Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 26 - Mar 30
Mar 14 - May 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2571
Currently Logged in: 175

Top Players - Alliance

Next Reset Eighth round: Feb 03, 2011 - Apr 05, 2011 Prev Reset
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Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism

There were 776 countries in the Alliance server.

1 Tarnavasaurous Rex (#388) 70,401$231,512,725 HG LaF
2 damn kids are HIGH on ROCK music (#153) 23,609$209,898,772 DG OldMEGA
3 ashes to ashes (#443)  Game profile 42,471$196,620,442 HG LaF
4 Casino Royale (#202) 47,488$183,546,670 HG LaF
5 WARLORDe (#28)  Game profile 37,565$174,763,995 HG OldMEGA
6 Astronomy Domine (#310)  Game profile 40,431$173,082,009 HG LaF
7 Your SoL is Mine (#425)  Game profile 43,471$168,009,670 HG SOLxK3nt
8 My allies are untagged (#379) 39,945$166,325,857 HG LaF
9 where are my teeth (#516)  Game profile 28,584$164,955,458 DG OldMEGA
10 All Explore (#335) 33,539$160,268,018 HG LaF
11 The Legendary Deat Sey (#519) 38,845$155,394,072 DG LaF
12 viagra3xdaily (#261) 35,122$149,041,810 HG OldMEGA
13 NoT (#151) 32,230$147,700,160 H OldMEGA
14 WeWhereToLazyToPic (#20) 31,584$144,499,840 HG OldMEGA
15 CALAMITES (#203) 26,199$141,827,276 DG OldMEGA
16 INVINCIBLE IRONMAN (#148)  Game profile 46,347$141,572,175 H LCNostra
17 SniperOne WoG TIME (#17) 22,027$141,168,814 H OldMEGA
18 SNSDSolMemorialSet (#214) 37,699$140,927,310 FG SOLxK3nt
19 YouBetterBelieveThatsAPaddlin (#596) 29,622$139,324,517 DG OldMEGA
20 Famiglia La (#13) 27,770$139,263,287 HG LaF
21 Im too old for (#331) 36,141$138,351,971 HG OldMEGA
22 Lands of hope (#204) 33,208$137,879,512 DG LaF
23 Rebublic Wasteland (#52) 25,583$137,551,069 H OldMEGA
24 Uphill Both Ways (#10) 30,274$136,036,776 H OldMEGA
25 Young Whippersnapper (#136)  Game profile 26,893$135,899,898 HG OldMEGA
26 Five miles in the snow (#488)  Game profile 27,205$135,195,100 H OldMEGA
27 Atala (#95) 23,310$134,525,194 HG OldMEGA
28 GET OFF MY LAWN (#328)  Game profile 26,545$134,470,693 H OldMEGA
29 Reignz n Doll tagged up Eugy (#451)  Game profile 37,264$134,137,881 DG LaF
30 LAFingAtPangIsHealthy (#321) 26,890$131,551,775 HG LaF
31 the calculus (#4) 28,037$131,221,001 H OldMEGA
32 Camilla My Belle (#537) 30,473$129,000,000 HG LaF
33 GaspyDuK3nt Empires VIII (#358) 28,729$128,519,329 HG SOLxK3nt
34 Who Dey SOLers k3nt (#81) 24,630$126,339,369 HG SOLxK3nt
35 D e a t h B y D a s C C C P (#118)  Game profile 30,321$125,457,583 HG LaF
36 Purposeful1 Eats Babies (#582)  Game profile 24,567$124,936,338 HG LCNostra
37 WHERES MY TEETH (#385) 26,982$123,777,994 HG OldMEGA
38 Dem Saggy Nuts (#142) 25,389$123,361,983 HG OldMEGA
39 The sidewalks for regular walkin (#302)  Game profile 21,905$121,897,230 H OldMEGA
