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Active countries: 2460
Currently Logged in: 198

Top Players - Team

Next Reset Seventh round: Jul 05, 2010 - Aug 05, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 168 countries in the Team server.

1 oneoneone (#26) 19,293$47,858,081 HG OG
2 herp derp (#103)  Game profile 31,376$46,815,072 HG OG
3 Holocene Extinction (#62) 25,054$46,682,018 HG Wrath
4 Death By Dumle (#32) 33,756$46,188,191 H DBD
5 DRAGONLANCE (#149) 18,411$42,958,931 HG Wrath
6 Imperialism (#142)  Game profile 13,672$39,503,228 HG reVENGe
7 Death By Dogma (#39) 21,588$38,370,307 HG DBD
8 Death By Duplication (#106)  Game profile 20,967$38,087,797 D DBD2
9 Foolish Expedition (#12) 20,091$37,252,075 R MKR2
10 Life Cereal Rocks (#87) 14,604$34,342,837 H Peasants
11 Death By Discombobulation (#55) 18,260$33,948,085 DG DBD
12 Death by Drunkenness (#61) 21,070$33,838,945 R DBD2
13 Kammerjaeger (#36) 23,778$33,161,586 C MKR
14 Wrath Is Back (#141)  Game profile 29,140$32,761,082 C Wrath
15 Anatolian Peloponnese (#66)  Game profile 22,521$32,078,889 F MKR
16 Death By Das Schweinehund (#63)  Game profile 23,562$30,760,381 D DBD2
17 Splash Mountain (#17) 17,742$30,721,117 HG OG
18 Death by Duck Dodgers (#160)  Game profile 19,119$30,683,751 R DBD
19 Death By Dismemberment (#34) 15,114$30,422,282 R DBD
20 Half Man Half Amazing (#22) 13,229$30,016,958 HG OG
21 whotfru (#60) 19,994$29,699,834 C ETFT
22 grey goose (#130)  Game profile 17,791$28,820,327 H Knalf
23 Trainbaba (#76) 13,344$27,673,617 F rag3
24 Nutsack (#117) 13,235$27,510,672 R OG
25 STiNKy ChEEsE LaND (#147) 6520$27,276,752 HG rag3
26 Kool Green Boots (#125) 18,432$26,655,272 D Knalf
27 ZEN seksed me and it sucked (#121) 17,560$25,803,632 R Peasants
28 YourOwnStupidity (#57) 15,084$25,567,033 F Peasants
29 Pebble Beach (#59) 16,842$24,937,701 I Peasants
30 MAD MARK (#47) 18,851$24,894,853 F FBI2
31 HokieNation (#53)  Game profile 22,259$23,840,152 CG MKR2
32 ZENs unofficial child (#42) 9329$22,860,918 HG FBI
33 Charles (#98) 18,297$20,147,742 C reVENGe
34 CRNA GORA (#56) 13,217$18,781,386 FG KoHxWoG
35 SanctMyBroncoInALake (#152) 12,489$18,512,846 R reVENGe
36 Jaxon (#10) 16,101$18,358,193 R Knalf
37 one plus one is eleven (#37) 7625$17,488,868 T FBI2
38 The Schwartz (#95) 12,888$17,131,251 R Rag4
39 Darth Kyle (#20) 15,035$16,371,473 H KoHxWoG
40 Technical Irrumator (#143) 21,838$16,269,293 C FBI
41 Mr Crimson (#2) 14,748$15,611,184 T xRDx
42 Hangover Puke (#50) 17,910$15,544,165 T ResDogs
43 Gunners Mate (#79) 12,193$15,071,977 D MKR
44 eddieistan (#41)  Game profile 17,194$14,518,891 RG xNEx
45 Kittla mig (#92) 15,045$13,894,081 R Knalf
46 R aining D eath (#45) 16,906$13,596,957 T RDogs
