Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2571
Currently Logged in: 175

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Fifth round: Aug 04, 2010 - Oct 04, 2010 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 688 countries in the Alliance server.

1 Jossica (#63) 61,169$197,197,437 HG EVOata
2 august five O ten (#331) 31,871$170,761,675 HG EVOata
3 DOUBLE RAINBOW (#338) 23,251$167,447,784 HG zOMG
4 Pink Peach Passion Princess (#372) 24,718$151,477,590 HG EVOata
5 PurpleHeadedYougurtSlinger (#279) 43,900$141,995,506 HG EVOata
6 She forgot my birthday again (#431) 35,615$140,115,738 HG zOMG
7 Walls Of Stalingrad (#129) 65,344$137,792,761 HG EVOata
8 TheLittleOne (#493)  Game profile 38,624$134,274,307 HG EVOata
9 RED STORM (#9)  Game profile 28,449$125,584,363 DG EVOata
10 Yeah (#392) 25,637$124,761,854 DG zOMG
11 Ossevo (#14)  Game profile 23,744$122,151,521 HG EVOata
12 Rising up again after 10 years (#362) 13,967$121,952,176 HG zOMG
13 Sweet Lemonade mm Sweet Lemonade (#234) 28,984$120,157,806 DG zOMG
14 Avoid the lubricant QZ (#71)  Game profile 28,394$117,534,118 HG EVOata
15 MD (#411)  Game profile 22,871$116,734,419 HG zOMG
16 Burts Bees (#227)  Game profile 36,263$116,450,585 HG EVOata
17 Monsterkitten (#361) 35,092$116,160,425 DG MONSTERS
18 DJ Beif (#194)  Game profile 13,280$113,788,997 HG EVOata
19 Sad Panda (#374) 18,206$113,583,168 HG zOMG
20 MeMeBu7Zz (#363) 31,328$112,906,500 HG zOMG
21 EVO One (#304) 12,131$112,773,312 HG EVOata
22 Old TIEm Rock and Roll (#349) 16,379$112,421,182 HG LCNostra
23 A Beautiful Evil (#177)  Game profile 25,830$108,406,750 HG EVOata
24 Acer (#56) 28,990$108,340,182 HG zOMG
25 Top TIEr NOSTRA Studmuffin (#404) 20,047$107,563,904 HG LCNostra
26 QZ Please Dont Stock Oil (#62) 28,321$107,097,556 HG EVOata
27 Lvl 8 Cock of the Infinite (#300)  Game profile 23,678$105,987,225 HG zOMG
28 WARLORDe (#41)  Game profile 28,624$105,729,515 HG xNAx
29 The Limited Partnership (#502) 28,049$103,917,644 HG EVOata
30 Gonads and Strife (#364) 28,855$103,592,452 HG zOMG
31 Natural Selection (#184) 29,690$103,023,585 HG EVOata
32 two month plan calls for NO OIL (#285) 30,080$101,800,349 CG EVOata
33 I Feel Like a Monster (#196) 29,094$101,335,566 H MONSTERS
34 Spokie cokie (#360) 26,403$100,843,403 HG EVOata
35 CoEVOlution (#182)  Game profile 28,718$100,351,923 HG EVOata
36 Goldman Sachs (#106) 22,583$100,187,341 HG EVOata
37 r a z o r w i r e (#314) 27,619$97,986,541 DG MONSTERS
38 Electric ORC (#34) 25,159$97,389,808 HG xNAx
39 EDges don is 2003 inches long (#36) 31,096$96,164,849 HG EVOata
40 all your base are belong to cult (#188) 35,033$95,693,192 DG zOMG
41 Death By Donsters (#175) 22,911$95,677,605 H MONSTERS
42 Dawning robe and wizard hat (#92) 31,232$94,885,650 HG zOMG
43 KILL IT WITH FIRE (#335) 29,877$92,752,738 HG zOMG
44 BUILD A TURTLE FENCE (#108)  Game profile 21,845$92,177,338 HG zOMG
45 llaars landfarm (#52) 28,007$91,283,745 HG xNAx
46 MCXII Monster (#352)  Game profile 29,640$91,156,542 D MONSTERS
