Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2455
Currently Logged in: 201

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Fourth round: Jun 03, 2010 - Aug 03, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 704 countries in the Alliance server.

1 The WaNgEr with the Golden Gun (#220) 56,386$187,189,927 HG LaF
2 Ball Four (#3) 54,304$170,611,844 DG LaF
3 WangPark Bigger Longer and Uncut (#373)  Game profile 63,466$170,098,977 HG LaF
4 Marshall Does Dallas (#80) 49,162$168,435,368 HG LaF
5 Alcon (#328)  Game profile 43,038$158,356,748 HG EVOnet
6 Iron H4xOr (#360) 49,433$154,083,547 HG LaF
7 rLey (#146) 51,620$153,802,881 HG SancTots
8 thomas has a spud n his bud (#265) 45,675$152,769,200 HG SancTots
9 JOIN THE FLUFFY ALLIANCE (#513) 40,277$141,565,669 HG EVOnet
10 Wangzilla (#455) 25,272$141,189,490 HG LaF
11 Back to main page (#144) 71,711$138,065,740 DG LaF
12 all explore (#469) 50,124$136,875,342 HG LaF
13 Lands of hope (#312) 37,634$135,693,643 DG LaF
14 AB likes his WEED (#349) 55,616$134,898,281 HG EVOnet
15 Charles (#178) 31,430$132,761,975 HG LaF
16 Three Men and a Wanger (#200)  Game profile 72,395$132,102,198 HG LaF
17 Holocene Extinction (#128) 22,850$124,038,069 HG EVOnet
18 WARLORDe (#38)  Game profile 30,622$123,597,047 HG xNAx
19 Prince of H4xOr The Wang of Time (#249) 43,819$123,561,272 HG LaF
20 Ossevo (#191)  Game profile 23,372$123,224,731 HG EVOnet
21 LadiJapri Loves Slagpits Stuble (#460) 23,143$121,862,218 HG EVOnet
22 diez (#353) 37,623$121,622,269 HG EVOnet
23 H4nnah Wangtana the Movie (#292) 52,775$118,828,984 HG LaF
24 Big B4ng Theoy (#143) 31,183$117,891,212 HG LaF
25 deat sey strikes back (#376) 25,879$115,725,880 HG LaF
26 H4rryPotter AnTheHalfDonParallax (#17) 21,865$114,471,267 HG LaF
27 Dastard Bastard Dasypod (#329) 22,650$113,203,610 HG Monsters
28 Walls Of Stalingrad (#114) 29,807$113,010,925 DG Neofed
29 Fish n Chips (#140) 41,141$110,832,545 HG SancTots
30 The Men Who Stare at Marshall (#258) 50,309$110,532,340 HG LaF
31 For a Fistful of Wang (#268) 36,803$110,524,809 HG LaF
32 RED STORM (#48)  Game profile 29,511$109,614,718 D EVOnet
33 The Last Ride (#109) 25,800$108,873,835 H Infernal
34 Boil em Mash em Stick em in a st (#25)  Game profile 22,828$108,837,986 HG SancTots
35 Night slayer (#623) 24,432$108,083,406 H Infernal
36 The Dark Wang (#142) 21,468$107,752,276 HG LaF
37 The Seksi Espada (#118) 24,887$104,960,408 HG xNAx
38 iNet (#105) 28,803$102,952,277 HG SancTots
39 The Little Wanger (#468) 35,044$99,147,909 HG LaF
40 I I Feel LIke a Monster (#260) 23,847$98,511,273 H Monsters
41 Santa Claus (#204) 20,262$98,191,643 H Infernal
42 We Are Marshall (#15) 28,324$98,099,688 HG LaF
43 Santas Magic Dust (#354) 25,504$98,074,764 H Infernal
44 Enterprise NXH4 (#391)  Game profile 22,011$97,895,307 HG LaF
45 Teenage Mutant H4xor Wangers (#311)  Game profile 24,126$97,411,330 HG LaF
46 llaars landfarm (#361) 27,937$95,522,402 HG xNAx
47 H4xOr the WaNgpire Slayer (#326) 22,201$94,893,598 HG LaF
48 ImpOsible H4xOr MissOn (#277) 17,797$94,501,689 HG LaF
49 Goldman Sachs (#12) 16,610$94,116,288 HG EVOnet
