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Top Players - Express

Next Reset 731st round: Nov 27, 2023 - Dec 03, 2023 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 97 countries in the Express server.

1 s a k u r a k a z u h a (#94)  Game profile 54,662$68,112,896 CG
2 spiderwire stealth (#10)  Game profile 41,966$63,339,485 HG
3 Skol (#6)  Game profile 35,141$61,974,939 HG
4 Leipatus (#90)  Game profile 13,219$34,752,321 DG
5 K8B24 (#21)  Game profile 24,724$33,369,180 RG
6 Buy B I T C O I N (#23)  Game profile 26,350$29,956,168 HG
7 Erie (#2)  Game profile 27,123$28,452,943 HG
8 Steel (#18)  Game profile 54,350$25,557,497 CG
9 Not today (#72)  Game profile 24,438$20,516,992 RG
10 Screaming Temple (#30) 14,749$20,031,784 R
11 Calina Tespan (#55) 13,841$19,740,218 H
12 Zona Durmark (#60) 13,090$19,020,085 D
13 Ladok Sedar Merdon (#43) 13,814$18,764,556 R
14 DissinYoWaifu (#48)  Game profile 30,725$18,575,703 TG
15 Nicolos Gruesome (#65) 12,337$17,942,940 FG
16 Zestia Van cruel (#70) 12,230$17,872,224 FG
17 Keran of the Rollers (#78) 13,734$17,476,755 FG
18 Phar (#85) 14,160$17,373,121 R
19 Qidan Lerin Gom (#49) 12,162$16,997,105 RG
20 Irana Demon (#11) 13,251$16,939,437 R
21 Vital Crossbow (#1) 13,248$16,868,265 FG
22 Orin of the Sphinx (#41) 13,962$16,798,985 R
23 Sina Kilbas (#53) 13,330$16,792,006 FG
24 Essential Hook (#83) 13,800$16,782,754 RG
25 Kylrad Fronar (#17) 13,151$16,476,288 FG
26 Fronar Bydern Actar (#61) 6692$16,399,038 D
27 Lynx Forgotten (#46) 12,868$16,046,311 FG
28 Assamacka (#40)  Game profile 13,444$15,740,827 HG
29 Tabithi Tristan (#73) 14,247$15,154,512 D
30 Skinny Screamy Dingo (#28) 12,220$14,718,701 R
31 Mondays Balcony (#9) 5163$14,551,107 HG
32 Bloody James Grimbeard (#33) 14,113$14,257,889 I
33 Pendus Ipdorn (#80) 13,567$14,216,180 D
34 Cipyar Fildon (#71) 6216$14,191,061 H
35 Tristan (#79) 6154$13,988,899 D
36 Count Screaming Driz (#19) 4594$13,475,848 D
37 Gothor Gibolt (#42) 3961$13,174,616 H
38 Vildher (#34) 7099$12,809,251 D
39 Severe Scissors (#84) 6052$12,564,777 D
40 Lefthanded Moron (#47) 6017$12,438,376 HG
41 Endless Pluto (#50) 12,155$12,377,350 C
42 Aldantamil (#54) 5928$12,278,474 D
43 Talberon Odeir (#35) 13,225$12,243,640 I
44 Big Beam (#44) 11,168$12,000,394 CG
45 Subtle Compass (#67) 11,961$11,664,123 I
46 Blackman John Silverblade (#22) 13,051$11,465,748 I
47 Lone Microphone (#62) 12,121$11,281,902 D
48 Driz Zek (#13) 11,048$11,122,688 C
49 Branasadaron (#81) 12,028$11,008,473 C
50 Haiducs Monsters (#66) 4969$10,795,190 T
51 Dexter (#3)  Game profile 18,850$10,782,472 RG
52 Gothar (#24) 12,454$10,625,773 C
53 Sudnar (#7)  Game profile 14,004$10,534,232 CG
54 Samotdag (#29) 3687$10,526,614 TG
55 Dirty Dozen (#12)  Game profile 21,082$10,467,245 DG
56 U got that lil pp syndrome (#51)  Game profile 15,211$10,433,470 IG
57 Shelley Henri Ravenbeard (#31) 12,532$10,188,685 CG
58 Jibar (#58) 11,484$10,183,515 CG
59 Lantern Ghastly (#36) 12,202$9,666,201 CG
60 Ho Hell (#14)  Game profile 21,135$9,448,382 IG
61 Clearwater (#91)  Game profile 19,403$9,421,184 HG
62 Eres un culicagado perdedor (#27)  Game profile 10,699$9,331,799 FG
63 Fronar Folmer (#63) 10,359$9,309,081 CG
64 Lady Sidathe Raven (#68) 10,881$9,149,271 C
65 Prisoner Rotten (#74) 10,764$8,966,893 C
66 Ak da Gack (#4)  Game profile 22,366$8,501,147 HG
67 Darpick Vladimir (#86) 11,062$8,468,955 C
68 Foxhole Dook (#8)  Game profile 16,554$7,471,671 CG
69 CPL593H (#76)  Game profile 49,558$7,400,335 TG
70 bigTY (#92)  Game profile 17,425$6,859,504 CG
71 Parking Lot (#15)  Game profile 17,388$6,539,195 TG
72 forlorn Hope (#26)  Game profile 21,807$5,676,082 FG
73 Happy golden days of yore (#39)  Game profile 7211$4,932,260 DG
74 Freetheglutens (#75)  Game profile 9905$4,672,343 MG
75 Hibernia (#87)  Game profile 23,080$4,050,576 CG
76 Saljinegmarg (#25) 13,659$3,833,289 M
77 Riders of Gefirr (#77) 14,106$3,171,721 M
78 Shillen Bredock (#52) 12,686$3,125,556 M
79 Star wars (#20)  Game profile 13,693$3,061,012 CG
80 Tiny Elephant (#82) 13,344$3,019,509 MG
81 yhhy (#97)  Game profile 6297$2,691,150 RG
82 Rich Wrench (#69) 14,558$2,544,011 MG
83 Bithon (#16) 14,434$2,455,042 MG
84 Rocky Electron (#45) 13,021$2,388,996 MG
85 Dorn Seth (#32) 13,196$2,259,005 M
86 Countess Eagle (#38) 14,057$2,194,491 RG
87 Salty Bill Davis (#64) 13,550$2,159,008 MG
88 The Hordes from Darmor (#88) 13,189$1,980,850 MG
89 The Protector of Bealx (#59) 13,491$1,730,264 T
90 Agri world (#37)  Game profile 2455$350,296 MG
91 Topsy Kretz (#56)  Game profile 3525$349,660 RG
92 real eestate agent (#93)  Game profile 1$243,416 DG
93 Floridia (#96)  Game profile 100$5630 MG
94 Freedom of 76 (#89)  Game profile 120$5617 MG
95 Sneh (#95)  Game profile 100$5148 MG
96 Superbeef (#57)  Game profile 100$4717 MG
97 Salty Dawg (#5)  Game profile 100$4717 MG

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