
tulosba Game profile


May 2nd 2014, 11:22:59

Originally posted by Killa:
I was in omega. But I forgot to login this set

It is never too late!

tulosba Game profile


Apr 28th 2014, 8:52:19


tulosba Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 16:01:58


tulosba Game profile


Apr 21st 2014, 8:06:53


tulosba Game profile


Apr 14th 2014, 12:56:23


tulosba Game profile


Apr 8th 2014, 16:10:53


tulosba Game profile


Mar 31st 2014, 6:23:27


tulosba Game profile


Mar 24th 2014, 9:25:44


tulosba Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 20:37:50

problem still persists

tulosba Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 8:38:55


tulosba Game profile


Mar 11th 2014, 6:11:24

Therefore you have your fridge on too cold - Optimum temperature range for perishable food storage is 3 to 5 °C (37 to 41 °F). At +3 degrees it should have melted. There's a knob somewhere in your fridge, turn it to another number - it's probably at one or other maximum setting now so turn it a bit closer to the medium setting

tulosba Game profile


Mar 10th 2014, 18:45:38

is the music as good?

tulosba Game profile


Mar 6th 2014, 7:02:46


tulosba Game profile


Mar 4th 2014, 20:41:43

Originally posted by blid:
Some quick math shows Tony Danza country can only make it if he has stock for a private market purch.

Funky Cold might have a chance at 100m maybe?

104mil was my realistic projection earlier, but decided to practice a last day jump instead. Going to sleep on 89,7 now.
sort of satisfied, while at the same time knowing that much was left on the board.

tulosba Game profile


Mar 3rd 2014, 6:36:49


tulosba Game profile


Feb 24th 2014, 6:01:30


tulosba Game profile


Feb 19th 2014, 17:54:12

Knock knock

Who is there?

Tre Tutten


tulosba Game profile


Feb 17th 2014, 11:12:53

I login time to time, but despite 1000 contacts nobody is ever online

Now with WhatsApp, Kik and all these other messenger apps for phones, so many that you've never heard of some of them, I think the exact same thing is going to hapen to them. communities standardize on one product, but then a few years later one product has won the war..

but since to this day no messenger software really makes money, I am baffled at why VC's throw money at whatsapp etc.

tulosba Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 15:38:46

Originally posted by martian:
That may be. Interesting fact though: The average person in 19th century US drank about 10X as much as now (Canada too). A lot of it had to do with the lack of availability/affordability of safe drinking water. There were people who would literally be drunk almost all the time. Prohibition eventually evolved in reaction to this.

tulosba Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 15:27:56

Originally posted by crest23:
@Tulosba, I believe LATC is #65.

yeah I seem to have them wrong way round - thats what you get when you don't read every page :)

tulosba Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 6:17:59

Looking over the news..

I think LATC and whoever is #65 should be ashamed at their behavior.

tulosba Game profile


Feb 11th 2014, 9:21:37

No there has been churn. The distribution is just more spread out now.

Duna - the amount of folk we have gotten from those down on numbers is marginal. Most are old players coming back. But you could be right for the others - and you're right on the Total number of tagged countries being down, this is true.

Tella - if the dissolution was the thing then surely those who were hurt by the block would be up in numbers? That's not happening. Maybe the bloc has dissolved but that war does not seem to be over yet.
But what is happening is the shift away from the blocwar, there are those war alliances who are still in it but then there is an increasing amount who is out of it. LaF, Evo, PDM as examples.

tulosba Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 9:45:57


tulosba Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 9:13:50

No it's not.

There are start up's where you do not have to sell 100 troops, and at turn 99 you have just as many cs, ent/res/indies/farms whatever - and 100 troops more than the other guy.

The 100 troops more or less will not be the difference between 1st and 2nd, but it can be the difference between 88th and 89th.

tulosba Game profile


Feb 6th 2014, 15:15:49

I think back then there was like 10 000 countries in the tourney system. Looked at it back sometimes in the way back machine.. its really.. wow

tulosba Game profile


Feb 6th 2014, 12:57:10

Wikipedia uses a WHO database as a source..

If I counted right the USA comes out 57th. If it's not a reputable website and you're conveniently mentioned then you should expect it to be a case of picking and choosing data to make suitable headlines

tulosba Game profile


Feb 6th 2014, 6:01:22

Originally posted by eManny:
Why SPAL and why not spy force? I'm sure the argument was presented but if military is force based not per acre based why are spies?

