Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2469
Currently Logged in: 205

Free For All Clan: The Undead Soldiers of ARES (Ares)

Thirty-fourth round: Aug 05, 2015 - Oct 04, 2015
Clan Standings
Membership Rank6 of 21
Total Networth Rank9 of 21
Average Networth Rank13 of 21
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
124 One Eyed Willie (#181) 59,054$113,076,287 D
330 One Eyed Willie (#170) 14,109$40,383,890 H
372 One Eyed Willie (#185) 17,987$35,739,175 D
414 One Eyed Willie (#178) 16,815$29,565,988 D
415 One Eyed Willie (#172) 14,282$29,397,216 H
432 One Eyed Willie (#176) 16,389$27,938,227 D
469 One Eyed Willie (#171) 13,856$25,443,982 H
507 One Eyed Willie (#175) 17,412$23,292,944 D
514 One Eyed Willie (#184) 17,097$22,423,768 D
521 One Eyed Willie (#179) 15,330$21,881,696 D
525 I Kill Whores (#2080) 17,513$21,657,043 I
531 One Eyed Willie (#173) 17,754$21,222,772 D
642 One Eyed Willie (#174) 12,315$16,015,345 H
668 One Eyed Willie (#180) 17,039$13,566,964 D
679 One Eyed Willie (#177) 16,557$12,939,779 D
682 One Eyed Willie (#183) 17,263$12,864,051 D
1200 RLintz (#1251) 11,366$1,846,633 F
1251 Stoltz (#742)  Game profile 8976$1,315,945 M
1259 RLintz (#1244) 9522$1,247,495 F
1260 RLintz (#1243) 9546$1,245,226 F
1261 RLintz (#1248) 9566$1,236,125 F
1264 Ares (#595)  Game profile 8004$1,220,074 I
1266 RLintz (#1246) 9561$1,217,213 F
1268 RLintz (#1245) 9558$1,203,865 F
1270 RLintz (#1239) 9173$1,188,435 F
1274 RLintz (#1241) 9058$1,176,990 F
1276 RLintz (#1247) 9542$1,175,910 F
1277 1 (#1002)  Game profile 7917$1,173,904 M
1280 RLintz (#1242) 9073$1,162,978 F
1281 69 (#969)  Game profile 8825$1,158,566 M
1283 JJ (#637)  Game profile 8056$1,151,355 I
1286 RLintz (#1238) 8990$1,144,191 F
1289 RLintz (#1249) 9613$1,137,562 F
1296 RLintz (#1240) 8847$1,126,794 F
1298 RLintz (#1237) 8944$1,124,883 F
1307 Sleeper Cell (#1095)  Game profile 7010$1,096,155 M
1308 Mr President (#943)  Game profile 9009$1,094,760 M
1335 RLintz (#1236) 8980$1,041,418 F
1349 Splinter Cell (#1097)  Game profile 8352$1,020,341 M
1356 Sleeper Cell (#1096)  Game profile 7079$1,000,596 M
1361 se6xT9her (#960)  Game profile 8294$993,478 M
1393 RLintz (#1250) 7700$894,455 F
1403 Sleeper Cell (#1094)  Game profile 8982$869,562 M
1404 TTT (#882)  Game profile 6890$864,175 M
1473 Xi Jousta (#1056)  Game profile 6605$668,434 M
1487 CC (#1099)  Game profile 7086$600,654 M
1505 Unforgiven (#1971) 3820$545,581 I
1533 Ares (#1287)  Game profile 4977$460,568 I
1544 Unforgiven (#1972) 3894$430,320 I
1561 Stiffy (#1328)  Game profile 4318$371,315 I
1566 Unforgiven (#1973) 3497$351,000 I
1569 Unforgiven (#1974) 3294$349,226 I
1660 Unforgiven (#1978) 1011$102,256 I
1665 Unforgiven (#1979) 999$99,865 I
1666 Unforgiven (#1980) 1005$99,477 I
1667 Unforgiven (#1977) 977$99,101 I
1669 Unforgiven (#1976) 971$97,395 I
1673 Unforgiven (#1975) 940$95,392 I
1679 Unforgiven (#1985) 957$89,842 I
1680 Unforgiven (#1986) 970$88,629 I
1681 Unforgiven (#1984) 969$88,536 I
1683 Unforgiven (#1981) 967$87,769 I
1684 Unforgiven (#1982) 948$86,657 I
1685 Unforgiven (#1983) 943$86,443 I

Ranked countries: 64 (Show all countries)

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