Aug 24 - Oct 22
Sep 18 - Sep 22
Sep 12 - Nov 10
Sep 2 - Sep 30
Active countries: 3619
Currently Logged in: 239

Top Players - Tournament

Current round: Aug 31, 2024 - N/A Prev Reset

Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes.
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There are currently 14 countries in game A the Tournament server.

1 llaar says join M4D in alliance (#13) 12,947$4,442,750 CG
2 Aggression (#1) 12,266$3,508,742 HG
3 Coke Zero (#14) 8146$3,390,366 HG
4 Scorched Earth (#2) 10,845$3,287,501 RG
5 Land of Little People (#10) 9997$3,176,360 CG
6 Ping (#4) 9062$2,330,519 FG
7 NewNationPewpewpew (#8) 6994$2,145,449 RG
8 Nifty Griftys Truckstop (#12) 7335$2,088,218 DG
9 Ok (#6) 9685$1,915,574 IG
10 TitsRUs (#5) 8613$1,832,787 CG

There are currently 22 countries in game B the Tournament server.

1 Not Today (#8) 10,833$3,779,650 CG
2 Osama Bin Laden (#11) 9260$3,541,000 TG
3 Tyri (#7) 12,214$2,976,228 FG
4 HighSpeedThrilCoaster (#12) 6180$2,682,331 IG
5 xWATARUxMDx (#17) 7078$2,317,118 DG
6 Rattlehead (#3) 8026$2,313,244 RG
7 Turd Ferguson (#16) 3919$2,237,482 FG
8 Arise (#4) 8599$1,925,040 DG
9 Smallville (#6) 7236$1,808,286 MG
10 Ho Hell (#2) 5448$1,663,227 IG

There are currently 23 countries in game C the Tournament server.

1 Lexus GX550 or Toyota Land Cruis (#6) 9985$4,642,799 DG
2 When Sept End (#11) 10,764$4,003,644 FG
3 gopherhole (#12) 11,566$3,629,994 RG
4 Corinthian (#15) 9513$3,457,319 RG
5 Switch Switch (#1) 8166$3,421,688 CG
6 Arthos (#13) 12,168$3,402,774 FG
7 Chonistan (#19) 8607$2,844,910 HG
8 Barbarosa (#9) 9197$2,496,320 MG
9 I dont know (#2) 7112$2,323,042 DG
10 TheBigRedOne (#5) 10,654$2,166,667 RG

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