Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2469
Currently Logged in: 206

Free For All Clan: The Kings Order (TKOwnd)

Thirty-fourth round: Aug 05, 2015 - Oct 04, 2015
Clan Standings
Membership Rank1 of 21
Total Networth Rank1 of 21
Average Networth Rank2 of 21
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1 Wild Tiger (#741)  Game profile 607,790$2,458,400,302 F
5 XxWaNgErxX (#541)  Game profile 11,887$1,402,975,455 HG
6 Torpido (#1134)  Game profile 233,902$1,327,225,555 HG
7 King of the Order (#267) 14$1,321,587,250 HG
8 Kelenze (#1138)  Game profile 205,771$1,076,447,766 HG
9 1 (#21) 73,483$1,044,973,562 DG
10 maximusfaith (#66) 31,682$1,023,037,782 D
12 pew (#129)  Game profile 119,622$891,094,949 H
13 pew (#130)  Game profile 95,267$577,116,056 H
15 maximusfaith (#72) 319,256$524,352,006 H
17 Vica (#1136)  Game profile 220,951$438,168,444 HG
18 enter (#2016) 21,533$388,284,632 DG
19 Dasala (#1133)  Game profile 203,013$363,892,694 CG
20 Slapp (#1139)  Game profile 175,874$330,792,761 CG
21 Auger (#1143)  Game profile 153,718$278,184,867 CG
22 Evie (#1147)  Game profile 156,099$268,336,294 HG
24 Catty (#1146)  Game profile 140,555$260,193,521 HG
46 JBot (#1144)  Game profile 107,989$205,793,124 CG
47 CatMac (#1142)  Game profile 100,301$192,822,855 HG
48 XxWaNgErxX (#536)  Game profile 76,259$190,932,288 HG
49 XxWaNgErxX (#530)  Game profile 76,266$190,263,934 HG
50 XxWaNgErxX (#534)  Game profile 75,167$188,972,810 HG
52 XxWaNgErxX (#526)  Game profile 77,886$185,951,558 HG
53 XxWaNgErxX (#531)  Game profile 76,814$184,334,640 HG
54 XxWaNgErxX (#535)  Game profile 76,288$184,239,191 HG
55 Szekeres (#1140)  Game profile 127,404$184,107,670 HG
56 XxWaNgErxX (#533)  Game profile 76,854$183,526,717 HG
57 XxWaNgErxX (#527)  Game profile 73,984$181,678,976 HG
58 XxWaNgErxX (#528)  Game profile 73,001$180,317,503 HG
67 Leema (#1137)  Game profile 77,055$169,346,108 HG
68 XxWaNgErxX (#529)  Game profile 75,922$168,174,016 HG
69 XxWaNgErxX (#532)  Game profile 74,548$166,055,028 HG
71 Emco (#1145)  Game profile 110,825$165,548,974 HG
80 Arbutina (#1141)  Game profile 101,282$158,294,307 CG
90 maximusfaith (#57) 136,642$151,201,437 C
98 maximusfaith (#58) 131,626$138,059,273 R
100 LGBTQ Pride (#1015) 63,833$133,853,883 F
118 XxWaNgErxX (#537)  Game profile 69,417$119,514,779 HG
131 2 (#22) 19,600$102,502,186 R
132 3 (#23) 19,593$102,276,636 R
133 4 (#24) 19,604$101,988,109 R
134 maximusfaith (#65) 19,075$101,725,242 R
178 1 (#5) 31,769$84,387,740 R
185 5 (#9) 27,518$82,576,893 D
187 6 (#10) 27,523$82,521,019 D
193 2 (#6) 31,660$82,042,274 R
199 4 (#8) 31,733$81,712,771 R
201 16 (#20) 20,819$81,372,434 H
202 12 (#16) 20,831$81,340,494 H
203 7 (#11) 27,484$81,194,693 D
205 10 (#14) 20,848$81,104,768 H
206 13 (#17) 20,730$81,027,060 H
207 8 (#12) 27,456$80,925,215 D
208 11 (#15) 20,809$80,912,015 H
209 14 (#18) 20,861$80,890,881 H
211 9 (#13) 20,864$80,864,447 H
212 3 (#7) 31,701$80,834,850 R
214 15 (#19) 20,662$80,386,323 H
218 5 (#25) 20,628$79,082,809 R
224 maximusfaith (#71) 57,945$78,449,637 H
246 TutuwarriorTKO (#440)  Game profile 35,219$69,503,721 H
254 TutuwarriorTKO (#441)  Game profile 25,490$60,907,319 H
261 9 (#29) 20,625$56,063,037 R
262 15 (#35) 20,610$55,931,074 R
263 16 (#36) 20,623$55,912,456 R
264 11 (#31) 20,627$55,907,004 R
265 10 (#30) 20,590$55,879,422 R
