Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
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Alliances are a powerful method of furthering your influence in the world around you. There are 3 types of alliances, as described below. However, being a member of an alliance requires a portion of your income to each turn. When joining an alliance, you are restricted from breaking the pact for at least 72 hours.
Relation Descriptions
Defensive A defensive alliance builds a solid foundation to protect each of the partners. Any time you are attacked, 25% of of your allies' forces will come to assist in your defense. However, Your total battle strength cannot be more than doubled through allies, so having allies at your strength is most beneficial in the long run. Being a member of a Defensive Alliance consumes 0.2% of your networth each turn.
Technology This alliance is beneficial to technology-intensive countries. Each time one member engages in technological research, others will acquire 10% of this knowledge. This alliance also requires 0.15% of your networth in support costs. Note that the amount of technology you receive is also dependent upon your own tech levels and your number of research labs.
Intelligence An intelligence alliance brings together the strength of each member's intelligence agencies in both engaging in and protecting from spy operations. This alliance consumes 0.15% of your networth to maintain.