If you have a million spies shouldn't fail against some guy on 6k acres and 150k spies lol :)

It's like real life man - with a million spies it becomes the CIA. More and more bureacrats, your spy organization starts to need its own HR, lawyers, extra admin staff for the financial side. Then internal oversight and directors, deputy directors and senior vice presidents and the poor spy has no idea who his boss is..

whilst small but big organizations are like the Mossad. Deadly. Silent.

tulosba Game profile


Feb 5th 2014, 21:03:36

agreed - failing way too many spy ops this reset

tulosba Game profile


Feb 5th 2014, 19:11:58

Thank you :)

We try to mind our own business and focus on whats good for us.

tulosba Game profile


Feb 3rd 2014, 8:56:29


tulosba Game profile


Jan 30th 2014, 20:22:53

I have seen it - though I was surprised that I have seen it..
had to look it up :p

tulosba Game profile


Jan 28th 2014, 13:46:38

you might want to deal with the static electricity before trying baked beans..

tulosba Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 9:51:09


tulosba Game profile


Jan 26th 2014, 7:58:32

Yeah, movie two was entertaining - but it raped the book royally.
Although at points it was exactly like I had imagined it, I mean, I got a feeling of "I've seen this before".

but in terms of entertainment, as a 2 of 3 movie.. it was more solid than expected. To make it solid, they sacrificed honouring the book, so the end result is "meh"

tulosba Game profile


Jan 26th 2014, 7:46:31

ah, they only seized Marmite. That's imitation Vegemite. They did a patriotic thing by seizing Marmite, so young Canadians get to taste the truly divine yest spread that is conquering the world, Vegemite.

tulosba Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 23:54:55

in game. main menu, click gdi. then login to primary, click gdi, compare the texts. You'll see the difference.
In primary it specifically states this this and this is out, in tourney it doesn't.

tulosba Game profile


Jan 24th 2014, 23:46:55

just sent a pm. I try to be as accessible as possible, however this evening I went to see the Hobbit, part 2, the Desolation of Smaug.

No I had not seen it thus far, I was told it wasn't that great, but didn't expect much as a "part 2 of 3 always sucks - it's just set up for movie #3"

but actually I thought it was quite a good shot at a middle of a trilogy.

tulosba Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 9:54:01

GDI in tourney doesn't work that way, it's not like in primary, it's like in alliance

tulosba Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 18:33:29


tulosba Game profile


Jan 13th 2014, 12:35:36


tulosba Game profile


Jan 10th 2014, 8:11:48

sent pm

tulosba Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 19:27:31

Chop down restarts to under 50. 30-45, find a number between those percentages. Take one, adjust a reset later if need be

Imho that would encourage wars to go AB first, then kill. Which would add strategy to it.

tulosba Game profile


Jan 7th 2014, 11:29:31

tulosba Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 9:16:50


tulosba Game profile


Jan 5th 2014, 10:39:26

all explore types?

Sir, you are mistaken. We have always bottomfed. Mind you, back in 98-2002 we did it with limits, no double tapping anyone, no declaring war on GDI etc. Stuff that others did.
Today there just isn't enough land in the game to allow us to play like that.

Quiet hippy types? You are also mistaken. We were most aptly described as: The worst bunch of chaotic, loud-mouthed, extroverted lunatics you're gonna see in this game.

Forming a new alliance is tough, it always has been tough. It's supposed to be tough. Doing that without the political connections, connections of friendship and whatnot has always been suicide. Back in my day if you weren't SoL, TGA, RoCK, TIE, HAN, LaF, UCN or Omega you were farmland, since then tags have come and gone but there are more clans today than there used to be.

Don't give up when you face obstacles, overcoming those obstacles is what you need to do to earn respect and pacts. But most importantly you need to be able to retal.

tulosba Game profile


Jan 4th 2014, 23:35:33

sorted out.

