Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2463
Currently Logged in: 204

Free For All Clan: ICD (xICDx)

Twenty-eighth round: Aug 04, 2014 - Oct 03, 2014
Clan Standings
Membership Rank1 of 28
Total Networth Rank1 of 28
Average Networth Rank5 of 28
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
8 darsh4 (#721)  Game profile 49,287$761,938,055 H
10 That One (#535) 101,322$531,936,855 H
11 I LOVE LIDIA (#813) 10,930$507,237,278 HG
19 Vanilla Kush (#459)  Game profile 45,181$264,085,146 D
20 Best Place To Be (#984) 131,824$238,323,155 H
21 Buckingham Green (#1015) 43,061$238,312,611 H
23 Happy Colored Marbles (#1019) 32,288$228,951,864 D
27 Burmese Kush (#458)  Game profile 44,320$193,788,304 D
29 Hindu Kush (#457)  Game profile 44,384$191,059,563 D
30 Sour Kush (#460)  Game profile 43,648$189,881,610 D
32 OVERLORD PSYCHO (#1135)  Game profile 53,322$180,288,897 H
33 DIE OVERLORDs MACHT FREI (#1129)  Game profile 53,207$179,780,331 H
34 OVERLORD 4 YOU (#1133)  Game profile 51,874$179,662,687 H
35 Little Big OverLord (#1126)  Game profile 52,129$179,513,241 H
36 OVERLORD WARMONGER (#1136)  Game profile 51,527$178,942,506 H
37 ITS OVERlord 4 YOU (#1138)  Game profile 52,574$178,848,659 H
38 Eaters Of The Living (#1128)  Game profile 52,436$177,760,328 H
39 Eaters Of The Dead (#1127)  Game profile 51,882$176,879,239 H
41 GAME OVERlord (#1134)  Game profile 50,458$174,804,094 H
42 SWEDISH SUPREMACY (#1125)  Game profile 49,499$173,819,279 H
43 The OVERLORDs 4 THE WIN (#1137)  Game profile 50,614$173,499,952 H
44 OVERLORD AGENDA (#1131)  Game profile 50,096$173,073,484 H
45 OVERLORD WARRIOR (#1130)  Game profile 51,158$171,386,538 H
46 OVERLORD Boozer (#1139)  Game profile 48,863$171,192,431 H
47 PROJECT OVERLORD (#1132)  Game profile 49,366$169,246,775 H
48 OVERLORD WARMACHINE (#1140)  Game profile 49,880$168,632,995 H
53 SWEDISH VIPER is Gay (#803) 10,839$157,854,550 H
54 Lets Do It Again (#782) 48,017$156,524,037 H
55 Lets Do It Again (#797) 49,303$156,127,751 H
56 Lets Do It Again (#784) 48,880$155,142,552 H
57 Lets Do It Again (#794) 48,950$155,142,058 H
58 Lets Do It Again (#790) 48,825$155,081,521 H
59 Lets Do It Again (#795) 48,978$155,032,605 H
60 Lets Do It Again (#791) 48,672$154,427,546 H
61 Lets Do It Again (#796) 48,810$154,376,665 H
63 Lets Do It Again (#788) 48,473$152,782,281 H
64 Lets Do It Again (#786) 47,963$152,709,880 H
65 Lets Do It Again (#785) 47,836$152,691,849 H
67 Lets Do It Again (#789) 47,971$152,288,963 H
68 Lets Do It Again (#787) 48,017$152,118,479 H
69 Lets Do It Again (#792) 48,253$151,697,615 H
72 Lets Do It Again (#793) 47,585$150,882,848 H
75 Lets Do It Again (#783) 47,813$149,166,550 H
84 darsh5 (#722)  Game profile 26,914$146,545,626 F
97 Michael Jordan (#389) 39,490$133,197,743 H
99 Magic Johnson (#390) 38,748$130,890,980 H
