Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2466
Currently Logged in: 204

Free For All Clan: Elysium (xELYx)

Tenth round: Jul 30, 2011 - Sep 30, 2011
Recruitment message: Elysium is a new clan on the FFA server. We net most sets, but will fight when we have too, and do it well. http://www.boxcarhosting.com/public/application.php?clanID=Elysium
Clan Standings
Membership Rank5 of 41
Total Networth Rank3 of 41
Average Networth Rank3 of 41
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
4 This country is a land experimen (#1827) 633,404$1,063,005,348 H
5 Darlene (#906)  Game profile 116,213$1,004,115,068 D
6 Rhino (#2204) 179,930$825,465,172 H
12 Iamwithstupid (#2535)  Game profile 199,553$560,145,018 HG
18 Graphite (#3018)  Game profile 71,932$440,647,680 F
26 Rafael Trujillo (#1227) 107,073$346,643,803 DG
36 Augusto Pinochet (#1228) 96,099$284,724,982 DG
44 Porfirio Diaz (#1229) 99,971$273,250,071 DG
47 Sex Beast (#1065) 31,302$265,394,306 DG
54 Fasc (#787) 52,731$257,082,487 HG
58 Sir Wind (#966) 101,076$249,053,602 DG
61 Sir Chaos (#967) 31,963$247,522,259 HG
70 Red (#1175) 29,371$238,188,484 HG
73 Gray Wolf (#1205) 31,794$234,362,209 HG
74 Cat Person (#435) 50,861$234,106,585 DG
80 Fasc (#788) 48,687$230,142,155 HG
86 Achilles Last Stand (#902)  Game profile 81,369$226,745,428 H
97 Dog (#2206) 28,181$217,639,895 H
143 Im Gonna Crawl (#910)  Game profile 59,230$183,442,245 H
160 Onyx (#3028)  Game profile 44,085$174,501,404 F
180 Amethyst (#3020)  Game profile 65,383$157,445,652 F
184 Dict (#786) 46,760$156,377,978 DG
187 Whale (#2208) 27,276$154,747,676 H
189 Hots On For Nowhere (#909)  Game profile 53,705$152,384,644 D
190 Cat (#2207) 27,024$151,558,715 H
193 MetalSlug (#483) 48,484$150,929,642 DG
196 wtf (#939) 48,229$148,080,329 DG
204 (#793) 46,572$143,355,585 DG
208 23 (#381) 48,701$141,383,251 DG
220 Down By The Seaside (#907)  Game profile 53,716$131,996,536 H
234 Friends (#908)  Game profile 51,600$124,997,285 H
236 Tralalalala (#2532)  Game profile 10,476$124,260,827 DG
241 Likeitmatters (#2533)  Game profile 10,506$122,815,151 DG
244 Whocaresanyway (#2534)  Game profile 10,420$121,044,591 DG
245 Quartz (#3029)  Game profile 74,408$120,931,705 F
256 Thats The Way (#916)  Game profile 58,528$116,477,133 C
257 Opal (#3030)  Game profile 65,550$116,092,615 F
260 Ruby (#3031)  Game profile 69,477$115,478,980 F
263 Night Flight (#912)  Game profile 50,730$114,231,113 H
267 Jade (#3017)  Game profile 68,013$112,856,343 F
270 Turquoise (#3025)  Game profile 70,035$112,579,568 F
271 Topaz (#3016)  Game profile 67,000$112,336,159 F
272 Mercury (#3027)  Game profile 70,828$112,229,318 F
274 Poor Tom (#913)  Game profile 50,992$111,526,234 H
275 Living Loving Maid (#911)  Game profile 50,281$111,219,266 H
276 Diamond (#3022)  Game profile 67,798$111,028,958 F
279 Amber (#3026)  Game profile 66,719$109,859,747 F
283 Emerald (#3019)  Game profile 69,463$109,177,129 F
286 Aquamarine (#3024)  Game profile 65,410$108,203,027 F
287 Sapphire (#3021)  Game profile 72,711$108,153,237 F
