Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2467
Currently Logged in: 205

Free For All Clan: ROME (ROME)

First round: Jan 18, 2010 - Mar 20, 2010
Clan Standings
Membership Rank8 of 55
Total Networth Rank7 of 55
Average Networth Rank7 of 55
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
57 wheel (#1247)  Game profile 20,883$85,340,735 H
58 blue (#1248)  Game profile 31,874$85,108,873 D
61 hammer (#1246)  Game profile 32,063$83,678,308 D
85 picture (#1243)  Game profile 22,364$73,235,495 H
88 speaker (#1235)  Game profile 10,282$71,415,684 D
93 book (#1225)  Game profile 21,522$69,869,111 H
99 desk (#1232)  Game profile 21,722$67,023,148 H
102 stove (#1233)  Game profile 13,299$66,212,044 H
107 file (#1244)  Game profile 16,891$62,982,571 H
113 letter (#1238)  Game profile 12,621$61,233,931 H
118 table (#1230)  Game profile 20,460$59,608,455 D
136 carpet (#1240)  Game profile 22,619$53,507,907 H
139 frame (#1245)  Game profile 19,671$53,079,720 D
236 fork (#1242)  Game profile 22,496$32,952,084 C
256 chair (#1227)  Game profile 21,530$31,371,553 D
425 XZeron Federation (#66) 21,053$20,318,331 C
428 XZeron Dominion (#62) 20,816$20,237,788 C
487 XZeron Empire (#69) 22,835$18,124,662 F
517 XZeron Commonwealth (#68) 22,627$16,913,150 F
837 XZeron Hive (#83) 13,068$9,818,418 T
847 XZeron Protectorate (#84) 14,480$9,600,708 T
891 XZeron Society (#81) 13,331$8,919,902 T
904 XZeron Consortium (#79) 13,407$8,668,816 T
945 XZeron Oligarchy (#86) 13,308$7,911,067 T
946 XZeron Union (#71) 22,575$7,889,073 F
951 XZeron Hegemony (#85) 13,403$7,843,740 T
966 XZeron Clan (#88) 13,019$7,479,559 T
1093 XZeron Collective (#77) 23,186$5,470,596 R
1110 XZeron Confederation (#73) 20,827$5,096,697 R
1112 XZeron Alliance (#76) 23,059$5,045,161 R
1131 Marshals Pepperdrops (#1722) 12,893$4,575,029 C
1139 Sweet FTW (#1726) 13,748$4,448,379 C
1171 Too Many Books (#1728) 18,744$3,834,121 R
1187 AnOwlsValhalla (#1713) 15,435$3,573,545 F
1197 SillyOwl (#1720) 14,872$3,363,117 F
1201 TerrysLollipops (#1721) 14,314$3,281,088 F
1206 CuddlyOwl (#1724) 15,893$3,258,481 F
1209 SleepyOwl (#1714) 15,738$3,216,742 F
1219 I Heart TW (#1729) 14,802$3,117,528 F
1221 Marshal Is Mean (#1719) 14,391$3,106,342 F
1246 Fluffy Feet (#1716) 14,261$2,859,009 F
1247 RedForAwhile (#1723) 14,643$2,851,450 I
1249 Silent Flight (#1715) 14,271$2,832,384 F
1254 Night Eyes (#1717) 14,169$2,744,196 F
1255 TWsGirl (#1718) 13,307$2,735,122 F
1342 AKuarisValhalla (#2434) 8998$1,890,584 T
1580 peanutbuttercups (#359) 3626$888,219 M
1714 meetinthemiddle (#394) 4163$617,369 M
1741 yourhoneycomb (#392) 3676$595,117 M
1746 Mypeppermintstick (#391) 3608$586,958 M
1959 theimperialfleet (#3412) 2313$201,948 T
1977 whereitstops (#406) 1539$184,619 M
2194 manyatime (#396) 407$37,268 M
2306 adelivery (#417) 273$23,972 M
2408 OneDirection (#3818) 195$14,338 M
2444 Thereisonly1place4akuari (#3819) 100$6922 R
2552 onandonandon (#399) 100$4717 M
2558 fromthestork (#421) 100$4717 M
2636 ROcMtEn (#1762) 100$4717 M
2729 LostROMEberance (#1766) 100$4717 M
2731 arassamass (#1757) 100$4717 M
2732 quaddim (#1759) 100$4717 M
2733 frigglesmiggle (#1761) 100$4717 M
2734 steRwiOMiE (#1763) 100$4717 M

Total countries: 64

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