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Free For All Clan: Pandora's Last Vikings (PANLV)

Sixteenth round: Aug 02, 2012 - Oct 02, 2012
Clan Standings
Membership Rank2 of 57
Total Networth Rank1 of 57
Average Networth Rank2 of 57
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
14 Azarcon (#959) 107,491$461,448,905 F
35 yo dick (#651) 117,160$285,488,983 DG
36 ma dick so hot its stolen (#654) 116,072$284,342,629 DG
37 yo dick shop at thrifty (#661) 110,196$284,341,966 DG
39 PLV the best dick in the biz (#662) 114,024$282,223,706 DG
42 PS we got dicks like JESUS (#663) 113,898$280,990,409 DG
43 yo dick look like gary coleman (#655) 117,107$280,214,411 DG
46 ma dick is like super size (#656) 111,380$279,737,652 DG
47 ma dick VIP (#658) 111,977$279,655,361 DG
48 yo dick needs ID (#659) 114,594$279,278,129 DG
50 yo dick look like 2 fries (#657) 112,486$278,074,550 DG
51 ma dick (#648) 108,452$277,928,589 DG
53 yo dick (#649) 114,046$276,819,168 DG
56 yo dick look like a little kids (#653) 111,768$274,165,834 DG
58 ma dick bench press 350 (#660) 114,762$273,109,296 DG
59 ma dick (#650) 109,989$273,084,158 DG
60 new landtrading rules (#1155) 101,323$267,467,046 DG
62 humping and pumping (#1355) 101,165$260,867,012 DG
65 ma dick bigger than a bridge (#652) 114,395$255,986,551 DG
66 new landtrading rules (#1156) 102,433$255,076,087 DG
71 humping and pumping (#1357) 102,548$248,508,236 DG
72 5813 (#283) 101,926$248,428,670 DG
76 new landtrading rules (#1157) 99,840$245,655,014 DG
78 humping and pumping (#1354) 93,070$245,294,817 DG
81 humping and pumping (#1356) 99,717$243,211,650 DG
83 a couple of acres (#899) 101,004$241,775,854 DG
86 new landtrading rules (#1154) 103,058$240,452,911 DG
92 a couple of acres (#902) 101,354$238,081,973 DG
100 a couple of acres (#900) 99,027$235,521,706 DG
102 2134 (#284) 100,077$234,185,753 DG
104 a couple of acres (#901) 101,121$232,044,179 DG
107 terranaut (#1484)  Game profile 98,983$228,925,792 HG
109 juggernaut (#1491)  Game profile 98,534$223,027,644 RG
110 Sixteen (#924) 122,641$222,921,418 HG
111 astronaut (#1482)  Game profile 99,261$222,802,613 RG
112 argonaut (#1493)  Game profile 100,012$222,068,071 RG
113 Seven (#915) 120,542$220,847,193 HG
114 Four (#912) 120,617$219,978,690 HG
115 Eight (#916) 120,710$219,887,115 HG
116 Fourteen (#922) 122,828$219,352,622 HG
118 5589 (#285) 101,983$218,313,631 DG
119 Ten (#918) 122,820$217,894,551 HG
120 Thirteen (#921) 122,777$217,635,637 HG
122 boobonaut (#1496)  Game profile 98,778$217,231,356 RG
123 Eleven (#919) 122,466$216,861,089 HG
124 intronaut (#1483)  Game profile 97,636$215,854,855 HG
125 pandoranaut (#1495)  Game profile 97,182$215,478,092 RG
126 Six (#914) 120,519$214,889,655 HG
127 Five (#913) 120,778$214,829,643 HG
128 Twelve (#920) 122,705$214,651,651 HG
129 Fifteen (#923) 122,848$213,146,816 HG
130 Nine (#917) 122,571$213,108,832 HG
131 mesonaut (#1490)  Game profile 96,672$212,937,641 RG
