Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2539
Currently Logged in: 180

Top Players - Express

Next Reset Seventy-first round: Apr 04, 2011 - Apr 10, 2011 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 179 countries in the Express server.

1 sweet dee (#23)  Game profile 26,414$32,568,894 CG
2 Crystal Meth Polar Bear (#108)  Game profile 21,580$27,191,698 CG
3 phuket (#74) 18,999$26,658,724 CG
4 I finished 4th (#66)  Game profile 14,230$23,464,881 HG
5 Ella EnchanteD (#77) 12,125$23,012,964 DG
6 Drinks (#107)  Game profile 19,889$21,159,283 CG
7 change bonus points for express (#89) 8087$20,407,625 DG
8 WINNING (#169) 11,534$19,904,572 HG
9 No Leaf Clover (#55) 13,261$19,215,065 RG
10 brownie stains (#94) 12,589$18,997,803 HG
11 3 2 1 (#130) 14,559$18,155,234 RG
12 neex (#79) 10,622$17,205,507 H
13 taylor swift is wyomissing (#143)  Game profile 15,260$17,009,278 HG
14 oooops (#109) 10,663$17,006,966 DG
15 Peki is a silly Croat (#4)  Game profile 19,478$16,999,375 CG
16 Tydligvis (#45) 12,337$16,723,045 RG
17 Walt Hunts Pupil (#6) 10,823$16,606,481 RG
18 n00bme (#160) 15,434$16,571,913 HG
19 quintapper4 (#35) 13,819$16,468,747 HG
20 down (#133) 12,187$15,951,057 RG
21 42 (#157) 12,408$15,797,604 RG
22 I do my best work on the crapper (#9)  Game profile 20,471$15,237,042 CG
23 69 (#61)  Game profile 14,948$13,503,971 CG
24 Intrepid (#33) 10,048$13,330,143 DG
25 I cant think of a name (#48) 9687$13,196,662 RG
26 Where The Shadows Lie (#99)  Game profile 10,700$13,094,823 R
27 Walls Of Stalingrad (#5) 8519$12,927,521 HG
28 m a k a r o n i (#147)  Game profile 14,739$12,765,292 C
29 Wombat (#60)  Game profile 5083$11,822,930 R
30 Torpedophile (#115) 11,670$11,801,332 D
31 Soul Hunter Testifies (#92) 12,544$11,403,693 R
32 Eat Underwear BaconStrips (#84) 9063$11,226,404 H
33 Grabs (#21)  Game profile 10,794$11,184,510 H
34 Taffylicious (#68) 13,977$11,114,755 RG
35 34 (#34) 11,222$10,875,617 RG
36 RS (#111) 16,452$10,539,568 IG
37 More than 1 grab is greedy (#12) 13,893$10,539,260 C
38 HEAD by a Honey Badger (#121)  Game profile 15,020$10,456,158 C
39 Toxophilia (#161) 13,448$10,237,811 R
40 eat my pen15 (#95) 9646$10,229,788 HG
41 Suduki (#81) 13,852$9,937,747 R
42 To the top (#97)  Game profile 15,566$9,908,529 F
43 K O S O V A (#31)  Game profile 15,594$9,245,873 FG
44 table SALT (#73) 11,889$9,183,085 H
45 Tang (#168) 7690$9,105,530 R
46 i retal 5 to 1 (#72) 14,988$8,764,428 C
47 Imaginary Numbers (#120) 8347$8,754,885 F
48 Swamp Guardians (#78)  Game profile 7460$8,584,886 H
49 Rohan (#83) 22,096$8,491,462 CG
50 Netting Practice (#40) 8817$8,137,557 RG
51 Miss Stress (#122) 14,059$8,119,518 C
52 Koopa (#25) 11,021$8,046,916 HG
53 SuicideMachine (#101) 6276$7,945,619 C
54 The Land of jaabaa (#26) 8724$7,890,112 D
55 Gemland (#106) 9927$7,853,082 C
56 Hooksett (#164) 8989$7,694,253 T
57 yhhy (#140) 12,893$7,544,147 H
58 Afonya (#96) 14,319$7,385,865 C
59 Monex (#11) 14,106$7,179,356 R
60 1331 (#131)  Game profile 11,007$7,142,544 RG
61 Cheesy Poofs From Hell (#102) 17,578$7,116,767 C
62 tardis (#145) 15,503$7,111,337 CG
63 Eslarsa (#150) 13,020$7,042,252 DG
64 Klatu (#43) 10,008$7,009,890 HG
65 its a land tax foo (#87) 13,775$6,912,647 IG
66 MadeForWar (#36) 13,351$6,888,754 F
67 built 92 lol (#85)  Game profile 9029$6,845,344 CG
68 Spasmodic (#41) 11,302$6,684,109 R
69 figgs (#142) 8758$6,629,094 HG
70 I Have Nothing But Turrets (#98) 12,923$6,623,165 CG
71 Daemon (#132) 15,821$6,575,715 TG
72 ChesterTheMolester (#62)  Game profile 11,475$6,449,434 HG
73 wanna get chemed then hit me (#22)  Game profile 6823$5,933,694 T
74 TerminatorRamboLand (#137) 12,340$5,898,038 F
75 A Tsunami (#20) 12,677$5,858,479 T
76 franksalot (#50) 6564$5,854,930 C
77 The Coffee Palace (#63)  Game profile 11,493$5,831,355 H
78 Ten of Hearts (#52) 4786$5,830,910 HG
79 count chocula (#7) 6325$5,817,038 C
80 Deport Illegals in a Pine Box (#27) 12,206$5,811,453 F
81 Man Chowder on Your Face (#24) 9004$5,541,062 R
82 A R D C (#119) 7721$5,118,055 F
83 C R O A T I A (#16)  Game profile 10,000$5,095,064 I
84 It Is What It Is (#141) 10,789$4,944,136 D
85 Fast and Furious (#123) 9292$4,927,980 R
86 UaReNooB (#93) 9864$4,911,913 HG
87 iWaR with Y O U (#114) 14,288$4,911,296 R
88 Ya JackWagon (#170) 5446$4,777,316 R
89 100procentSuicider (#47) 8424$4,709,256 RG
90 IfiDidntWakeUpIdStillBeSleeping (#124)  Game profile 15,363$4,615,769 CG
91 GRONK HUNTER (#134)  Game profile 5695$4,465,884 R
92 Just Me (#38) 8011$4,228,929 I
93 Suicidal Instinct (#56)  Game profile 13,204$4,227,948 D
94 WaltHunt and ur grandma (#10) 15,357$4,146,820 TG
95 Pearl Islands (#178) 8685$4,034,923 DG
96 BUTTLAND (#105)  Game profile 9522$3,881,631 T
97 INXpresS (#138) 7416$3,841,142 H
98 Undertaker (#80) 12,565$3,838,689 C
99 confused (#28)  Game profile 5910$3,459,381 D
100 TP 4 My Bunghole (#149) 4583$3,457,725 T

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