Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2575
Currently Logged in: 172

Alliance Clan: Omega (TheOmega)

Twenty-sixth round: Feb 05, 2014 - Apr 06, 2014
Clan Standings
Membership Rank5 of 24
Total Networth Rank2 of 24
Average Networth Rank2 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
10 Ich warte auf den Tag (#137)  Game profile 74,441$220,512,529 HG
15 Mr Singapore (#49) 21,716$209,251,903 DG
16 chromosomal aberration (#246)  Game profile 20,821$206,258,266 DG
19 Battle of Kadesh (#385) 52,803$202,273,032 HG
24 Give me a Omega Speedmaster (#259) 21,975$191,132,874 DG
26 Top 10 target this reset (#337) 52,556$180,819,933 H
33 battle of the golden spurs (#476) 17,051$163,835,552 DG
36 The ALPHA Directive (#225) 44,118$152,581,398 H
41 The Battle of Evermore (#407)  Game profile 15,256$145,929,615 DG
46 ALPHA Skagerrakschlacht (#399) 15,022$138,449,663 DG
47 Belleau Wood (#236)  Game profile 32,882$136,153,324 DG
72 forgot to buy on the last day (#125) 27,875$113,723,219 HG
75 Narva Hear The Swedish Lion Roar (#357) 31,811$112,586,205 H
78 Noobtastic Nooblet of Nooberland (#193)  Game profile 20,699$111,148,543 H
87 February 6 to April 6 reset (#57) 20,612$107,330,409 HG
95 WalkingInMyShoes (#347) 14,886$103,016,192 H
99 Normandy (#65)  Game profile 29,998$101,005,942 H
100 ALPHA Bouvines (#299) 31,600$100,909,298 H
121 Battle of Vimy Ridge (#289)  Game profile 26,833$93,341,080 H
125 The Whiskey Rebellion (#305) 19,889$91,843,537 H
128 Below me (#292) 27,414$91,225,091 HG
148 Battle of Sigma Octanus IV (#500)  Game profile 26,974$83,243,441 D
149 Passchendaele ALPHA (#98) 14,908$83,228,553 H
150 Kric (#332) 25,941$83,086,806 RG
153 WARLORDe (#282)  Game profile 27,071$82,316,614 HG
154 MEAT RAGE (#122) 25,602$82,071,869 H
157 Network Stars (#67)  Game profile 28,231$81,790,883 H
162 Battle of Phillips Corners (#600) 20,185$80,645,990 D
177 Battle of the Bulge (#386) 35,583$76,212,786 T
196 Battle of Mactan (#361) 29,924$70,688,503 C
207 Pick Me (#318) 28,267$66,698,005 D
234 Battle of Boobies (#455)  Game profile 20,511$54,832,283 H
236 New Beginnings (#169) 25,546$53,387,814 RG
237 Potent Potentate (#467) 26,683$53,207,593 H
282 Hell Aint A Bad Place To Be (#314)  Game profile 24,420$37,369,759 H
285 The Battle Of Britain (#559) 29,708$36,163,527 F

Ranked countries: 36 (Show all countries)

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