Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 199

Top Players - Team

Next Reset Tenth round: Oct 07, 2010 - Nov 06, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 139 countries in the Team server.

1 Mr Silver (#29) 26,662$72,527,871 HG xRDx
2 epic fail (#9) 23,054$63,361,135 HG MKR
3 General Ws Fried Chicken (#82)  Game profile 21,008$54,383,176 FG xLORDSx
4 A Beautiful Evil (#10)  Game profile 20,587$54,099,454 HG ETFT
5 Buckwheat (#47) 19,363$52,612,316 R OG
6 diez (#33) 18,659$49,520,716 HG ETFT
7 Death By Diddums (#36) 19,313$48,917,730 DG DBD
8 Death By Dingoes (#1) 27,560$48,863,022 RG DBD
9 Death By Disgavel (#40) 19,229$47,919,452 HG DBD
10 XiiX (#79) 23,814$45,571,897 C ETFT
11 Mr Reseda (#69)  Game profile 18,682$44,600,661 F ResDogs
12 Premier Foods (#95) 20,298$44,575,150 HG OG
13 RagnaRoCK (#96) 22,215$42,162,745 DG Ragnarok
14 Fellate Before Ingress (#51) 17,676$39,961,278 DG FBI
15 Mr Blue (#39)  Game profile 15,515$39,054,105 R xRDx
16 Lacedaemonian Peloponnese (#42)  Game profile 19,570$38,300,175 F MKR
17 Death by Doodlesack (#25)  Game profile 20,955$34,917,417 R DBD
18 V for Vegas (#71) 13,156$32,876,660 DG ETFT
19 Hostile (#84) 12,604$32,608,683 T xLORDSx
20 Fluffy Husky (#48) 21,910$32,521,912 C  
21 Phallus in Wonderland (#21)  Game profile 21,729$32,361,613 FG OG
22 EDSA Revolution (#81) 13,160$32,001,372 DG ETFT
23 Intrepid (#11) 15,228$30,312,673 R KGB
24 Death By Deathpunch (#35) 15,893$29,924,029 R DBD
25 R ainbows n D aisys (#46) 22,756$29,914,316 F xRDx
26 HeglumeH QaQ jajvam (#60)  Game profile 23,436$28,729,395 F Lords
27 Kammerjaeger (#31) 18,070$27,671,858 C MKR
28 slappn the bags (#74) 23,233$27,003,062 T FBI
29 Snakeye (#4) 11,716$26,330,859 H Ragnarok
30 CrisX (#30) 20,535$26,138,304 CG OG
31 Mr Lemon Chiffon (#17) 14,606$24,733,449 R ResDogs
32 get all thrip on yo (#112) 13,184$24,091,204 FG Lords
33 Death By Deforestation (#38) 19,294$21,742,654 T DBD2
34 p00p d1ck (#54)  Game profile 10,152$20,947,814 F Ragnarok
35 Wizards World (#22) 12,858$20,076,083 I MKR
36 The 19th Katana Broke (#19) 17,468$19,756,944 F xLORDSx
37 Noob (#28) 17,769$19,638,649 T RDKill
38 HokieNation (#85)  Game profile 19,747$19,100,921 C MKR2
39 No Cry Too Soft (#88) 21,000$18,822,985 F xLORDSx
40 I WIN (#15)  Game profile 19,356$18,054,733 IG  
41 Rigorous Mortis (#72) 13,498$17,946,020 F KGB
42 Jaxon (#55) 17,175$16,901,762 D KGB
43 i will help (#117) 15,403$16,135,577 RG MOSSAD
44 Krankrat (#108) 12,790$15,888,354 R RDKill
45 Vieux Carre (#27) 20,751$15,419,097 I FBI
46 I R Top 10 Material (#78)  Game profile 13,347$14,699,199 R Wrath
47 b3ware teh Penguin (#32) 8320$14,512,203 H Wrath
48 Mors Ex Tenebris (#116) 14,043$14,303,811 F RDKill
49 ENE (#86) 9321$14,209,107 H KGB
50 Getafix (#134)  Game profile 11,825$13,319,158 R DBD2
51 Lucifers Playground (#44) 10,330$12,434,771 IG xLORDSx
52 Mr Firebrick (#57) 8106$11,730,402 H ResDogs
53 Reserved Dog (#53) 389$10,938,959 C xHGx
54 MADMARK (#43) 17,499$10,899,211 C KGB
55 diamonds are forever (#75)  Game profile 10,305$10,590,577 I RD
56 last set was poo (#73) 9497$10,435,828 RG poo
57 BobsBananaBarn (#61) 17,337$10,316,917 T RD
58 Power of the Pickle (#83) 19,124$10,006,738 F Lords
59 killing machine (#67) 17,173$9,263,481 M MKR2
60 KSFforever (#20) 18,016$8,981,381 C Lords
61 Death by SNUSNU (#50)  Game profile 11,945$8,973,155 T FBI
62 Death by Das CCCP (#23)  Game profile 9985$8,890,209 I DBD2
63 RonnieDavidson (#63)  Game profile 19,731$8,577,856 D RD
64 Killing for shitz n giggles (#13) 13,978$8,312,686 T RDKill
65 rerpotset (#45) 10,484$7,804,554 I Ragnarok
66 I Like You On Your KNEES (#90)  Game profile 5523$7,225,538 F FBI
67 Wrath of Rockster (#100) 7801$6,265,205 H Wrath
68 Get LaEd (#114) 9264$5,974,581 C xHGx
69 Nightly Enemas (#133) 5937$5,234,226 F xNEx
70 Extensa (#37) 1736$4,954,401 CG XXX
71 Mr Yellow (#98) 17,963$4,655,412 M ResDog
72 ghost (#6) 8186$4,280,201 T  
73 Tryptophan (#77) 5648$4,232,674 F Wrath
74 Gods Wrath (#12) 12,139$4,199,743 TG  
75 Bladerunner (#62) 7000$4,021,888 I xNEx
76 Mr Gainsboro (#91) 19,708$3,897,343 F xRDx
77 Hmm (#58)  Game profile 1988$3,816,201 T  
78 Ying Yang (#59) 2140$3,123,272 T ResDogs
79 Mr Cobalt (#102) 19,000$2,922,780 FG ResDogs
80 When Two Are One (#16) 7616$2,860,129 F xRDx
81 Penile Implant (#80) 15,525$2,528,381 D RDKill
82 Where is everyone (#41) 2972$1,669,871 D Knalf
83 Neptune (#14) 2876$1,641,848 H xNTSx
84 SpaceMonkeys (#118) 2805$1,139,837 CG  
85 DRAGONLANE RETURNS (#125) 4759$1,092,590 T Wrath
86 teamtwerk (#124)  Game profile 6944$856,277 R  
87 The Warhorse (#113)  Game profile 5743$783,560 IG  
88 dorks R us (#99) 7341$783,166 M ResDog
89 Banga (#122) 6189$715,245 M  
90 Mr Lime (#65) 6761$599,069 F RD
91 Team PLAY (#140)  Game profile 5117$525,275 C xNEx
92 de1is discounted man meat (#70) 6448$435,652 F RD
93 Diablo (#146) 3813$364,730 I  
94 December (#135) 3687$351,670 M  
95 it took you 5 days wow (#138)  Game profile 3128$338,949 M xHGx
96 haha (#111) 2509$227,706 M TW
97 punks (#143)  Game profile 890$199,866 DG 1MB
98 Four makes two UNLESS YOURE DEAD (#142) 1182$198,590 M  
99 Amman2 (#109) 1579$190,487 M  
100 test (#147) 1848$169,512 T  

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