 2460
Currently Logged in: 198

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 702nd round: May 08, 2023 - May 15, 2023 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 109 countries in the Express server.

1 Whitesnake (#27)  Game profile 33,787$46,781,661 HG
2 Calla bryn sturgis (#30)  Game profile 30,220$44,337,660 MG
3 h a r m l e s s h i p p o p o t (#40)  Game profile 38,551$40,230,158 HG
4 Mehul (#9)  Game profile 29,878$38,990,472 HG
5 If Coach Would Have Put Me In (#35)  Game profile 13,092$38,237,829 HG
6 Dead Poets Society (#16)  Game profile 34,482$32,393,199 FG
7 Express Sucks These Days (#25)  Game profile 16,381$23,827,305 HG
8 Leipatus (#42)  Game profile 9097$21,558,101 DG
9 Wuzzzzz Up (#7)  Game profile 35,954$20,694,782 FG
10 Amaraelvar (#101) 15,336$19,462,612 RG
11 Minimum King Pet (#71) 14,455$18,616,200 R
12 Yodal33t (#22)  Game profile 50,061$18,345,232 FG
13 Senira Griefstrike (#96) 13,189$18,205,707 H
14 Minotaur (#1)  Game profile 13,443$17,825,950 HG
15 booger my sideways (#106)  Game profile 16,442$17,761,096 TG
16 Jacob Blackstroker Gully (#84) 14,321$17,717,933 F
17 Senicreaper (#46) 13,894$17,685,660 R
18 Count Dask Darkton (#64) 13,249$17,434,188 F
19 Zuth (#74) 12,579$17,352,899 F
20 Drunken Duckling (#51) 12,987$17,307,023 H
21 Princess Comtessa Orlock (#61) 13,759$17,280,453 HG
22 Byzantine Empire (#12)  Game profile 20,061$17,153,993 CG
23 Anfarc Ozhar (#79) 16,077$17,066,357 R
24 Alpha Lovebird (#89) 12,834$16,783,155 F
25 Redblade Margaret Blackman (#56) 11,006$16,764,958 R
26 Shaidar Haran (#20)  Game profile 8841$16,532,541 DG
27 Nothar Daimons (#86) 13,933$16,526,155 R
28 Peitar Nizel (#91) 14,264$16,389,482 R
29 Baduk (#44) 13,182$16,287,772 F
30 Alexander Wormwood (#54) 13,858$16,172,520 FG
31 Brutal Canal (#69) 14,568$16,081,125 F
32 Moving Black Rat (#94) 13,889$16,067,671 F
33 Gothar Cyton (#66) 14,560$15,659,561 R
34 Izic Redtooth (#76) 15,274$15,429,117 D
35 Lena Darkmoon (#99) 13,042$15,139,916 D
36 Sangre Lana Blackbeard (#49) 13,766$15,128,989 FG
37 Shelley Jack Darkmoon (#95) 4853$15,109,084 D
38 Dormouse Rapid (#75) 4471$15,100,944 D
39 Tabithi (#70) 5427$15,100,931 D
40 SpringbokSpringbok (#50) 5726$14,998,034 D
41 Errinaya (#59) 14,693$14,897,687 R
42 Misha Thanatos (#81) 13,853$14,744,467 D
43 Charlotte Shelley De Belleville (#45) 4567$14,527,274 H
44 Late Start (#36)  Game profile 25,961$14,259,648 HG
45 Vital Avenue (#57) 11,932$14,019,144 C
46 17 (#17)  Game profile 14,563$13,657,335 FG
47 Frodaka (#82) 11,922$13,588,191 CG
48 Digital Foot (#62) 12,816$13,433,976 C
49 One Last Try (#24)  Game profile 31,072$13,378,116 HG
50 Promiscuous Whorse (#39)  Game profile 15,291$13,164,019 CG
51 Druppel (#47) 12,694$13,087,216 C
52 Fox Misty (#72) 12,641$13,081,431 CG
53 The Trolls from Ijin (#92) 11,882$12,977,474 C
54 lol n00b (#107)  Game profile 22,156$12,959,898 RG
55 Captain William Hawkins (#67) 11,543$12,830,179 C
56 Farlok (#52) 12,211$12,764,621 CG
57 Keranjamik (#85) 5809$12,757,495 HG
58 Peter Ravenblack Coldbane (#102) 11,027$12,677,971 CG
59 Curdled (#34)  Game profile 22,266$12,675,155 FG
60 Bear Smokey (#80) 5081$12,348,915 T
61 Fantasy Island (#5)  Game profile 12,344$12,054,181 HG
62 The Fathers from Falcord (#90) 6418$12,030,452 T
63 Supersonic Bulldozer (#87) 10,912$11,902,881 C
64 Irene Gosform Ibfist (#65) 4575$11,889,887 H
65 Galin (#97) 11,397$11,811,428 C
66 reborn (#10)  Game profile 16,307$11,661,928 RG
67 Zak Lahorn Sadaron (#100) 4984$11,331,732 T
68 Oh God why am I back (#105)  Game profile 14,042$11,221,167 RG
69 Lady Kristin Devil (#60) 3787$10,908,090 H
70 How Deep is the Water (#23)  Game profile 9445$10,754,078 CG
71 Zak Dreadweep (#55) 3934$10,152,780 T
72 Redblade Nathan Darkblood (#77) 12,177$9,412,197 D
73 Fly Away (#18)  Game profile 14,212$9,211,452 RG
74 DookieShoes (#13)  Game profile 16,801$8,402,227 CG
75 Maliakh (#21)  Game profile 22,781$7,581,156 CG
76 Ragnarok (#4)  Game profile 18,209$6,775,559 TG
77 The Toe of the Camel (#37)  Game profile 12,982$6,126,992 CG
78 King Arthur (#15)  Game profile 18,625$6,056,043 MG
79 Multi Pass (#31)  Game profile 11,021$5,203,597 RG
80 Crystal Tokyo (#41)  Game profile 17,316$4,802,485 MG
81 Moonship Jack White (#78) 12,853$4,691,810 M
82 Mamba (#6)  Game profile 14,811$4,508,103 RG
83 All That Is Left Of The Resistan (#26)  Game profile 13,088$4,342,159 R
84 KastuloConK (#32)  Game profile 15,468$4,117,516 CG
85 THOMAS (#33)  Game profile 13,215$3,326,421 IG
86 Riders from Xenil (#53) 13,771$3,103,939 M
87 Narisa Voltain Zilex (#58) 14,528$3,014,442 M
88 Actar (#88) 13,181$2,916,459 D
89 Cold Oyster (#98) 14,329$2,846,975 M
90 The Sphinx from Tothale (#73) 12,667$2,748,971 I
91 Yeta (#103) 13,875$2,723,873 M
92 Carelene above the Fighters (#83) 13,376$2,579,699 MG
93 The Duckbill (#48) 13,027$2,484,347 I
94 Comtesse Moonlight Zena (#63) 14,257$2,463,588 M
95 Veldar (#93) 12,951$2,251,709 MG
96 kammer2 (#104)  Game profile 9427$2,208,100 HG
97 land of Misfits (#29)  Game profile 10,216$1,863,709 MG
98 llaar (#8)  Game profile 13,006$1,788,666 MG
99 Rhyna Actar Penduhl (#68) 14,128$1,737,211 T
100 NCDCA (#28)  Game profile 7979$1,261,626 CG

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