101 Tim Duncan (#396) 39,278$128,609,203 H
102 Wilt Chamberlain (#391) 38,786$128,528,255 H
104 Larry Bird (#395) 39,220$128,437,063 H
105 LeBron James (#394) 38,973$128,151,798 H
106 Kobe Bryant (#393) 38,719$127,718,699 H
113 Kareem Abdul Jabbar (#392) 38,236$126,056,270 H
114 Stay Forever (#1016) 28,414$125,705,261 H
116 Kushage (#462)  Game profile 21,138$125,094,512 H
125 Hakeem Olajuwon (#397) 37,100$122,348,926 H
129 The Other One (#536) 42,067$120,438,565 H
131 Jack Meoff (#532) 41,011$119,902,622 H
133 The Stallion (#1018) 22,101$119,202,576 H
134 Shaquille O Neal (#398) 35,876$119,138,781 H
135 CountryWide (#908)  Game profile 30,508$118,414,523 H
136 AngelEyes (#909)  Game profile 30,360$117,948,795 H
137 ItGoesLikeThis (#900)  Game profile 30,318$117,890,333 H
138 BurninItDown (#910)  Game profile 30,296$117,733,458 H
140 GetYurShineOn (#906)  Game profile 30,348$117,243,505 H
141 StikkyCrippy (#911)  Game profile 30,364$117,242,481 H
142 Karl Malone (#401) 35,195$117,177,781 H
143 ashNdust (#872)  Game profile 30,257$117,165,086 H
144 Brave (#899)  Game profile 30,477$117,031,017 H
145 Julius Erving (#402) 35,251$116,977,164 H
146 Bill Russell (#399) 35,132$116,667,511 H
147 John Stockton (#404) 35,421$116,541,311 H
148 Unbreakable (#902)  Game profile 30,331$116,512,484 H
149 Jerry West (#403) 35,274$116,115,616 H
151 Oscar Robertson (#400) 34,933$116,050,712 H
153 TechIDIOT (#873)  Game profile 30,634$115,767,279 H
154 BottomsUP (#904)  Game profile 30,373$115,573,538 H
156 Compass (#901)  Game profile 30,349$115,229,106 H
159 AwNaw (#907)  Game profile 30,365$114,312,703 H
160 DownTown (#905)  Game profile 30,224$114,292,494 H
162 Sunday (#521) 35,924$112,917,895 H
167 You were the Fool (#1029) 31,507$110,333,224 H
172 STOMPA (#871)  Game profile 31,008$109,176,130 H
175 Sunday (#528) 40,274$108,758,931 H
179 Friday (#526) 41,516$108,009,049 H
180 Space Ace (#531) 41,377$107,334,523 H
182 Captain Fantasy (#1024) 25,343$106,879,351 H
184 This One (#534) 38,904$105,837,950 H
185 Fender Strat (#530) 41,143$105,759,454 H
186 PRS Dragon (#529) 41,450$105,362,679 H
188 Tuesday (#523) 41,080$104,992,580 H
189 Bjs Bandits 16 (#239) 34,333$104,487,569 R
190 Saturday (#527) 39,606$104,477,339 H
192 Touch my Tooter (#1028) 30,901$103,992,456 H
193 Nuckin Futs (#533) 37,947$103,813,223 H
196 Wedensday (#524) 38,060$103,613,666 H
199 I dont want it (#1017) 26,089$103,107,967 H
200 Monday (#522) 37,569$101,368,844 H
201 The Argus (#1014) 48,395$101,006,656 C
202 Sorry Charlie (#1026) 25,351$100,874,434 H
203 OnlyWayIKnow (#903)  Game profile 31,447$99,992,096 H
206 Thursday (#525) 36,806$99,175,037 H
208 Bjs Bandits 1 (#224) 27,218$97,656,565 R
211 Bjs Bandits 2 (#225) 27,258$96,002,003 R
214 darsh1 (#718)  Game profile 22,277$92,442,177 H