50 Thorny Domination (#488)  Game profile 27,280$93,535,720 HG xNAx
51 H4mburger Hill (#346) 50,949$92,564,130 DG LaF
52 still cant play (#425) 15,847$92,276,430 HG Infernal
53 Blade Wanger (#332) 37,478$91,591,762 HG LaF
54 ShowM URaTaterShowM WhatUcanDo (#384) 23,819$91,017,600 HG SancTots
55 baby wang (#492) 33,005$89,600,000 HG LaF
56 Lets Roll (#342) 26,129$88,053,242 FG LaF
57 Euphoria (#134) 25,251$86,464,819 HG xNAx
58 OGT is teh Win (#544) 37,351$86,093,515 R SancTots
59 GROOT (#577) 25,253$83,325,039 D Monsters
60 Show Me Your Respect (#487) 30,465$82,738,620 DG LaF
61 Popmebaby One More Time (#387) 40,063$82,642,490 DG LCN
62 llaar is h0m0phile (#170) 26,734$82,044,055 HG LaF
63 AlderMonster (#339) 23,985$81,535,579 D Monsters
64 MCXII Monster (#301)  Game profile 29,070$81,474,754 D Monsters
65 Suck My Wang (#219)  Game profile 30,357$81,070,083 HG LaF
66 Kai boils em and smash em (#254) 20,045$80,899,938 HG SancTots
67 Requiem for a Wang (#213) 27,480$80,390,866 HG LaF
68 EVO One (#476) 11,561$80,253,843 DG EVOnet
69 m0rm0ns eat babies (#484)  Game profile 36,468$80,004,077 D xSoFx
70 Julian Assange (#160) 31,042$78,630,638 HG LaF
71 lurn 2 net joyn EVO (#239)  Game profile 19,728$77,871,934 HG EVOnet
72 Dr Sardonicus (#313)  Game profile 11,064$76,746,665 D Monsters
73 EDSA Revolution (#75) 12,525$76,727,402 DG EVOnet
74 DeStrUcTivE IMPuLsEs (#438) 28,227$75,993,760 DG Monsters
75 Orcs Desires (#71) 23,201$75,424,568 HG xNAx
76 Kirks CoUNTry (#5) 28,910$75,203,672 D xNAx
77 Lekbergania (#377)  Game profile 32,121$74,978,736 R EVOnet
78 I fail at netting (#341) 16,896$74,300,258 H Monsters
79 MEMNOCH THE DEVIL (#87) 21,389$73,552,279 R Monsters
80 GoldenWang (#244) 29,246$72,813,165 HG LaF
81 BetterThanSomeone (#78) 22,428$72,426,557 R EEVIL
82 Paris is in Seine (#546)  Game profile 25,710$72,216,959 R Monsters
83 EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#348)  Game profile 14,511$71,319,619 H EEVIL
84 Dark Zigigy (#350) 29,317$70,555,136 D Infernal
85 i farted and lost my virginity (#74)  Game profile 26,383$70,252,660 D EVOnet
86 stop saltin my fries (#43)  Game profile 26,560$70,215,132 H SancTots
87 H4Y0P 4N6 D471N6 (#557) 28,854$70,088,580 D xNAx
88 Holy Canadian Empire (#459)  Game profile 17,071$69,620,200 R EEVIL
89 The Invincible Enemyhitter (#621) 46,000$69,300,000 TG LaF
90 The h4x0r wanger Affair (#40) 30,287$69,099,756 HG LaF
91 C C C P C O M M I E R O C K E T (#284)  Game profile 19,073$69,000,690 D Monsters
92 EBOLATHRAX905 (#573)  Game profile 23,571$68,578,212 R Monsters
93 bloodworX (#238) 32,862$67,703,183 FG LaF
94 ZuTTo ZuTTo ZuTTo (#606)  Game profile 18,882$66,656,579 HG EVOnet
95 Death Before Disco (#192) 14,324$66,445,940 D Monsters
96 EEVILWhoremonger (#93)  Game profile 19,122$66,237,381 R EEVIL
97 PaoLo (#163) 26,163$65,942,130 R xNAx
98 Tutuwarrior (#409)  Game profile 20,883$65,783,908 H Monsters
99 Iron Wang (#393)  Game profile 32,513$65,133,333 HG LaF
100 The Luck of the Fryrish (#475) 29,016$64,639,915 RG SancTots

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