Active countries: 2372
Currently Logged in: 212
Currently Logged in: 212
Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes. Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There are currently 1067 countries in the Free For All server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
1 | Cheddar (#2) | 5994 | $2,955,217 | D | Imp |
2 | This is PANLV (#63) | 13,761 | $2,783,731 | M | PANLV |
3 | playing (#70) | 13,291 | $2,768,859 | M | Imp |
4 | land slide (#66) | 13,514 | $2,592,448 | M | Imp |
5 | 10 out of 1 (#68) | 13,618 | $2,543,724 | M | Imp |
6 | This is PANLV (#61) | 13,554 | $2,536,977 | M | PANLV |
7 | PANLV land Farm (#75) | 12,489 | $2,522,283 | M | PANLV |
8 | nice (#69) | 13,708 | $2,511,370 | M | Imp |
9 | Anuar Ibrahim mongok (#72) | 12,582 | $2,507,355 | M | Imp |
10 | Pandora Last Vikings (#62) | 13,751 | $2,505,335 | M | PANLV |
11 | Negeri sembilan (#65) | 11,666 | $2,450,426 | M | Imp |
12 | Pandora Last Vikings (#60) | 13,755 | $2,444,110 | M | PANLV |
13 | live on place (#74) | 12,359 | $2,354,845 | F | Imp |
14 | Rafizi Ramli corrupted (#73) | 8854 | $2,336,261 | D | Imp |
15 | Captain America (#3) | 13,035 | $2,247,867 | M | Imp |
16 | kuala lumpur (#64) | 11,158 | $2,235,316 | M | Imp |
17 | ACAB (#71) | 12,175 | $2,191,728 | M | Imp |
18 | Salty Bill Redblade (#923) | 8469 | $2,148,698 | CG | |
19 | Sienna Hook (#848) | 8715 | $2,096,340 | C | |
20 | Lord Despair Vladi (#849) | 8544 | $2,085,019 | C | |
21 | land llaar fetish (#795) | 9750 | $2,083,717 | C | xECx |
22 | Iron Chicken (#503) | 8580 | $2,053,621 | C | |
23 | out of 1 (#67) | 11,723 | $1,954,649 | M | Imp |
24 | Hulk (#26) | 14,369 | $1,914,412 | M | Imp |
25 | Salty Bill Darkblood (#193) | 8503 | $1,910,679 | CG | |
26 | Liquid Pointless Sledgehammer (#274) | 8376 | $1,901,220 | C | |
27 | Dreadbeard Nana Scully (#920) | 8439 | $1,899,595 | C | |
28 | Alexandra Red (#575) | 8645 | $1,890,122 | CG | |
29 | Comtesse Lynessa Grimrage (#850) | 8649 | $1,868,521 | C | |
30 | Thiltran Puthor Dak (#388) | 8409 | $1,866,562 | C | |
31 | Confidential Street (#821) | 8279 | $1,852,615 | CG | |
32 | The Angels of Vinkol (#530) | 8596 | $1,851,870 | CG | |
33 | Lelani (#413) | 8538 | $1,848,164 | C | |
34 | Jack Blackbeard (#750) | 8430 | $1,843,634 | C | |
35 | Count Gabriel Vinther (#246) | 8429 | $1,824,050 | CG | |
36 | The Thing (#29) | 15,362 | $1,813,613 | M | Imp |
37 | Swallow Long (#702) | 8468 | $1,810,916 | C | |
38 | Renegades of Qidan (#218) | 8504 | $1,803,914 | C | |
39 | Superman (#20) | 14,521 | $1,802,022 | M | Imp |
40 | Thor (#27) | 15,438 | $1,800,027 | M | Imp |
41 | Nadale Dask Ylzik (#137) | 8692 | $1,798,429 | C | |
42 | Bloody Jack Ravenblack (#572) | 8572 | $1,796,058 | C | |
43 | The Fly (#32) | 14,717 | $1,791,959 | M | Imp |
44 | Vildher (#602) | 8447 | $1,791,696 | CG | |
45 | Vital Plastic (#220) | 8443 | $1,788,800 | C | |
46 | The Flash (#30) | 14,229 | $1,783,936 | M | Imp |