133 Two (#910) 120,621$212,127,709 HG
135 cybernaut (#1488)  Game profile 96,013$210,658,816 RG
137 One (#909) 120,457$209,676,840 HG
138 chrononaut (#1494)  Game profile 97,955$209,225,950 RG
139 neuronaut (#1487)  Game profile 97,774$209,008,494 HG
141 aquanaut (#1486)  Game profile 94,677$207,932,208 HG
144 hallucinaut (#1492)  Game profile 99,467$206,802,721 RG
145 Three (#911) 120,967$205,828,988 HG
146 havonaut (#1497)  Game profile 92,042$204,561,767 RG
147 cosmonaut (#1489)  Game profile 97,662$204,510,994 RG
148 1123 (#282) 94,013$202,139,821 DG
153 september 15 is happy day (#1897) 106,057$195,730,106 DG
158 september 15 (#1901) 106,639$190,550,456 DG
160 september 15 is a party day (#1208) 106,706$188,879,541 DG
161 suprise coming at september 15 (#1209) 106,741$188,817,789 DG
162 september 15 is saturday (#1210) 111,174$188,653,303 DG
163 september 15 is coming soon (#1095) 101,657$188,230,127 DG
165 FS coming on september 15 (#1895) 109,867$186,445,963 DG
166 15 september aka game over (#1096) 105,707$186,214,604 DG
167 15 september is dooms day (#1098) 114,616$186,129,626 DG
168 september 15 what a day (#1207) 116,062$185,963,855 DG
171 drinking on september 15 (#1899) 101,516$185,091,306 DG
172 september 15 is not far away (#1896) 115,495$184,899,192 DG
173 offline on september 15 (#1900) 113,589$184,759,388 DG
175 september 15 is the day (#1097) 108,689$182,898,133 DG
176 farm (#1173)  Game profile 76,314$182,486,680 HG
206 farm (#1178)  Game profile 69,905$164,264,463 HG
219 farm (#1171)  Game profile 75,469$156,818,227 HG
221 IMPALERS REVENGE (#4432)  Game profile 18,307$155,777,532 T
228 farm (#1179)  Game profile 67,327$149,978,749 HG
230 indy (#1183)  Game profile 75,088$148,967,975 HG
232 farm (#1172)  Game profile 72,958$147,943,680 HG
237 cash (#1177)  Game profile 67,038$145,997,292 HG
238 farm (#1170)  Game profile 72,942$145,793,611 HG
239 cash (#1185)  Game profile 73,532$145,342,964 HG
241 cash (#1181)  Game profile 65,501$142,881,961 HG
248 cash (#1176)  Game profile 70,533$139,634,574 HG
255 indy (#1182)  Game profile 68,871$136,527,351 HG
259 really nice (#4028) 72,554$135,666,442 D
261 cash (#1175)  Game profile 66,819$134,773,065 HG
265 heaven (#1036) 82,729$129,871,770 R
273 cash (#1174)  Game profile 61,000$126,735,745 HG
275 cash (#1180)  Game profile 68,273$126,468,202 HG
279 suprise coming on september 15 (#1902) 49,661$125,510,003 D
284 hell (#1037) 72,380$123,285,260 R
285 peace love understanding (#1050) 72,380$123,058,437 R
286 asylum (#1041) 72,380$123,054,151 R
288 jail (#1042) 72,380$122,854,978 R
290 prison (#1043) 72,380$122,122,513 R
291 where am i (#1039) 72,380$122,121,834 R
292 bosd (#1054) 72,380$121,760,689 R
294 jackson (#1076) 72,380$121,719,127 R
295 lee (#1075) 72,380$121,687,434 R
296 sexy legs (#1055) 72,380$121,642,503 R
297 sherman (#1073) 72,380$121,515,308 R
298 rules (#1056) 72,380$121,023,898 R
300 queens keep (#1040) 72,380$120,876,083 R