216 5 (#624)  Game profile 41,027$91,155,966 F
219 Poop Ship Destroyer (#1027) 25,375$90,239,936 H
221 4 (#623)  Game profile 41,267$89,779,632 F
223 2 (#621)  Game profile 41,247$89,429,972 F
224 11 (#630)  Game profile 41,060$89,403,679 F
225 10 (#629)  Game profile 40,974$89,367,694 F
227 7 (#626)  Game profile 41,180$89,029,837 F
228 12 (#631)  Game profile 42,031$88,984,933 F
231 3 (#622)  Game profile 40,858$88,605,388 F
232 15 (#634)  Game profile 41,749$88,554,034 F
234 6 (#625)  Game profile 41,022$88,085,163 F
235 8 (#627)  Game profile 41,148$88,044,285 F
236 9 (#628)  Game profile 41,235$88,024,166 F
239 16 (#635)  Game profile 40,469$87,276,969 F
240 darsh3 (#720)  Game profile 20,430$87,209,540 H
241 13 (#632)  Game profile 40,366$87,159,754 F
245 14 (#633)  Game profile 40,708$86,563,001 F
246 Bjs Bandits 15 (#238) 27,384$85,962,875 R
248 Bjs Bandits 3 (#226) 27,388$85,606,869 R
249 Bjs Bandits 14 (#237) 26,969$84,944,608 R
250 Bjs Bandits 13 (#236) 26,729$84,574,144 R
251 Bjs Bandits 6 (#229) 27,263$84,517,764 R
253 1 (#620)  Game profile 39,499$84,285,770 F
255 Bjs Bandits 11 (#234) 26,709$84,209,339 R
256 Bjs Bandits 5 (#228) 26,943$83,401,092 R
257 Bjs Bandits 8 (#231) 26,647$82,764,381 R
258 Bjs Bandits 7 (#230) 26,638$82,569,551 R
259 Bjs Bandits 4 (#227) 26,926$82,292,650 R
260 Bjs Bandits 9 (#232) 26,058$81,902,710 R
261 Bjs Bandits 10 (#233) 26,588$81,558,313 R
262 Bjs Bandits 12 (#235) 27,177$80,604,002 R
266 OG Kush (#461)  Game profile 20,428$79,654,778 H
272 darsh2 (#719)  Game profile 21,334$78,465,941 H
273 Birthday Boy (#1022) 25,669$78,362,177 H
274 Kaia Kush (#463)  Game profile 20,764$78,002,793 H
276 darsh14 (#731)  Game profile 27,718$76,140,441 F
277 darsh16 (#733)  Game profile 26,914$76,086,871 F
279 Ocean Man (#1020) 24,166$75,152,246 H
281 Purple Kush (#464)  Game profile 20,389$74,588,807 H
282 Larry OG Kush (#466)  Game profile 17,386$74,209,337 D
284 darsh15 (#732)  Game profile 27,474$74,052,602 F
286 darsh13 (#730)  Game profile 26,204$73,673,447 F
296 So Long Jerry (#1021) 21,856$71,755,120 H
308 LMLYP (#1023) 23,939$69,990,033 D
313 Free For All Clans (#999) 25,069$69,157,040 F
318 Massivechusetts (#992) 25,743$67,409,890 F
330 Next (#986) 26,085$65,112,958 F
335 darsh12 (#729)  Game profile 26,855$63,227,143 F
336 tear here (#989) 25,505$62,761,641 F
338 32 Characters (#988) 25,052$62,084,401 F
339 First Country (#990) 25,290$61,737,059 F
341 Primary (#996) 25,168$61,574,550 F
347 San Fernando Valley Kush (#467)  Game profile 16,759$59,924,499 D
349 Reset Starts (#995) 25,508$59,815,234 F
351 ISIS (#993) 26,491$58,673,100 F
352 Tahoe Kush (#465)  Game profile 16,913$58,520,191 D
354 E x p r e s s (#997) 24,663$58,180,877 F
355 Hamas Bin Laden (#994) 25,253$57,908,213 F
359 Money Matters (#985) 25,666$56,328,072 D