47 | Brothers from Drit (#500) | 8380 | $1,783,302 | CG | |
48 | Wonder Woman (#25) | 14,379 | $1,780,659 | M | Imp |
49 | Batman (#19) | 14,309 | $1,776,831 | M | Imp |
50 | Invisible Man (#23) | 14,604 | $1,775,183 | M | Imp |
51 | The Tingler (#33) | 14,144 | $1,773,666 | M | Imp |
52 | Lydia Evil (#919) | 8457 | $1,766,115 | CG | |
53 | Serane Rismak (#646) | 8411 | $1,764,471 | C | |
54 | land llaar fetish (#794) | 8318 | $1,760,443 | C | xECx |
55 | Spiderman (#21) | 14,221 | $1,758,174 | M | Imp |
56 | CougarCougar (#165) | 8602 | $1,757,716 | CG | |
57 | Heart from Lox (#599) | 8600 | $1,756,702 | C | |
58 | The Blob (#31) | 14,284 | $1,746,928 | M | Imp |
59 | Doctor Strange (#28) | 14,186 | $1,745,272 | M | Imp |
60 | Kib (#163) | 8641 | $1,731,214 | CG | |
61 | Ophelia Eastern (#776) | 8071 | $1,730,395 | C | |
62 | Antman (#22) | 13,933 | $1,729,321 | M | Imp |
63 | Iron Man (#24) | 13,665 | $1,727,576 | M | Imp |
64 | Scully Francois Deadwood (#387) | 8389 | $1,694,079 | C | |
65 | Geths Runners (#249) | 8649 | $1,681,639 | C | |
66 | DoubleCheekedUp (#699) | 10,080 | $1,676,354 | H | |
67 | NBK (#866) | 11,454 | $1,655,798 | T | NBK |
68 | Sythrils Wolves (#138) | 8692 | $1,652,297 | CG | |
69 | Nizel (#822) | 8649 | $1,631,075 | C | |
70 | (#127) | 13,129 | $1,628,570 | H | NBK |
71 | Tempist above the Dwarfs (#347) | 8495 | $1,628,162 | C | |
72 | Baduks Saints (#118) | 8654 | $1,620,879 | C | |
73 | NBK (#870) | 10,912 | $1,611,421 | T | NBK |
74 | Silver Kangaroo (#167) | 9399 | $1,602,917 | H | |
75 | Acaman Ancestor (#278) | 8398 | $1,601,212 | CG | |
76 | Justalyne (#552) | 7690 | $1,600,107 | H | |
77 | Wekmar Elbane (#191) | 8055 | $1,599,208 | C | |
78 | Sythril of the Saints (#749) | 7599 | $1,597,116 | C | |
79 | Pepper Jack (#12) | 10,960 | $1,593,826 | H | Imp |
80 | Aslan Cordale (#778) | 8519 | $1,590,391 | C | |
81 | Brutes from Tristan (#693) | 7182 | $1,588,945 | HG | |
82 | Elik Doran (#775) | 8429 | $1,581,790 | CG | |
83 | Forgotten Crow (#751) | 8770 | $1,580,126 | H | |
84 | NBK (#874) | 10,350 | $1,574,927 | T | NBK |
85 | (#125) | 11,853 | $1,568,647 | H | NBK |
86 | land llaar fetish (#796) | 7705 | $1,560,442 | C | xECx |
87 | Durmark Tesio Zytan (#194) | 8526 | $1,560,169 | CG | |
88 | Damien Von richter (#455) | 8589 | $1,559,762 | C | |
89 | Akara (#680) | 8743 | $1,558,751 | H | |
90 | Wormwood Jack Blacksmith (#649) | 9489 | $1,558,716 | RG | |
91 | NBK (#869) | 11,130 | $1,557,441 | T | NBK |
92 | (#134) | 16,599 | $1,555,517 | F | NBK |
93 | The Trolls of Phalloz (#275) | 8725 | $1,552,901 | C | |
94 | Amerdan (#704) | 8421 | $1,552,217 | CG | |
95 | Holypetras Fathers (#672) | 8420 | $1,548,248 | C | |
96 | Melisande (#549) | 7292 | $1,545,635 | H | |
97 | NBK (#873) | 10,580 | $1,544,792 | T | NBK |
98 | (#128) | 12,531 | $1,543,548 | H | NBK |
99 | NBK (#868) | 11,052 | $1,543,365 | M | NBK |
100 | Tidy Armadillo (#926) | 9172 | $1,540,726 | H |