47 TIEm to become a mafioso (#356) 27,755$90,679,837 D LCNostra
48 TIEm 2 hit the NoStra (#102) 23,814$89,128,381 H LCNostra
49 Holy zOMGrenade (#522)  Game profile 27,550$89,111,100 DG zOMG
50 Dribbling Banana Duckling (#378) 23,660$87,409,195 H MONSTERS
51 NO STRAt TIEm (#73) 13,821$85,794,727 HG LCNostra
52 Fading Summer (#542) 28,634$85,542,890 DG zOMG
53 Neos Pink Elephant (#143) 26,959$85,482,377 F xNEOFEDx
54 Djibouti (#316) 27,173$84,914,161 H xNAx
55 Black Guerilla Army (#244) 25,748$84,568,234 HG zOMG
56 Tonight She Comes (#318)  Game profile 26,689$84,529,657 R MONSTERS
57 SAI (#426) 20,292$84,342,521 HG EVOata
58 tldr (#138) 9999$84,169,753 DG zOMG
59 Wheres my TIE (#407) 25,360$82,920,656 H LCNostra
60 Groot (#400) 26,735$82,699,482 H MONSTERS
61 Ace of Spades (#325) 26,474$82,515,476 H RAGE
62 Sodalis (#263) 23,769$82,007,580 DG LCNostra
63 Qz remember that thing (#324)  Game profile 32,601$80,833,298 R EVOata
64 fml i gotta play earth (#518) 29,699$80,730,646 D zOMG
65 Massive Multiplayer (#246) 15,234$80,688,225 DG zOMG
66 Euphoria (#111) 27,610$80,541,923 HG xNAx
67 NeOden (#127) 10,124$80,032,532 HG EVOata
68 Lukz bout right ta me (#258) 27,379$79,869,978 H zOMG
69 but im le tired (#519)  Game profile 27,424$79,788,546 H zOMG
70 PANostra (#224) 27,564$79,479,144 H LCNostra
71 Mamba Monster (#354) 27,167$79,341,948 HG MONSTERS
72 MEMNOCH THE DEVIL (#255) 21,454$79,046,245 R MONSTERS
73 ShatnerClimbingTheMountain (#396)  Game profile 25,864$78,325,904 R MONSTERS
74 Forty Two (#28) 13,013$78,210,550 DG LCNostra
75 TIE dye my NOSTRA (#312) 8714$77,917,063 H LCNostra
76 Nostra blood TIEs (#150) 23,015$76,347,826 D LCNostra
77 Fluffed and Buffed (#492) 25,661$76,000,719 HG EVOata
78 Catagory Five (#76) 28,757$75,651,499 D xNAx
79 United Arab Emirates (#390) 22,185$75,606,242 HG xNAx
80 United Knights (#166) 29,301$74,980,144 HG zOMG
81 PhilippineS (#330) 29,863$74,903,343 RG xNAx
82 Abkhazia (#167) 30,062$74,876,792 D xNAx
83 Land of Neodymium (#110) 23,080$74,790,339 FG xNEOFEDx
84 RED Ribbon Army (#577) 20,670$73,904,246 HG EVOata
85 Kirks CoUNTry (#26) 20,571$73,705,057 R xNAx
86 5TR8 R4P3 (#44) 30,541$72,850,354 D MONSTERS
87 Kingdom of Roldrem (#215) 18,549$72,810,077 D RAGE
88 TImE to Party LCN Style (#172) 31,193$72,686,193 H LCNostra
89 Peoples republic of lestat (#389) 18,870$72,135,207 RG MONSTERS
90 TIEdtoCementShoes (#447)  Game profile 24,777$71,717,004 HG LCNostra
91 Homo Homini SantTIE (#145)  Game profile 14,878$71,181,558 HG LCNostra
92 nostra tiekoon (#376) 8413$71,145,406 D LCNostra
93 TIE a Pink Nostra (#55) 13,401$70,863,470 H LCNostra
94 TIEd to LCN (#462) 24,186$70,626,677 D LCNostra
95 G Bangers rock (#164) 24,626$70,170,738 HG RAGE
96 Belize (#230) 18,681$70,003,550 HG xNAx
97 Emus Invade Liechtenstein (#471)  Game profile 22,427$69,913,091 HG xNAx
98 Cant Faze This (#83) 19,631$68,881,602 R xNEOFEDx
99 TIE my Nostra in Creamy Lingerie (#192) 20,368$68,743,546 D LCNostra
100 Tutuwarrior (#478)  Game profile 25,210$68,527,243 H MONSTERS

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