361 Bubba Kush (#468)  Game profile 17,011$55,425,959 D
364 Page (#987) 26,130$55,268,397 F
373 Rishi Kush (#472)  Game profile 15,156$52,744,737 D
374 Dr Rock (#1025) 23,184$52,674,842 H
378 darsh10 (#727)  Game profile 27,089$52,273,420 F
381 Pee Pee (#991) 25,586$52,030,485 F
385 darsh8 (#725)  Game profile 26,683$51,248,345 F
387 Wizard (#349) 34,529$50,118,666 R
390 darsh6 (#723)  Game profile 27,015$49,799,481 F
393 Proxim (#346) 33,940$48,877,733 R
396 Power (#347) 34,220$48,300,712 R
400 darsh9 (#726)  Game profile 27,355$48,086,043 F
401 Polecat (#348) 34,128$47,906,156 R
403 darsh11 (#728)  Game profile 27,263$47,381,150 F
424 darsh7 (#724)  Game profile 27,032$42,538,044 F
429 Fairy God Parents (#353) 27,870$41,405,181 R
438 Prism (#352) 27,723$40,517,275 R
441 Hawk (#350) 27,662$40,025,576 R
445 Source (#351) 27,699$39,836,317 R
494 Headband Kush (#469)  Game profile 15,075$35,270,610 D
496 Russian Master Kush (#470)  Game profile 14,902$34,903,264 D
498 Lemon Kush (#471)  Game profile 14,614$34,573,900 D
508 People Are Strange (#806) 10,796$33,020,397 H
511 Break on Through (#807) 10,818$32,667,394 H
512 OVERLORD Empire (#799) 10,924$32,659,824 H
516 MEXICAN SUPREMACY (#802) 10,887$32,412,968 H
517 OVERLORD Netter (#801) 10,703$32,350,452 H
518 OVERLORD Killer (#800) 10,944$32,334,412 H
527 French OVERLORD (#808) 10,846$31,499,451 H
533 Honey Boo Boo (#798) 11,007$31,055,115 H
537 Spanish OVERLORD (#811) 10,874$30,315,306 H
540 English OVERLORD (#809) 10,720$29,999,228 H
545 Italian OVERLORD (#810) 10,711$29,383,776 H
548 I Like Turtles (#804) 10,870$29,218,119 H
550 Love me Two Times (#805) 10,783$29,112,816 H
562 Tournament (#998) 24,867$27,720,943 F
563 American Apparel Underwear (#357) 23,800$27,707,498 R
588 Lidiacita (#812) 10,850$26,988,793 H
603 Polish a Turd (#354) 23,906$26,507,897 R
647 Boom Clap (#356) 23,810$24,157,425 R
653 Its still a turd (#355) 23,884$23,926,557 R
812 Who Farted (#358) 17,155$15,985,638 R
826 Im with stupid (#359) 17,072$15,200,367 R
838 Hero of The Day (#39)  Game profile 24,234$14,439,603 F
843 King Nothing (#38)  Game profile 23,297$14,178,885 F
846 Dumb and Dumber (#360) 16,928$14,082,999 R
849 Superman whistles when he farts (#361) 17,001$14,058,101 R
859 Nothing Else Matters (#40)  Game profile 24,964$13,845,784 F
884 The Prince (#37)  Game profile 26,111$12,872,752 F
902 Through The Never (#42)  Game profile 17,318$12,455,579 F
917 Pearl (#453) 18,639$11,509,150 C
921 Eydie (#445) 19,554$11,108,655 C
924 Nichole (#452) 18,742$10,927,936 C
927 One (#41)  Game profile 17,046$10,762,553 F
928 Rachel (#454) 19,478$10,745,620 C
930 Adrianne (#441) 19,476$10,734,406 C
934 Heather (#447) 19,261$10,496,157 C
939 Mandy (#451) 18,870$10,198,642 C
944 Beth (#442) 19,011$10,097,277 C
