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Top Clans - Free For All

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Top 25 (out of 45) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
The Kings Order TKOwnd 257 $20,947,348,778 $81,507,194
Natural Born Killers NBK 393 $19,729,553,028 $50,202,425
Pandoras Last Vikings PANLVxGD 176 $14,455,428,072 $82,133,114
Carpe Cerevisi 473CC 290 $5,576,408,388 $19,228,994
God Damn Idiots GDI 32 $2,431,065,072 $75,970,784
Paragon of Duality PoD 48 $1,904,777,667 $39,682,868
Rockman Rockman 16 $1,617,490,332 $101,093,146
Fuck Off Cause Ur Stupid FoCuSxGD 164 $1,550,642,370 $9,455,136
xXx xXx 16 $1,429,286,993 $89,330,437
Saints and Sinners SAS 16 $1,254,268,798 $78,391,800
Samurai and Lorax Team SALT 113 $1,193,127,090 $10,558,647
OLD DWAR DWAR 16 $447,149,105 $27,946,819
Soldiers Of The Apocalypse™ DXoSOTA 32 $330,441,472 $10,326,296
Texie dies xBsnakEx 15 $197,387,628 $13,159,175
Fire Fire 8 $141,112,340 $14,111,234
Lords of the Universe Lotu 16 $135,753,260 $8,484,579
Natural Numbers N 14 $132,264,384 $9,447,456
Little Clan of Honor LCoH 12 $33,847,304 $2,820,609
Insane Multi Posse IMP 71 $32,514,318 $457,948
Daising DAI 15 $31,502,817 $2,100,188
Wolf Assassins Vengance 6 $18,661,990 $1,866,199
Dominion of Canada Canada 14 $18,130,954 $1,295,068
Reservoir Dogs RDjr 13 $14,193,290 $1,091,792
The Abyss xTAx 16 $10,690,645 $668,165
Leave me be I leave you be NoHitme 16 $5,870,604 $366,913

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