Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2571
Currently Logged in: 173

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Twenty-sixth round: Feb 05, 2014 - Apr 06, 2014 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 723 countries in the Alliance server.

1 JamesDeenCumsonPaolOsface (#454) 100,131$321,705,694 HG TPA
2 Ginger CHIa Pets (#201) 80,113$302,555,501 HG MD
3 RED STORM (#1)  Game profile 106,573$279,307,852 H EVOsso
4 Calvin is my Ginger Snap (#94) 78,535$275,917,952 HG MD
5 nakapagpababagabag (#60) 69,856$257,891,739 HG TPA
6 RED STORM (#95) 25,593$235,944,964 DG EVOsso
7 Hodors Hodor (#51) 78,376$223,799,519 HG MD
8 Red Storrn (#138)  Game profile 61,463$223,485,900 H EVOsso
9 75th Degree Zorpmaster (#423)  Game profile 66,000$222,222,222 HG Paradigm
10 Ich warte auf den Tag (#137)  Game profile 74,441$220,512,529 HG TheOmega
11 Kanga (#148) 69,569$217,961,042 HG Paradigm
12 Gingers Humping SCs Mom Hard (#408) 45,745$217,833,823 DG MD
13 75th Commorragh (#241) 62,810$215,356,189 HG Paradigm
14 STORM RED (#38)  Game profile 60,821$212,326,401 HG EVOsso
15 Mr Singapore (#49) 21,716$209,251,903 DG TheOmega
16 chromosomal aberration (#246)  Game profile 20,821$206,258,266 DG TheOmega
17 Red Storm (#93) 25,204$204,418,588 D EVOsso
18 Love in Portofino (#69)  Game profile 59,369$203,927,586 HG LCNostra
19 Battle of Kadesh (#385) 52,803$202,273,032 HG TheOmega
20 STeD RoRm (#392)  Game profile 49,583$201,894,400 HG EVOsso
21 Chartreuse Precipitation (#360)  Game profile 66,647$201,784,661 HG EVOsso
22 Red Stormtrooper (#139)  Game profile 56,719$200,350,665 HG EVOsso
23 R3d St0rm (#2)  Game profile 51,702$191,637,298 H EVOsso
24 Give me a Omega Speedmaster (#259) 21,975$191,132,874 DG TheOmega
25 RED STORM (#479) 57,246$190,589,515 H EVOsso
26 Top 10 target this reset (#337) 52,556$180,819,933 H TheOmega
27 75 (#80) 58,757$176,235,165 HG Paradigm
28 Captain Gingerbeard (#362)  Game profile 51,918$175,268,381 D MD
29 TIE Fighter (#32) 54,223$172,314,631 H INFERNAL
30 AzN StyLe RiCe (#322) 52,724$168,075,483 HG INFERNAL
31 75 and Still Looking 25 (#142)  Game profile 54,083$167,869,926 HG Paradigm
32 Change olympic rules also qzjul (#239)  Game profile 36,404$164,106,025 R Rival
33 battle of the golden spurs (#476) 17,051$163,835,552 DG TheOmega
34 TDA (#352)  Game profile 19,968$161,266,553 D EVOsso
35 VICe Grip (#15) 63,168$156,315,652 H Knights
36 The ALPHA Directive (#225) 44,118$152,581,398 H TheOmega
37 Blood on Excalibur (#381)  Game profile 28,464$150,000,000 H Paradigm
38 75 Reasons to kill frost giants (#256) 15,630$148,797,011 H Paradigm
39 Fibon is Annabel Chongs 252nd (#152) 41,319$147,977,855 HG TPA
40 Kneel for Santa (#285)  Game profile 46,026$146,368,420 HG INFERNAL
41 The Battle of Evermore (#407)  Game profile 15,256$145,929,615 DG TheOmega
42 NovoEbunovo (#99) 27,211$145,106,119 HG Rival
43 RED ST0RM (#109)  Game profile 44,975$144,269,765 H EVOsso
44 Red Storm (#119)  Game profile 50,955$144,065,650 C EVOsso
45 I want ur ginger inside me MD (#168) 21,407$141,301,040 DG MD
46 ALPHA Skagerrakschlacht (#399) 15,022$138,449,663 DG TheOmega
47 Belleau Wood (#236)  Game profile 32,882$136,153,324 DG TheOmega
48 Artichokiopia (#55) 21,577$135,268,572 HG MD