946 Cari (#443) 19,047$10,082,370 C
949 Dana (#444) 18,996$10,003,397 C
954 Jen (#448) 19,300$9,755,324 C
955 Sabina (#455) 18,823$9,735,268 C
958 Gail (#446) 19,239$9,438,818 C
961 Talie (#456) 18,680$9,152,172 C
962 Leanna (#450) 18,952$9,127,573 C
964 Kalina (#449) 18,728$8,901,573 C
984 Aint My Bitch (#44)  Game profile 18,772$6,207,866 F
985 Harvester of Sorrow (#45)  Game profile 20,432$6,145,177 F
990 2x4 (#43)  Game profile 18,618$5,396,126 F
998 Seek And Destroy (#49)  Game profile 13,298$4,576,810 F
999 Anesthesia (#48)  Game profile 13,368$4,569,673 F
1000 Damage Inc (#47)  Game profile 13,820$4,507,673 F
1001 Am I Evil (#50)  Game profile 13,313$4,467,885 F
1002 Orion (#46)  Game profile 13,059$4,437,507 F
1008 Unforgiven (#52)  Game profile 14,925$3,889,223 F
1011 Sweet Amber (#51)  Game profile 13,898$3,872,213 F
1062 I Tried Astro Empires (#2895) 7399$2,515,830 MG
1066 Andromeda Galaxy (#2897) 7562$2,435,506 MG
1079 Nova Galaxy (#2899) 7797$2,253,853 MG
1080 Deafening Silence (#328)  Game profile 18,850$2,245,756 F
1081 Clenching The Fists Of Dissent (#323)  Game profile 18,920$2,244,574 F
1082 Be Still And Know (#317)  Game profile 18,905$2,241,595 F
1083 Who We Are (#322)  Game profile 18,898$2,239,768 F
1084 A Farewell To Arms (#327)  Game profile 18,830$2,235,570 F
1085 Imperium (#329)  Game profile 18,852$2,235,243 F
1088 Ashes To The Sky (#316)  Game profile 18,883$2,226,856 F
1089 This Is The End (#319)  Game profile 18,936$2,218,705 F
1090 Locust (#318)  Game profile 18,764$2,217,275 F
1091 Bungie Jumper (#2896) 7407$2,215,099 MG
1092 The Darkness Within (#320)  Game profile 18,852$2,212,713 F
1093 Aesthetics Of Hate (#325)  Game profile 18,726$2,208,306 F
1094 Pearls For Swine (#321)  Game profile 18,916$2,207,581 F
1095 Descend The Shades Of Night (#324)  Game profile 18,795$2,205,630 F
1097 Sangre Sani (#315)  Game profile 18,866$2,201,897 F
1098 I Am Hell (#314)  Game profile 18,680$2,173,444 F
1100 Now I Lay Thee Down (#326)  Game profile 18,691$2,170,851 F
1101 Mira Galaxy (#2898) 7651$2,156,633 MG
1169 Clownliness (#1082) 7765$1,158,679 R
1172 Clownliness (#1072) 4757$1,131,705 C
1184 Clownliness (#1074) 11,769$1,082,047 R
1191 Clownliness (#1068) 10,697$1,033,975 R
1192 Clownliness (#1078) 11,260$1,031,481 R
1193 Clownliness (#1069) 11,398$1,014,521 R
1197 Clownliness (#1083) 9573$969,702 R
1198 Clownliness (#1081) 9880$966,157 R
1199 Clownliness (#1075) 11,351$966,116 R
1200 Clownliness (#1071) 10,707$959,512 R
1204 Clownliness (#1079) 10,464$921,479 R
1207 Clownliness (#1080) 6791$890,674 R
1211 Clownliness (#1073) 10,901$874,592 R
1212 Clownliness (#1077) 9887$871,043 R
1229 Clownliness (#1070) 9373$764,382 D
1233 Clownliness (#1076) 7657$743,498 R

Total countries: 277

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