Shini, you are now hereby our official spokesperson to the AT community for all discussions going on about Cooking. Anything you say will be our official stance, on cooking, the right ingredients and applicable equipment.

tulosba Game profile


Jan 2nd 2014, 10:32:08

Originally posted by aponic:

I became aware that many viewed SOF as having bullied them in the past

My goal was to rebuild relations and to create a fun December reset for the membership.
Since MD told me that they would be netting, I approached SOL about a friendly war. Makinso told me that he was not interested in a friendly war
I told Maki that SOF needed a war to recover from the previous set because SOF membership would not rebound as well netting for an entire set.
Obviously SOL did not want to be pushed into warring SOF just because it was good for SOF but I did my best to convey up front SOF's agenda as I moved forward with what I felt was best for my alliance.

I hope you don't mind me editing the quote, ie. I redacted it, but I hope what I say below illustrates as to why I redacted it like I did.

Let's start with rebuild relations, and have a fun reset. This is the backbone of your thinking is it not?
First you state that SoF has bullied others in the past, or that others have that perception.
Then you go and try to find a war, and nobody is on board.

I wonder if we are seeing only one half of the picture - you ask MD, they say they are netting, you ask SOL, they say they are netting. Then you try to force war with SoL.
Did you not try the same with MD? Why not? Or did you?
I know you are friends with LaF - but as they are of similar size.. did you ask them for a friendly war? It would be a good match up. Something new for LaF (not mopping up 20 man clans on your behalf for a change, and actually tested) and if you can't have a friendly war between friends.. how is it friendly? Did you ask them? I understand if you didn't push them, you are friends after all. But did you ask them? You should have.
Not that I'm insinuating LaF would have fought, but if you want a friendly war you need to ask around, and not just ask your enemies.
What I mean is that I think there's a background story here that might give this SoF/SoL/Makinso thrashtalk fest a bit more light.. but I digress.

Back to the point, so you are trying to find a war, and nobody is on board. So by forcing a war, you commit the sin of bullying (forcing others to do something they dont like is called bullying isn't it?)
Now your argument is basically that you must bully as SoF membership would not rebound as well netting.

SoF - end of reset numbers:
round 21: war vs SOLBBQ : 86
round 22: "netting", war vs LCN,DK, Sodawater, ICN? : 91
round 23: war vs SOL, Monsters, Evo?: 72
round 24: war vs MD,SOL: 53
current round, now: war vs MD,SOL : 68

round 21: 73
round 22: 72
round 23: 66
round 24: 55
current round: 57

round 21: 47
round 22: 59
round 23: 60
round 24: 55
current round: 66

End of reset number yes, and yes you all peaked higher and.. end of the day, those are the numbers enshrined in the game's history. This year long war has not exactly been good for any of you. Why not try netting?

You assume that it would be bad for you, would it really?
Christmas reset guys! We're gonna net, if you want to skip a reset that's cool, see you in the February reset!

I do not want to tell people how to run their alliances, you guys do what you guys do and whatnot.
But you might want to think for a moment, is this going well? Does the same story, or war, in iteration number 7 or whatever it is we are in, motivate members anymore? Would we all be better off, if you took breath for a reset and worked on the fundamentals so that next reset you'd be back bigger and stronger - all 3 of you?
What if you took this reset to work on those relations and decide that LCN,SoL,MD is enough - done that for a year, let's try to find a new paradigm?

Originally posted by aponic:

I would also like to note that the SOF block of a reset ago no longer exists. There is one block left in the game and that is SOL, MD, and LCN.
LCN hitting Rival resulted in all three alliances going to war -- but that is really semantics.

As I work with more alliances in the future, and certainly SOL, MD, and LCN, I hope that we can all try and have a little more fun and cut out a bit of the fluff.

Not to be completely critical, at only you and SoF - I agree with you here.
Alea iacta est - Servant knew that he was crossing the Rubikon by hitting Rival. For a 1:1 I agree with his reasons and reasoning - but that did seal the fate of this reset. If Rival helps you out every reset you must at times help them out. Anything else is just posturing.

This year long saga is like the Bold and the Beautiful.
Ridge goes after Brooke then Taylor and they have kids and greatgrandkids and they still switch between each other every season and.. WTF??

All of you are being dumb, you are all equally to blame. Now enjoy your war.

tulosba Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 13:24:36


tulosba Game profile


Dec 27th 2013, 18:15:42

pm sent / just in case

Edited By: tulosba on Dec 27th 2013, 18:28:43
See Original Post