302 grant (#1074) 72,380$120,618,529 R
305 cash (#1184)  Game profile 65,942$119,566,169 HG
306 somwhere in between (#1038) 72,380$119,511,462 R
330 P (#2152) 54,385$102,878,488 F
335 H (#2144) 51,485$99,843,834 F
342 passing glance (#756) 31,895$97,923,178 DG
346 Pernicious (#749) 31,671$96,924,768 DG
348 D (#2140) 50,493$95,789,814 F
349 L (#2148) 51,493$95,757,631 F
350 calico cat (#750) 31,434$95,699,080 DG
351 E (#2141) 50,493$95,598,794 F
353 M (#2149) 51,089$95,239,195 F
354 A (#2137) 49,504$95,228,380 F
357 Bama (#754) 30,957$94,849,130 DG
358 germination (#742) 30,922$94,796,239 DG
361 Hailbop (#748) 30,772$94,244,834 DG
362 courtesy (#752) 31,389$94,015,603 DG
363 pumkin (#753) 30,474$94,000,140 DG
364 gorky park (#747) 30,537$93,512,718 DG
366 Frozen tundra (#755) 30,425$92,399,483 DG
368 I (#2145) 50,190$91,479,545 F
372 possibilities (#743) 29,407$90,510,041 DG
373 Thongs Rule (#751) 29,840$90,499,812 DG
377 south (#745) 28,964$89,911,229 DG
396 scorned (#744) 28,713$87,470,996 DG
398 C (#2139) 53,059$87,249,135 I
399 Enter (#746) 28,411$87,103,361 DG
400 F (#2142) 49,532$86,724,246 R
402 K (#2147) 50,592$86,113,769 R
404 O (#2151) 49,787$85,619,934 R
410 scantily (#741) 28,515$84,813,602 DG
480 bilbo (#783) 25,825$68,763,794 IG
488 biffur (#789) 26,263$68,076,162 IG
489 nori (#797) 28,584$68,063,043 IG
492 fili (#794) 27,049$67,791,030 IG
493 kili (#795) 27,915$67,732,499 IG
496 balin (#792) 27,111$67,610,255 IG
497 dwalin (#793) 27,109$67,549,908 IG
498 ori (#798) 28,007$67,495,551 IG
499 thorin (#786) 25,980$67,466,062 IG
501 gollum (#785) 25,805$67,421,995 IG
504 dori (#796) 27,890$67,339,450 IG
505 oin (#787) 26,193$67,168,780 IG
506 boffur (#790) 26,000$67,077,245 IG
509 gandalf (#784) 25,774$66,981,257 IG
516 bombur (#791) 27,101$66,670,126 IG
518 gloin (#788) 26,184$66,622,311 IG
533 One eye Jack (#1044) 14,407$65,777,161 H
561 N (#2150) 40,588$61,495,653 D
576 J (#2146) 38,584$57,620,492 D
578 G (#2143) 39,239$57,389,289 D
596 B (#2138) 37,153$53,459,100 D
604 Soy Zeta (#2941) 28,668$51,980,601 H
613 Two eye Joe (#1047) 12,967$50,879,736 H
705 Mapi xDWARx 1 (#2750) 22,478$39,370,558 R
707 Manchester United (#2947) 30,074$39,210,994 H
778 Eto Sa Yo (#946) 25,900$31,962,195 C
788 Eto Sa Yo (#948) 25,958$31,090,522 C
793 IMPALERS REVENGE (#3040)  Game profile 22,248$30,811,734 T
797 IMPALERS REVENGE (#3045)  Game profile 22,726$30,579,634 T
800 IMPALERS REVENGE (#3047)  Game profile 22,657$30,384,793 T
808 IMPALERS REVENGE (#3046)  Game profile 21,308$29,395,317 T
811 Azarcon (#961) 32,183$29,123,941 F
813 Mapi xDWARx 4 (#2753) 13,596$29,024,844 H
814 Eto Sa Yo (#947) 26,041$29,002,889 C
817 IMPALERS REVENGE (#3044)  Game profile 19,958$28,595,094 T
822 Azarcon (#960) 30,698$28,218,438 F
825 IMPALERS REVENGE (#3041)  Game profile 19,983$28,131,622 T
826 Azarcon (#958) 30,681$28,128,343 F
834 Eto Sa Yo (#949) 27,735$27,715,791 C
855 Mapi xDWARx 2 (#2751) 31,113$26,890,006 C