266 13 (#33) 20,622$55,875,490 R
267 7 (#27) 20,585$55,860,227 R
268 14 (#34) 20,632$55,817,428 R
269 6 (#26) 20,595$55,803,856 R
270 8 (#28) 20,619$55,760,512 R
272 12 (#32) 20,620$55,491,300 R
274 maximusfaith (#64) 25,883$54,505,953 R
275 maximusfaith (#68) 55,885$54,451,964 F
282 name (#2025) 24,227$53,335,901 D
283 a (#2027) 24,057$52,907,271 D
286 below (#2022) 23,454$51,936,047 D
287 maximum (#2028) 24,162$51,459,275 D
290 Mailman (#1148)  Game profile 78,485$50,232,976 D
294 country (#2024) 23,567$46,976,148 D
295 of (#2030) 23,390$46,723,710 D
296 TutuwarriorTKO (#444)  Game profile 25,448$46,587,837 I
297 Wild Tiger (#737)  Game profile 41,386$46,570,843 H
298 TutuwarriorTKO (#445)  Game profile 25,393$46,506,401 I
299 country (#2020) 23,369$45,678,710 D
300 TutuwarriorTKO (#443)  Game profile 25,588$45,660,766 I
301 Wild Tiger (#738)  Game profile 41,299$45,480,630 H
302 maximusfaith (#67) 42,740$45,435,054 F
303 TutuwarriorTKO (#446)  Game profile 25,389$45,378,308 I
305 length (#2029) 23,067$45,258,653 D
307 each (#2023) 23,146$44,834,953 D
308 TutuwarriorTKO (#447)  Game profile 25,311$44,347,723 I
309 Evcic (#1135)  Game profile 54,106$44,340,424 H
311 TutuwarriorTKO (#454)  Game profile 27,437$43,876,315 I
312 has (#2026) 23,242$43,821,631 D
314 thirtytwo (#2031) 23,316$43,505,873 D
315 TutuwarriorTKO (#452)  Game profile 25,389$43,468,643 I
317 TutuwarriorTKO (#451)  Game profile 25,373$42,802,506 I
318 TutuwarriorTKO (#455)  Game profile 24,833$42,518,982 I
319 TutuwarriorTKO (#450)  Game profile 25,362$42,515,856 I
320 TutuwarriorTKO (#448)  Game profile 25,499$42,376,654 I
321 TutuwarriorTKO (#453)  Game profile 25,192$42,289,501 I
322 up (#2017) 23,125$42,084,619 D
324 Wild Tiger (#739)  Game profile 41,302$42,006,414 H
325 Wild Tiger (#740)  Game profile 41,322$41,679,788 H
326 TutuwarriorTKO (#449)  Game profile 25,380$41,649,845 I
327 Wild Tiger (#729)  Game profile 71,109$41,623,022 I
329 to (#2018) 22,001$40,547,781 D
343 XxWaNgErxX (#540)  Game profile 32,646$38,460,933 H
351 maximusfaith (#63) 29,318$37,652,421 R
357 sixteen (#2019) 19,963$36,845,596 H
368 TutuwarriorTKO (#442)  Game profile 25,692$36,229,466 I
369 Wild Tiger (#735)  Game profile 33,125$36,208,211 I
403 Wild Tiger (#728)  Game profile 65,273$31,477,158 I
404 e (#1082)  Game profile 23,854$31,133,414 R
417 maximusfaith (#59) 38,289$28,771,432 R
418 i (#1086)  Game profile 23,851$28,651,598 R
419 maximusfaith (#70) 26,857$28,633,275 H
421 c (#1080)  Game profile 23,764$28,543,360 R
425 Wild Tiger (#734)  Game profile 35,774$28,130,208 I
426 a (#1078)  Game profile 24,491$28,108,115 R
428 m (#1090)  Game profile 23,861$28,090,833 R
430 f (#1083)  Game profile 23,852$28,028,369 R
431 b (#1079)  Game profile 23,959$28,014,810 R
433 g (#1084)  Game profile 23,977$27,935,997 R
434 d (#1081)  Game profile 23,873$27,899,103 R
438 h (#1085)  Game profile 23,886$27,189,970 R
441 Wild Tiger (#727)  Game profile 33,476$27,047,516 I
442 j (#1087)  Game profile 23,706$26,988,563 R
443 k (#1088)  Game profile 23,764$26,864,606 R
446 o (#1092)  Game profile 22,063$26,719,817 R
448 l (#1089)  Game profile 23,498$26,543,972 R
453 maximusfaith (#69) 27,485$26,210,700 H
454 Wild Tiger (#733)  Game profile 34,010$26,188,816 I
464 Newworld 2 (#945) 13,599$25,619,990 H
471 Newworld 4 (#947) 13,365$25,420,637 H
