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Top Players - Express

Next Reset 735th round: Dec 25, 2023 - Dec 31, 2023 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 105 countries in the Express server.

1 dunkleosteus (#34)  Game profile 35,175$47,245,325 HG
2 Ben Dover Jr (#60)  Game profile 23$44,272,704 HG
3 Erie (#10)  Game profile 35,864$42,372,770 HG
4 Syzygy (#18)  Game profile 16,148$42,273,964 DG
5 hghg (#97)  Game profile 25,543$40,164,440 DG
6 Skol (#4)  Game profile 28,646$39,107,647 HG
7 s o p h o n (#71)  Game profile 40,415$37,200,737 HG
8 Major The Great LaF Killer (#92)  Game profile 41,600$32,643,858 FG
9 Long Live The King (#96)  Game profile 31,569$27,722,115 HG
10 Steel (#56)  Game profile 63,738$26,471,081 FG
11 Capt Jack Silverbeard (#49) 15,268$20,883,555 R
12 Bloodstone (#41)  Game profile 10,553$20,647,367 HG
13 Trendy Intense (#35) 13,521$20,176,205 D
14 Wont You Be My Neighbor (#54)  Game profile 24,049$19,986,669 HG
15 Serane (#63) 14,450$19,957,923 RG
16 Mule Dancing (#17) 14,008$19,759,432 R
17 Capt Jack Scarlet (#61) 15,028$19,695,948 DG
18 Lord Daburn Ethelred (#37) 12,927$19,391,712 H
19 Rojam Suffrage (#43)  Game profile 350$19,379,883 HG
20 Francois Redblade Darkblood (#77) 14,889$19,187,053 RG
21 Billy Crawhawk (#25) 14,768$19,088,449 H
22 Jethol Xavor Tusdar (#66) 14,151$18,911,831 D
23 Tainted Cougar (#8) 14,870$18,813,133 HG
24 Not Today (#68)  Game profile 21,833$18,760,507 RG
25 Serane (#53) 15,207$18,543,922 FG
26 Pig Major (#74) 13,812$17,911,454 F
27 Egmardern (#83) 14,378$17,812,173 F
28 Narrayah (#13) 12,926$17,550,290 F
29 Comtesse Adorra Forsaken (#22) 12,574$17,477,354 F
30 Falcons of Veulix (#47) 13,348$17,169,218 F
31 Wicked Willow (#3)  Game profile 23,888$17,019,569 HG
32 Superbeef (#90)  Game profile 15,063$16,777,607 RG
33 Seniranildale (#44) 13,653$16,706,015 R
34 Dec 31 2023 (#88)  Game profile 30,254$16,581,023 TG
35 Vectomon Dark Tothale (#85) 14,545$16,490,937 D
36 Sythini Markard (#28) 13,995$15,833,616 F
37 Veldar Nocturne (#69) 14,003$15,492,353 DG
38 Zona (#40) 12,452$15,466,046 FG
39 John Blackman (#1) 11,733$15,372,364 F
40 Lucky Mountain (#57) 13,405$15,362,674 RG
41 Mardin (#70) 12,411$15,329,108 C
42 Ixenlalfar (#31) 14,599$15,294,021 DG
43 Orange Clown (#86) 12,252$15,259,708 C
44 Ravenblack Joe Gully (#19) 12,135$15,011,658 C
45 Zecele Moonbeam (#51) 12,382$14,755,100 CG
46 Grim Ravengric (#26) 13,102$14,669,670 C
47 Salty John Darkmoon (#64) 11,653$14,599,934 C
48 Chamon Zestor (#38) 12,404$14,544,082 CG
49 Lady Sinner (#58) 11,819$14,520,834 CG
50 Millerton (#95)  Game profile 26,649$13,920,385 HG
51 Zotar (#32) 10,711$13,722,903 C
52 Doctor Redtooth (#45) 12,401$13,701,179 C
53 Slamabamma (#75)  Game profile 10,885$13,642,787 HG
54 The Savages from Gametris (#9) 12,308$13,281,770 CG
55 Captain Honey (#79) 12,120$13,200,794 CG
56 free russia (#89)  Game profile 6665$13,148,321 TG
57 Santhil Puthor Ylzik (#30) 5767$12,835,292 D
58 NekoGinOkami (#78)  Game profile 16,712$12,369,984 CG
59 Zathe (#84) 4824$11,932,649 H
60 Arryn Wrathran (#76) 4565$11,529,807 DG
61 Bloody Joe Gull (#16) 4744$11,234,415 T
62 Gwethanareaper (#62) 5302$10,822,858 TG
63 Tyden Kib (#55) 5436$10,804,804 DG
64 Sadaron (#36) 5357$10,611,210 D
65 Dusarolupin (#48) 5638$10,148,553 T
66 Maestros from Eldar (#42) 4785$10,053,320 T
67 Orange Steady Gravel (#67) 4722$9,780,233 TG
68 Lana Seagull Blackbeard (#5) 4758$9,147,353 T
69 2 (#2)  Game profile 20,504$8,922,327 TG
70 Count Sergei Shelley (#23) 5252$8,834,470 T
71 Morally Corrupt (#94)  Game profile 17,146$8,494,656 H
72 Byzantine Empire (#11)  Game profile 19,056$8,210,022 CG
73 Solomen (#14)  Game profile 12,035$7,723,341 MG
74 Ho Hell (#7)  Game profile 22,817$7,483,610 IG
75 Leipatus (#93)  Game profile 9122$6,726,966 DG
76 Snowin and blowin up bushels of (#72)  Game profile 10,085$6,313,789 DG
77 hgfi754 (#15)  Game profile 14,228$5,783,690 RG
78 MEGACITY (#99)  Game profile 9832$5,199,055 IG
79 Fred (#50)  Game profile 13,449$3,742,253 FG
80 HogZilla s Daddy (#6)  Game profile 11,886$3,732,533 HG
81 Henri Scarlet (#59) 13,332$3,589,485 R
82 ASTRAL (#98)  Game profile 6682$2,988,328 DG
83 Dook Shute (#80)  Game profile 10,374$2,946,159 CG
84 Nadorn Shane Raydan (#81) 12,418$2,717,956 M
85 Needless Autopsy (#12) 12,729$2,622,198 MG
86 Falcons from Hecton (#33) 12,818$2,415,543 M
87 Francois Darkblood (#65) 11,272$2,346,015 M
88 The Overlords of Ritic (#87) 12,900$2,163,032 M
89 notAGAIN (#82)  Game profile 14,726$2,135,748 TG
90 Billy Gull Gull (#20) 11,956$2,100,159 M
91 Square Albatross (#73) 11,722$2,096,036 MG
92 Dosman (#46) 11,971$2,074,413 MG
93 Dask Nadale (#39) 12,411$1,962,592 M
94 Teressa Etar Temil (#27) 11,610$1,945,881 I
95 Ladok Dakboon (#52) 11,769$1,841,906 M
96 Thundercats Hoooooo (#21)  Game profile 7823$762,362 FG
97 In the orange (#103)  Game profile 3849$688,677 IG
98 Loca (#105)  Game profile 2517$464,807 CG
99 eevess (#91)  Game profile 602$48,348 MG
100 tester (#102)  Game profile 455$30,989 MG

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