Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2459
Currently Logged in: 200

Alliance Clan: Imaginary Numbers (iMagNum)

Eighth round: Feb 03, 2011 - Apr 05, 2011
Clan Standings
Membership Rank9 of 24
Total Networth Rank12 of 24
Average Networth Rank12 of 24
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism
360 moooooooooooooo (#1005) 11,326$8,004,817 T
370 Walt Hunt (#874) 12,887$7,208,304 T
374 FLUFFY Since 1998 (#846)  Game profile 11,179$6,398,532 T
381 inorite (#907)  Game profile 9115$5,946,486 T
382 Guess Who (#896) 10,960$5,897,483 T
383 stillAlive (#1205) 12,203$5,863,912 T
388 Daemon II (#820) 1220$5,217,719 T
390 111000111000 (#790) 13,599$5,081,141 T
395 Saints Requiem II (#814) 9250$4,639,751 T
402 Smoke on the Water (#881) 10,521$3,827,517 T
406 Twenty5 (#860) 8123$3,596,419 T
409 Casino for the win 4 (#1203) 9151$3,396,446 T
419 Iron Priest III (#1214) 3518$3,044,435 F
420 Surtur Rising (#1154) 9651$3,016,091 T
422 The Last Outpost of IMag IV (#892) 8185$2,914,826 T
424 Imagnum Sucks (#1209) 6792$2,764,106 T
428 3 days killrun (#969) 5172$2,619,855 F
439 Kiblsyvnia (#801) 8721$2,214,910 T
444 trollolololololololo (#1013) 6713$2,032,797 T
451 PERKELE (#1094)  Game profile 3116$1,613,503 T
454 iMaginary Me (#1285) 6969$1,476,413 C
466 cuntymcbonerdog (#1043) 3619$1,075,135 T
471 Crystal Meth Polar Bear IV (#1188)  Game profile 332$873,242 T
472 I wrecked your mom (#953) 2349$865,829 T
477 Immortal Nouda (#1399)  Game profile 4079$781,955 T
484 New found land (#1398) 2821$687,730 T
498 Galantec Industries (#1232)  Game profile 3040$554,162 T
502 Overlords Are The P0o (#815) 1851$514,395 C
514 Kittens are Fluffy (#804)  Game profile 3646$453,685 T
536 what the (#1407)  Game profile 1846$317,242 T
548 Palamecia (#923) 1553$255,351 T
571 ChaoticGrounds2 (#747) 1908$137,192 TG
635 Sifos (#1409)  Game profile 1$25,825 I
676 SupacalifragilisticXpialidocious (#900) 0$5831 F
774 Death to Imag (#779) 1$104 I
775 Crystal Meth Polar Bear V (#1442)  Game profile 1$46 I
776 MyFeetHitTheFloorSatanSaidOhShit (#1440) 1$45 I

Ranked countries: 37 (Show all countries)

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