49 RED STORM (#173) 60,534$134,414,329 HG EVOsso
50 Gummy Bears MD (#255) 23,169$133,036,349 HG MD
51 75th Stormies Regiment (#557) 12,643$132,866,979 DG Paradigm
52 whats that smell (#484) 24,918$129,821,644 D INFERNAL
53 MD Gingers Taste Icky (#97)  Game profile 38,471$128,788,714 DG MD
54 red storm (#90)  Game profile 41,473$127,373,376 H EVOsso
55 LIMITED EDITION 75 (#77) 14,724$127,161,875 DG Paradigm
56 75 of llaars multies (#345) 38,054$124,284,545 H Paradigm
57 RED STORM (#192) 27,503$124,171,257 DG EVOsso
58 Germanys outfits are FAAABULOUS (#227)  Game profile 26,862$123,941,550 D Rival
59 Schizophrenic Monkey (#526) 40,448$123,913,358 DG Rival
60 willbuyfoodforDenieceCornejo (#280) 16,214$123,421,146 DG TPA
61 Death Before Fire Crotch (#427) 50,345$120,829,539 H MD
62 UnTIE me (#10) 25,996$120,734,096 HG INFERNAL
63 Gingergingergingerginger (#13) 37,732$120,405,546 H MD
64 SIDE EFFECTS INCLUDE EXPLOSIONS (#338)  Game profile 20,692$119,772,350 R DANGER
65 KristyAlthaus Buttfucks Vincey (#158) 45,233$119,355,025 HG TPA
66 Hand of Doom (#397) 44,300$118,960,835 H MD
67 Kick A Ginger Day 2014 (#215) 32,779$118,482,763 HG MD
68 Jamaican Bobsledding Takes Gold (#126) 30,103$116,776,640 D Rival
69 The Cloaked since way back then (#503)  Game profile 37,777$113,999,999 HG LaF
70 PelVIC Thrusts (#534)  Game profile 38,705$113,853,520 HG Knights
71 Pale Horse Riding (#103)  Game profile 22,640$113,823,744 H INFERNAL
72 forgot to buy on the last day (#125) 27,875$113,723,219 HG TheOmega
73 pleasant tidings (#570) 42,209$113,260,288 H LCNostra
74 Compys Hurrah (#491) 26,471$112,824,220 H Paradigm
75 Narva Hear The Swedish Lion Roar (#357) 31,811$112,586,205 H TheOmega
76 Shui Passes on Theme (#409) 11,328$112,550,842 DG Rival
77 Pistacia vera (#770) 56,147$111,338,662 D LaF
78 Noobtastic Nooblet of Nooberland (#193)  Game profile 20,699$111,148,543 H TheOmega
79 Sexy YanYan (#382) 25,398$111,002,474 HG TPA
80 Ruthlessly Ginger MD (#88) 28,001$110,964,367 HG MD
81 dont mess with me (#263) 53,610$110,742,047 HG Paradigm
82 TIEd up and TwiStEd (#153) 30,180$110,606,042 HG INFERNAL
83 noVICe (#73) 34,883$110,364,737 HG Knights
84 Ginger Ninja Artichokes (#376) 12,255$109,436,591 HG MD
85 forgot to buy before reset ended (#85) 24,121$109,396,431 DG TPA
86 Nevermind Im not drunk enough (#219) 30,813$108,752,689 D INFERNAL
87 February 6 to April 6 reset (#57) 20,612$107,330,409 HG TheOmega
88 75 facials for your Mom (#14)  Game profile 17,614$107,322,335 DG Paradigm
89 PiggyPlotsCoupOnElvesrus (#527) 18,530$106,572,321 D Paradigm
90 Feniks (#212)  Game profile 25,170$106,479,696 H Rival
91 1 sec (#814)  Game profile 32,274$105,000,000 H LaF
92 Lucretia My Reflection (#465) 24,787$104,947,455 D MONSTERS
93 Slaa75ylvania (#31) 46,879$104,823,697 HG Paradigm
94 chipchipperson (#307) 21,687$104,294,608 H MD
95 WalkingInMyShoes (#347) 14,886$103,016,192 H TheOmega
96 VICs Vapor Rub (#104)  Game profile 31,328$102,576,552 HG Knights
97 Soultaker (#182) 26,770$102,178,346 H Rival
98 Beginners Luck (#424) 20,795$101,203,051 D TPA
99 Normandy (#65)  Game profile 29,998$101,005,942 H TheOmega
100 ALPHA Bouvines (#299) 31,600$100,909,298 H TheOmega

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