857 IMPALERS REVENGE (#3038)  Game profile 17,824$26,768,358 T
859 IMPALERS REVENGE (#4425)  Game profile 19,602$26,648,178 T
862 IMPALERS REVENGE (#3039)  Game profile 18,051$26,343,693 T
874 Halleluiah (#953) 11,446$25,090,028 H
904 Halleluiah (#951) 11,450$23,424,444 H
907 Halleluiah (#952) 11,276$23,215,976 H
908 IMPALERS REVENGE (#4429)  Game profile 18,506$23,140,123 T
909 IMPALERS REVENGE (#4427)  Game profile 18,413$22,969,267 T
913 Reina del Sur (#2945) 14,337$22,755,324 H
916 Halleluiah (#950) 11,358$22,617,094 H
929 IMPALERS REVENGE (#4428)  Game profile 17,935$21,894,282 T
931 IMPALERS REVENGE (#4426)  Game profile 18,219$21,876,493 T
932 IMPALERS REVENGE (#4430)  Game profile 17,071$21,798,818 T
945 IMPALERS REVENGE (#4431)  Game profile 16,480$21,038,105 T
955 One eye Joe (#1046) 26,702$20,231,204 C
1061 Mapi xDWARx 3 (#2752) 31,964$15,879,114 F
1096 Mapi xDWARx 5 (#2754) 34,719$14,393,804 F
1108 Jack Joe (#1048) 26,372$14,011,182 C
1119 Spandau Ballet (#957) 13,490$13,620,944 C
1150 Spic n Span (#956) 8741$12,620,702 C
1172 Expansion Fanatic (#955) 8297$11,503,382 C
1176 red apple farm (#1506)  Game profile 1082$11,399,587 F
1209 stanley (#1503)  Game profile 890$10,302,077 H
1236 hello (#1507)  Game profile 1009$9,371,443 F
1256 to the top (#1504)  Game profile 1224$8,554,943 H
1292 Spanish Fly (#954) 6455$7,859,783 D
1385 Templar Knight (#2938) 11,362$6,271,104 C
1389 Joe Jack (#1049) 27,346$6,225,172 R
1412 Puro Jet (#2948) 12,567$5,798,504 R
1420 Chapo Guzman (#2939) 10,359$5,566,077 C
1421 Two eye Jack (#1045) 15,122$5,499,623 F
1423 Cartel de Mazatlan (#2943) 13,651$5,456,414 C
1424 El Barbie (#2940) 13,834$5,398,416 C
1425 Alyssa (#1505)  Game profile 1748$5,395,528 H
1436 Chingon de Chingones (#2946) 12,513$5,008,708 C
1442 El Asesino (#2944) 10,208$4,671,551 C
1465 I retail (#1508)  Game profile 1206$4,263,879 F
1479 Cartel de Tijuana (#2942) 10,889$3,915,238 C
1510 stanley (#1516)  Game profile 3446$3,384,093 H
1512 stanley (#1514)  Game profile 1433$3,319,684 H
1534 stanley (#1515)  Game profile 1420$2,834,361 H
1544 stanley (#1517)  Game profile 1756$2,643,143 H
1545 stanley (#1518)  Game profile 1922$2,636,167 H
1569 mbrs (#1510)  Game profile 2391$2,116,880 F
1575 stanley (#1513)  Game profile 1684$2,070,469 H
1643 daytripper (#1373)  Game profile 16,717$1,378,427 F
1645 when worlds collide (#1363)  Game profile 16,730$1,375,895 F
1651 playing god (#1374)  Game profile 16,779$1,361,568 F
1652 freddie gibbs (#1368)  Game profile 16,717$1,361,418 F
1653 destroyer of worlds (#1370)  Game profile 16,663$1,357,843 F
1660 milwaukee (#1366)  Game profile 15,732$1,306,115 F
1662 diamonds and guns (#1359)  Game profile 15,703$1,284,543 F
1667 searching for some beautiful (#1360)  Game profile 15,377$1,256,801 F
1702 free land (#1512)  Game profile 6150$1,016,264 C
1723 all jetter (#1511)  Game profile 6532$796,731 C

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