472 Newworld 10 (#953) 13,424$25,346,329 H
473 Wild Tiger (#736)  Game profile 33,248$25,310,426 I
475 Newworld 8 (#951) 13,716$25,275,369 H
477 Newworld 9 (#952) 13,380$25,078,941 H
482 Wild Tiger (#731)  Game profile 37,329$24,920,437 I
496 p (#1093)  Game profile 23,871$24,066,335 R
512 Wild Tiger (#732)  Game profile 37,229$22,501,179 I
516 Wild Tiger (#730)  Game profile 37,224$22,039,429 I
518 Newworld 12 (#955) 11,656$22,007,643 H
519 maximusfaith (#61) 33,350$21,970,993 R
520 Newworld 14 (#957) 11,561$21,958,998 H
522 maximusfaith (#62) 28,673$21,841,747 R
524 XxWaNgErxX (#539)  Game profile 15,036$21,686,761 H
526 XxWaNgErxX (#538)  Game profile 14,231$21,626,566 H
529 Newworld 3 (#946) 13,811$21,346,536 H
545 Newworld 6 (#949) 13,332$20,741,099 H
557 Newworld 15 (#958) 11,771$20,536,731 H
569 Wild Tiger (#726)  Game profile 31,485$20,312,129 I
591 Newworld 1 (#944) 12,603$19,616,220 H
592 Newworld 7 (#950) 13,616$19,560,360 H
598 Newworld 5 (#948) 13,660$19,329,818 H
599 Last one (#275) 8177$19,297,643 D
617 Newworld 11 (#954) 11,410$18,313,430 H
633 Newworld 16 (#959) 11,766$16,758,145 H
634 Shadows Fluff (#277) 15,334$16,729,343 D
641 Newworld 13 (#956) 12,025$16,078,793 H
643 maximusfaith (#60) 31,697$16,009,283 R
644 Malkierian (#276) 14,139$15,991,361 D
654 Space marine (#278) 14,087$14,423,799 D
695 names (#2021) 22,649$12,178,969 D
713 Spammers United (#279) 5009$10,979,855 F
734 Shadows Fluff (#281) 2404$8,955,274 F
737 n (#1091)  Game profile 4083$8,748,507 I
740 pew (#140)  Game profile 20,810$8,613,849 D
744 pew (#143)  Game profile 20,496$8,463,822 D
748 pew (#144)  Game profile 20,403$8,313,109 D
749 pew (#142)  Game profile 20,121$8,306,704 D
750 pew (#141)  Game profile 20,264$8,294,904 D
751 pew (#138)  Game profile 20,655$8,270,871 D
754 pew (#139)  Game profile 20,203$8,200,775 D
757 pew (#136)  Game profile 19,936$7,990,258 D
758 pew (#137)  Game profile 20,233$7,948,870 D
760 pew (#135)  Game profile 19,104$7,721,859 D
766 pew (#134)  Game profile 18,887$7,549,139 D
769 pew (#131)  Game profile 18,356$7,406,243 D
779 pew (#132)  Game profile 18,013$7,194,384 D
801 pew (#133)  Game profile 18,765$6,653,195 D
871 TKO has the fluff (#270) 4218$4,680,832 F
883 LGBTQ Pride (#1010) 29,696$4,318,447 R
884 Bring back the Garden (#268) 2544$4,277,313 F
895 Blast from the past (#269) 2994$3,762,187 F
913 The Powers that Be (#271) 2381$3,300,199 F
1024 LGBTQ Pride (#1007) 11,198$2,679,444 R
1045 An Order of Kings (#280) 2724$2,613,749 F
1098 LGBTQ Pride (#1016) 21,720$2,356,063 F
1110 LGBTQ Pride (#1008) 11,262$2,330,632 R
1146 Shadows potato (#282) 2468$2,146,094 F
1152 LGBTQ Pride (#1009) 11,142$2,121,002 R
1173 TKO touched da (#272) 2379$2,012,208 F
1209 The last of the spamurai (#273) 2042$1,765,082 F
1212 Im not creative enough for 16 (#274) 2021$1,751,949 F
1227 LGBTQ Pride (#1014) 9678$1,547,119 R
1234 LGBTQ Pride (#1017) 9108$1,453,391 F
1239 LGBTQ Pride (#1022) 8851$1,434,612 F
1240 LGBTQ Pride (#1013) 9574$1,434,254 R
1246 LGBTQ Pride (#1011) 7306$1,381,274 R
1297 LGBTQ Pride (#1019) 8902$1,126,393 F
1321 LGBTQ Pride (#1018) 9720$1,063,941 F
1343 LGBTQ Pride (#1012) 8500$1,023,682 R
1345 LGBTQ Pride (#1020) 8449$1,022,478 F
1366 LGBTQ Pride (#1021) 8958$982,698 F

Total countries: 208

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