Feb 26 - Apr 26
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Active countries: 2463
Currently Logged in: 203

Free For All Clan: Samurai and Lorax Team (SALT)

Ninth round: May 29, 2011 - Jul 30, 2011
Clan Standings
Membership Rank11 of 44
Total Networth Rank18 of 44
Average Networth Rank23 of 44
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
1131 SALT (#5415) 9735$8,239,170 T
1365 Cant Count (#5392) 9636$5,046,348 T
1367 bsnake spins so much hes a DJ (#5391) 9726$4,996,712 T
1390 SALT (#5552) 9201$4,739,550 M
1399 SALT (#5441) 7695$4,613,187 M
1405 Its really really hot (#5279) 9299$4,507,534 T
1407 SALT (#5551) 9114$4,497,295 M
1413 SALT (#5522) 9283$4,366,453 M
1415 SALT (#5464) 9090$4,352,167 M
1422 SALT (#5523) 9229$4,250,132 M
1426 Donnys Third Leg (#5140) 8579$4,175,651 T
1431 SALT (#5463) 9305$4,124,414 M
1461 Sex And Leftovers Twice (#5280) 9088$3,823,518 T
1467 SALT (#5503) 6980$3,739,807 M
1487 2 to 1 yeah right (#5309) 9394$3,552,738 T
1557 SALT (#5649) 6475$2,797,099 M
1583 Zero (#4642) 9295$2,461,867 T
1711 Green Acers (#5517) 7005$1,634,602 M
1722 Channels (#4645) 6720$1,535,020 T
1757 Yellow (#5317)  Game profile 5102$1,371,584 I
1763 Red (#4816)  Game profile 4814$1,346,896 I
1792 Lime (#5505)  Game profile 5859$1,240,753 I
1796 Maroon (#5507)  Game profile 6102$1,218,400 I
1829 Ruby (#5508)  Game profile 5600$1,084,484 I
1834 Green (#4818)  Game profile 5542$1,074,975 D
1865 Saphire (#5528)  Game profile 4863$976,341 I
1866 Diomond (#5527)  Game profile 4893$974,765 I
1901 Silver (#5660)  Game profile 4716$874,426 I
1918 Gold (#5659)  Game profile 4798$821,541 I
1935 Chemos COUSIN (#5518) 4788$756,768 M
2101 SALT (#4996) 4159$420,450 F
2134 FSed While Fishing Again (#4861)  Game profile 4872$356,095 H
2135 SALT (#5130) 3775$355,984 M
2142 CC is a Joke (#4860)  Game profile 4149$340,645 M
2168 LOL marines my balls (#4120)  Game profile 3605$304,846 M
2192 Dead due to CF Lies (#4299)  Game profile 3341$282,121 M
2231 birthmark (#5519) 2154$214,930 M
2254 SALT (#5416) 1974$193,016 M
2270 I Am SALT (#2348)  Game profile 1487$176,008 M
2370 ADD SALT (#2350)  Game profile 1194$108,874 M
2403 Ketchup (#4183)  Game profile 838$88,703 M
2406 my asSALT beats your battery (#2349)  Game profile 1058$87,957 M
2420 Zodiacs Rainbow (#2354)  Game profile 996$78,134 M
2422 BigRicksSaltySack (#2362)  Game profile 1360$77,708 T
2436 Is (#4184)  Game profile 520$75,169 M
2452 What happened to your members (#4862)  Game profile 935$71,851 M
2549 reduced to hitting us is sad (#4867)  Game profile 440$38,421 M
2554 lol true colors look funny (#4868)  Game profile 460$37,590 M
2560 GO (#5299)  Game profile 500$36,558 M
2570 tardis 17 (#2357)  Game profile 500$36,014 M
2571 WindWalker (#2358)  Game profile 500$36,014 M
2575 GO (#5300)  Game profile 500$36,014 M
2576 POWER (#5301)  Game profile 500$36,014 M
2577 RANGERS (#5302)  Game profile 500$36,014 M
2578 MIGHTY (#5303)  Game profile 500$36,014 M
2579 MORPHIN (#5304)  Game profile 500$36,014 M
2580 GO (#5305)  Game profile 500$36,014 M
2581 GO (#5306)  Game profile 500$36,014 M
2582 POWER (#5307)  Game profile 500$36,014 M
2583 RANGERS (#5308)  Game profile 500$36,014 M
2588 SALT (#5651) 500$36,014 M
2589 SALT (#5652) 500$36,014 M
2590 SALT (#5653) 500$36,014 M
2591 SALT (#5654) 500$36,014 M
2592 SALT (#5655) 500$36,014 M
2595 NBK beat your ass (#4863)  Game profile 440$35,923 M
2596 Ford used to be cool (#4865)  Game profile 440$35,923 M
2597 so much for CC being tough (#4864)  Game profile 440$35,922 M
2598 SALT (#4866)  Game profile 440$35,921 M
2599 try killing me when im home lol (#4957)  Game profile 440$35,921 M
2608 Just (#4185)  Game profile 460$34,383 M
2609 sour smelling CC (#5520) 502$33,881 M
2610 Tomatoes (#4186)  Game profile 440$33,483 M
2798 If its too SALTy spit it out (#2355)  Game profile 220$25,842 C
2799 My Salty Whips N Chains (#2356)  Game profile 220$25,842 C
3467 SALT (#4786) 100$4717 M
3468 SALT (#4787) 100$4717 M
3469 SALT (#4788) 100$4717 M
3470 SALT (#4789) 100$4717 M
3471 SALT (#4790) 100$4717 M
3472 SALT (#4791) 100$4717 M
3473 SALT (#4792) 100$4717 M
3474 SALT (#4793) 100$4717 M

Ranked countries: 83 (Show all countries)

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