289 Soapstone (#3023)  Game profile 66,134$107,696,007 F
360 Moreawesomeness (#2228)  Game profile 30,119$91,488,680 HG
381 onetoomany (#2230)  Game profile 29,799$86,718,056 HG
384 Idontcareanymore (#2229)  Game profile 29,806$86,606,638 HG
390 Tea For One (#915)  Game profile 51,438$84,619,880 C
392 Blablabla (#2227)  Game profile 27,102$83,905,835 HG
397 Ineedinspiration (#2225)  Game profile 25,770$81,618,236 HG
398 Whatever (#2226)  Game profile 26,823$81,177,003 HG
413 Hippo (#2205) 36,808$77,673,460 D
418 Unseen Death (#2451) 79,137$76,695,053 F
429 Randomname (#2224)  Game profile 22,577$74,768,152 HG
431 Owl babies (#1187) 28,364$74,551,769 R
436 De Vliegende Hollander (#1189) 27,358$74,174,760 R
438 Tothestarsandbeyond (#2536)  Game profile 25,040$73,684,084 HG
442 Champs Elysee (#1179) 26,783$73,116,662 D
449 Horsestern (#1183) 27,329$71,492,811 R
452 Motherrussia (#2538)  Game profile 21,824$71,120,505 HG
459 Lucknumber16 (#2540)  Game profile 22,434$69,003,815 HG
461 We Need More Wins (#1188) 26,050$68,770,476 D
468 Ely for the win (#1192) 28,365$67,784,329 R
473 Upsidedown (#2539)  Game profile 23,354$66,010,330 HG
476 PewPewPew (#2349)  Game profile 24,839$65,816,134 T
483 Sick Again (#914)  Game profile 48,977$64,761,579 C
489 unluckynumber13 (#2537)  Game profile 24,020$63,685,061 HG
494 Your Time Is Gonna Come (#917)  Game profile 12,075$61,438,702 H
521 Lyons and Owls (#1178) 15,435$55,957,216 H
541 Brunettes in bikini (#1181) 15,224$53,141,230 H
543 Redheads in bikini (#1182) 15,410$52,521,771 H
544 Blondes in bikini (#1180) 15,368$52,408,622 H
546 Elysium is teh win (#1190) 17,083$50,694,697 H
548 Carouselambra (#905)  Game profile 31,153$50,514,296 H
557 We will rock you (#1191) 16,103$48,612,794 H
560 UltraCorps (#1184) 24,508$48,524,669 I
570 UltraSaints (#1186) 24,616$46,350,696 I
575 UltraClowns (#1185) 24,373$45,027,114 I
622 Lyoinstamer (#1193) 23,555$40,222,302 I
639 Hairy Beaver (#3387)  Game profile 24,111$38,855,705 R
650 IHaveReturned (#2353)  Game profile 24,324$38,097,502 D
662 Throne Of Kings (#4932)  Game profile 34,823$37,133,908 F
675 Black Country Woman (#903)  Game profile 29,982$35,880,023 H
689 My Many Smells (#3629) 16,833$34,757,008 C
690 Boogie With Stu (#904)  Game profile 34,112$34,560,038 H
694 Bleach Boys (#3628) 16,793$34,013,701 C
695 Slap (#2351)  Game profile 23,809$33,997,530 T
696 RCs Mom (#3622) 16,796$33,978,374 C
698 Born to Love Volcanos (#3632) 16,889$33,888,866 C
699 Ringo Buys a Rifle (#3636) 16,906$33,848,042 C
700 Sri Lanka Sex Hotel (#3625) 16,843$33,813,767 C
701 The Guitar Song (#3631) 16,863$33,747,947 C
702 Everybodys Got Nice Stuff But Me (#3633) 16,802$33,710,436 C
703 I Against Osbourne (#3634) 16,776$33,652,883 C
704 Bad Party (#3626) 16,856$33,643,770 C
706 Punk Rock Girl (#3627) 16,765$33,512,957 C
707 I Walk the Thinnest Line (#3624) 16,798$33,386,292 C
708 Stuart (#3623) 16,828$33,297,413 C
709 Howard Beware (#3635) 16,776$33,138,159 C
710 Smokin Banana Peels (#3630) 16,774$33,105,185 C