47 Essence of Tumescence (#119)  Game profile 14,866$13,461,558 T FBI
48 ghost (#51) 12,760$13,379,571 T Rag4
49 Netting for Dumbess (#6)  Game profile 19,352$13,247,031 R Rag2
50 Ragger (#24) 14,931$13,017,626 T Rag2
51 PaoLo (#19) 24,081$12,615,811 F xNEx
52 yope (#68) 19,164$12,326,779 T MKR
53 Mr Perlwhite (#113) 8444$12,314,978 T ResDogs
54 Mr Lime (#14) 20,057$11,248,110 T xRDx
55 Mr Lemon Chiffon (#133) 11,546$11,219,532 I xRDx
56 killing machine (#13) 16,994$10,707,906 T MKR2
57 Mr Silver (#8) 16,863$10,623,142 H ResDogs
58 Mr Gainsboro (#29) 16,465$10,580,096 T ResDogs
59 diamonds and guns (#67)  Game profile 10,680$10,371,757 T xRDx
60 Mr Firebrick (#52) 11,629$9,926,820 T RDxHugsy
61 Xertoppits (#81) 13,939$9,731,511 H Ragnarok
62 AwEsOmEnEsS (#70) 11,313$9,289,956 I RDKill
63 Real Ultimate Power (#4) 19,212$9,106,694 T FBI
64 Society of Carnage (#124) 14,862$8,884,829 T RDxHugsy
65 Mr Goldenrod (#83) 8193$8,506,339 H RDxGW
66 Fly Swatter (#199) 12,694$8,251,581 F RD
67 thanks for the land (#75)  Game profile 4974$8,037,971 C reVENGe
68 I enjoy Lady Gaga (#35) 10,084$7,843,329 D Wrath
69 dire consequences (#161) 10,670$7,605,170 T WoI
70 Mr Cobalt (#107) 13,548$7,456,553 T RDxHugsy
71 XyZ (#80) 7942$7,180,514 M FBI
72 Liquid Waste (#116) 16,046$7,109,879 I Rag2
73 Cp6uja (#40) 8958$6,991,404 C rag3
74 Totalfury (#136) 10,081$6,941,394 R Rag4
75 Mr Xanadu (#96) 16,755$6,791,588 I RDKill
76 Salt N Pepper (#54) 21,424$6,652,297 T SancT
77 Krankrat (#140) 10,731$6,546,165 I RD
78 Mr Onyx (#176) 13,504$6,430,381 T RDxGW
79 Warhorse Lands (#84)  Game profile 10,765$6,121,571 R rag3
80 Washington Is Next (#135) 11,591$5,958,444 T xNEx
81 HoHoHo (#11)  Game profile 9996$5,661,682 T RDogs
82 Mr Almond (#90) 11,939$5,392,033 I RDxGW
83 llaarpies (#9) 18,320$4,926,878 C xNEx
84 Illusional Ascent (#153) 11,885$4,795,934 I Ragnarok
85 suicidal tendencies (#99) 8597$4,650,601 IG  
86 When Two Are One (#33) 12,054$4,362,034 T xRDx
87 IDrinkYourMilkshake (#28) 6805$4,297,715 R Ragnarok
88 yupyup (#157) 7088$4,258,733 I GSK
89 Ises Daising You (#74) 2901$4,068,618 CG  
90 Keep driving away players Pang (#151)  Game profile 10,840$3,798,792 C MKR2
91 Willy Woggah (#114) 8473$3,783,608 R Wrath
92 awesome cat mia (#115) 13,217$3,765,251 T RDKill
93 deathStroke (#21) 8646$3,763,577 C Ragnarok
94 Gnar Kill (#127) 7432$3,664,932 C RchillyD
95 Mr Charcoal (#7) 14,058$3,559,408 T RDKill
96 Die you slover (#232) 9161$3,313,422 CG xNAx
97 C R O A T I A later start (#192)  Game profile 2910$3,293,309 RG  
98 The H1n1 V1ru5 (#78) 10,904$3,230,158 C Rag4
99 n00b1e (#38) 7512$3,159,529 IG PassIsA
100 Mr Maroons West Side Story (#112) 11,477$3,153,508 T RDxHugsy

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