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Top Clans - Free For All

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Top 25 (out of 35) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Earths Screaming Demons ESD 166 $27,431,938,727 $165,252,643
Pandora's Last Vikings xPANLVx 195 $26,279,096,807 $134,764,599
The Kings Order xTKOx 257 $21,428,087,170 $83,377,771
Kaiser SchwarzMarkt vKSMv 186 $9,601,810,068 $51,622,635
Carpe Cerevisi CC 283 $3,183,629,673 $11,249,575
Natural Born Killers NBK 130 $1,449,870,700 $11,152,852
Saints and Sinners SAS 16 $1,289,937,608 $80,621,101
fear 14 $1,219,522,634 $87,108,760
Insane Clownz With Dope xICDx 1 $821,113,467 $82,111,347
9th Chevron SG 16 $735,957,688 $45,997,356
Undead Soldiers of Ares Ares 111 $568,820,728 $5,124,511
SOF xSOFx 48 $380,731,509 $7,931,906
Strength In Nobody SIN 16 $317,922,698 $19,870,169
Lords of the FLYs xLOTFx 16 $273,510,433 $17,094,402
Bsnake bsnake 16 $221,995,383 $13,874,711
UofT UofT 16 $121,573,899 $7,598,369
Xtreme Idiots XIdiotas 68 $114,166,397 $1,678,918
Law and Order LaO 10 $62,835,985 $6,283,599
KyleCleric KC 7 $4,478,039 $447,804
ABC GANG ABC 8 $3,031,415 $303,142
Insane Multi Posse IMP 35 $2,808,153 $80,233
Carpe Cerevisi xCCx 1 $2,049,642 $204,964
MetalHeadz Rocker 5 $1,266,397 $126,640
Huge Allliance of Nations HAN 16 $461,241 $28,828
The Cloaked needs a home HOMELESS 3 $270,214 $27,021

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