712 Brat in the Frat (#3621) 16,796$32,880,945 C
722 SlowandSteady (#2352)  Game profile 23,805$31,833,236 T
723 Toomanynames (#2355)  Game profile 23,719$31,777,076 T
728 Finallydone (#2358)  Game profile 23,070$31,227,722 T
732 MeAndYou (#2350)  Game profile 23,371$30,997,271 T
734 Blank (#2356)  Game profile 22,493$30,846,026 T
735 Winnah (#2357)  Game profile 23,777$30,813,109 T
752 Empire of China (#4930)  Game profile 21,664$29,569,154 C
759 Sausage Wallet (#3768)  Game profile 19,246$29,228,576 F
773 Troy (#4649)  Game profile 22,836$28,103,503 F
776 Kingdom Of Heaven (#4961)  Game profile 19,755$27,847,438 R
792 LadyofSmeg (#2423)  Game profile 21,562$26,920,004 C
820 Panty Hamster (#3767)  Game profile 15,978$25,544,545 D
824 DerPheebsie (#2422)  Game profile 20,473$25,405,083 D
825 backinWP (#3448) 18,181$25,397,422 D
827 BEWARE (#2354)  Game profile 27,787$25,325,652 C
928 SavageWolf (#3449) 14,149$20,973,677 D
949 DD Marie (#2424)  Game profile 21,284$20,461,037 M
972 Thermopylae (#2631) 10,447$19,531,781 R
988 WPisteyrule (#3447) 14,108$19,042,015 T
993 Winterfell (#5313)  Game profile 17,636$18,840,358 F
1017 WolfontheProwle (#3450) 12,814$17,958,774 T
1051 Magus (#2452) 11,082$17,015,333 F
1053 Bulging Lunchbox (#3766)  Game profile 14,693$16,978,339 H
1063 Alpha Centauri (#2630) 10,418$16,713,748 R
1117 Winning is for losers (#1817) 25,252$15,292,201 R
1126 Astronomically Supreme (#1824) 24,940$14,975,071 R
1145 Today is no day (#1812) 22,739$14,336,355 R
1178 Super Sexy Being (#1825) 26,146$13,475,289 R
1183 Cyrus (#2453) 11,849$13,360,377 F
1197 Terra Draconis (#5773) 17,250$13,093,286 F
1198 Papp (#2454) 9689$13,082,369 F
1206 Memphis (#2632) 10,597$12,885,435 R
1218 Reign Of Fire (#5873)  Game profile 14,502$12,483,433 H
1265 Old winner (#1821) 25,629$11,717,437 R
1268 Wax (#2450) 10,984$11,661,486 F
1273 Sagittarius (#2633) 10,908$11,602,746 R
1275 A good way to die (#1815) 23,287$11,593,239 R
1290 Raggedy old ass (#1823) 63,589$11,450,081 T
1303 Sing for me bitch (#1819) 22,064$10,980,969 R
1324 tg (#1405) 11,411$10,583,937 HG
1341 Your ranks sucks (#1820) 23,097$10,171,179 R
1370 Your Moms Dragon (#5772) 14,579$9,711,217 C
1405 Yo Mamaz Draggin (#5935) 13,558$8,945,935 F
1419 Mind over matter (#1814) 24,157$8,552,501 R
1459 Eddie Torrez (#5774) 13,129$7,465,074 C
1463 Useless farmland (#1822) 24,393$7,290,764 I
1474 Land of the Dragon (#5771) 13,121$7,074,295 C
1498 Ping for info (#1816) 17,259$6,503,219 D
1522 The Extra Testicle (#5775) 9774$6,024,703 C
1527 gizz (#1406) 11,156$5,942,074 FG
1582 No country for old men (#1818) 20,520$5,288,117 I
1862 An Owls Valhalla (#2020) 12,204$1,791,765 F
1866 An Owls Valhalla (#2022) 12,307$1,773,669 F
1869 Blue Rhapshody (#2607) 6448$1,755,174 I
1874 An Owls Valhalla (#2021) 11,239$1,732,977 F
2013 Red Silhouette (#2610) 3797$992,335 D
2157 dragged in by a kuari (#2853) 4195$331,623 M
2531 ely14 (#2866) 440$33,681 M

Ranked countries: 166 (Show all countries)

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