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Active countries: 2466
Currently Logged in: 204

Top Players - Express

Next Reset 746th round: Mar 11, 2024 - Mar 17, 2024 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 96 countries in the Express server.

1 24hrLogouts (#14)  Game profile 33,648$50,309,873 HG
2 Bob Marley (#13)  Game profile 30,950$49,744,753 HG
3 Steel (#57)  Game profile 57,590$47,463,032 CG
4 To The Top (#5)  Game profile 38,257$38,716,830 HG
5 Filthy Lucre (#51)  Game profile 15,654$24,310,496 RG
6 holy moly guacamole (#90)  Game profile 25,664$21,274,729 TG
7 Corda (#56) 15,465$19,791,582 RG
8 Calebaasairis (#37) 13,388$19,709,472 HG
9 Lena Stoker (#32) 14,362$19,595,121 R
10 Redbeard Brutus Stoker (#47) 14,953$19,411,713 R
11 Steep Finger (#68) 14,807$18,835,093 RG
12 Idona Grimrage (#18) 13,020$18,519,767 R
13 Doc Stallion (#79) 6909$17,793,661 DG
14 Apollyon The Destroyer (#10)  Game profile 20,443$17,547,625 TG
15 Tyden (#45) 13,371$17,483,069 FG
16 Sutlin (#35) 14,908$17,376,477 F
17 Salty Nathan Deadwood (#15) 14,235$17,307,265 F
18 Lefthanded Kitten (#46) 7184$17,296,601 H
19 Intense Parachute (#1) 14,017$17,232,372 F
20 Leith (#24) 14,026$17,160,148 RG
21 Lady Orangutan (#62) 13,012$17,127,847 R
22 Daimons from Tyden (#22) 13,884$17,077,828 F
23 Riss Ixil (#40) 14,445$17,068,411 FG
24 Rhyna (#78) 13,889$16,965,433 FG
25 Eyelid Unique (#73) 13,715$16,792,937 F
26 Airis (#60) 14,659$16,744,890 FG
27 Teressa Nastly (#29) 12,925$16,704,330 DG
28 Woodchuck Furious (#81) 14,570$16,322,106 R
29 Wicked Willow (#53)  Game profile 23,857$16,203,947 HG
30 Ysane Riss Tamilfist (#65) 13,880$15,942,826 F
31 Darkmoon Roger Ravenbeard (#58) 12,765$15,845,409 C
32 RunningFromTheIRS (#50)  Game profile 24,819$15,580,041 FG
33 Sennetta Orlock (#23) 7167$15,466,733 HG
34 Pure Winter (#41) 6819$15,456,871 D
35 Wolverine Hilarious (#43) 12,922$15,164,186 C
36 Lyna Aldaren Uhrd (#4) 6616$15,094,974 H
37 Count Palid Snakecrypt (#17) 6664$14,913,031 D
38 Zynoa Alderman (#63) 12,299$14,599,444 CG
39 Lucky Bulldozer (#49) 13,167$14,517,260 C
40 Kib (#61) 7187$14,479,681 H
41 Silco Elvar Ozhar (#54) 13,359$14,427,225 F
42 Elpenor (#55) 6213$14,333,514 H
43 paranoia self destroyer (#6)  Game profile 25,382$14,318,849 TG
44 Bryce Grimrage (#66) 6088$14,301,374 H
45 Tobaz Snakecrypt (#30) 6888$14,180,741 D
46 Adorra Espardo (#76) 11,966$14,122,184 C
47 b0tSrUs (#48)  Game profile 47,734$13,782,706 FG
48 Enoona (#75) 14,071$13,616,894 D
49 Cute Dolly (#11) 10,656$13,520,655 C
50 The Simpsons (#19)  Game profile 20,200$13,342,067 DG
51 Sothale Bein Eldar (#38) 10,835$13,317,636 CG
52 Neodesha (#80)  Game profile 16,166$13,273,787 HG
53 Ho Hell (#8)  Game profile 30,901$13,167,447 IG
54 The Runners from Colthan (#33) 11,187$13,087,701 C
55 Irana Spidergrim (#42) 13,656$12,963,589 I
56 Helenia Gauthus Vigoth (#20) 10,639$12,935,527 CG
57 Los Finch (#83) 11,672$12,789,599 C
58 NCIS (#7)  Game profile 28,942$12,701,470 HG
59 Zoucka Gom Zidar (#36) 6370$12,486,710 D
60 SkinnY Shaming In Jerusalem (#26)  Game profile 19,252$12,205,122 DG
61 King Coin (#69)  Game profile 30,169$12,054,782 FG
62 Lady Raccoon (#74) 6040$11,384,203 TG
63 Exz (#25) 10,946$11,048,413 C
64 Naphazw Ipdorn Alkirk (#70) 12,455$10,984,766 D
65 Silverbeard Simon Dreadbeard (#9) 14,402$10,632,117 I
66 LS Swapped Cayman S (#2)  Game profile 10,133$10,514,573 FG
67 Deviant (#71)  Game profile 9957$9,101,683 RG
68 Last Starfighter (#3)  Game profile 12,588$8,562,967 MG
69 Freetheglutens (#82)  Game profile 10,953$6,072,273 MG
70 BH (#89)  Game profile 14,184$5,308,144 FG
71 I am a fluffy teddy bear (#31)  Game profile 8198$4,630,300 HG
72 State of Utobitha (#91)  Game profile 5760$4,486,503 MG
73 Green (#85)  Game profile 10,836$3,720,166 CG
74 Trump4Merica24 (#67)  Game profile 10,015$3,457,238 C
75 Salty Scarlet Coldbane (#84) 13,121$3,251,431 HG
76 Tothale (#44) 13,309$2,449,268 M
77 The Ancestor of Lupin (#27) 12,784$2,406,244 MG
78 Wenis (#88)  Game profile 9760$2,388,515 FG
79 Unessa Eloon (#34) 12,001$2,278,144 M
80 Elidin Elson (#12) 14,248$2,232,995 R
81 Gwethana Tok (#52) 12,428$2,228,696 M
82 Butterfly Alpha (#59) 13,475$2,132,726 MG
83 KingKing (#21) 12,179$2,127,571 M
84 Zestia Gibolt (#77) 12,941$1,983,585 M
85 Melancholia Requiem (#39) 11,759$1,927,427 MG
86 Infant Chaos (#72) 12,940$1,713,742 M
87 Linyah Zotar (#64) 13,514$1,709,440 TG
88 Erie (#28)  Game profile 6959$1,526,100 FG
89 Ayatollah Of Rock Rolla (#94)  Game profile 3302$499,595 MG
90 Flanders Sexy Body (#97)  Game profile 2384$229,590 R
91 Everlast (#16)  Game profile 160$7417 MG
92 Fuzzy (#92)  Game profile 100$4717 MG
93 Moscow (#93)  Game profile 100$4717 MG
94 taker (#95)  Game profile 100$4717 MG
95 test (#98)  Game profile 100$4717 MG
96 AI Secretes Secrets Successfully (#96)  Game profile 100$4667 DG

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