40 Never Gonna Give You Up (#444) 21,007$120,677,374 HG OldMEGA
41 Canada (#154) 18,689$118,209,623 HG xICNx
42 Hemidactylus Frenatus (#438) 20,661$118,190,294 H LCNostra
43 dagga remembers johnny yau SOL (#439)  Game profile 30,105$115,569,636 DG SOLxK3nt
44 trICksterN (#503) 21,259$115,132,373 HG xICNx
45 Shhh My Common Sense Is Tingling (#133) 20,670$114,123,481 HG xICNx
46 Merry Widow (#92) 26,500$113,752,206 RG LCNostra
47 Garm (#243) 25,797$113,585,311 H LCNostra
48 Tired old limbs (#217) 31,890$113,568,706 R OldMEGA
49 The Kraken (#367) 37,017$113,296,085 H xICNx
50 angstrom (#244) 36,318$113,111,541 DG LaF
51 TreeMaker (#12)  Game profile 22,084$112,901,706 H LCNostra
52 C R O A T I A (#211)  Game profile 24,704$112,820,828 F LCNostra
53 Westlife Remembers k3nt (#173)  Game profile 37,550$111,849,516 FG SOLxK3nt
54 Free For All (#496) 36,056$111,314,910 HG LaF
55 Playing with Rockerstar (#109) 21,444$107,694,114 RG xICNx
56 old golden age (#598) 22,786$105,434,848 HG LaF
57 THE omega THE omega THE omega (#306) 22,677$104,679,908 HG OldMEGA
58 DixieChicks Masquerade Ball (#332)  Game profile 28,777$104,403,794 HG xICNx
59 another day another dollar (#669)  Game profile 20,301$104,069,069 HG LCNostra
60 www TEQ3 com (#514) 23,237$104,000,900 DG LaF
61 Father Time (#147) 26,691$103,687,877 DG OldMEGA
62 Mr Gainsboro (#365) 21,896$103,339,093 HG LaF
63 Dopplegangah (#591) 22,892$102,783,868 H xICNx
64 Why Wait (#574) 26,095$102,515,993 HG LaF
65 Universal SOLdier (#322) 25,877$101,723,845 H SOLxK3nt
66 The Zip of New York (#237)  Game profile 25,606$101,237,361 HG xICNx
67 Purposeful1 Poo (#493) 21,086$100,719,498 H LCNostra
68 Cats are Purposeful1 (#504)  Game profile 22,471$100,340,048 H LCNostra
69 Aldo (#382) 24,413$100,264,060 HG LaF
70 Glenn Becks Favorite Caliphate (#560)  Game profile 27,798$100,001,080 HG LaF
71 Masakar (#517) 22,916$99,999,642 D LCNostra
72 Mr Reseda (#510)  Game profile 28,757$99,945,741 HG RD
73 Land of Lightman (#361) 24,665$99,691,031 R LCNostra
74 Lewy (#371) 30,212$99,440,188 HG LaF
75 Taylorian (#476) 25,559$97,882,140 HG LaF
76 The untouchables (#610) 24,961$97,512,467 HG LaF
77 Sliced Bread (#540) 26,343$97,177,551 HG OldMEGA
78 McMurdo Dry Valleys (#45)  Game profile 28,145$95,259,051 HG LaF
79 Neds Atomic Dustbin (#274) 27,056$94,955,617 H OldMEGA
80 54n7713 (#235)  Game profile 26,702$94,888,126 H LCNostra
81 Im over this (#459) 31,098$94,818,427 F LCNostra
82 Boots on Booties (#210) 21,236$94,356,133 HG xICNx
83 Milo Giacomo Rambaldi (#171)  Game profile 28,041$94,268,162 HG xICNx
84 Field Marsrhal J K3nt (#229) 29,321$93,673,760 H SOLxK3nt
85 Back in my days (#314) 25,477$93,661,835 C OldMEGA
86 SoL remembers K3nt (#158) 23,186$93,508,844 FG SOLxK3nt
87 Draconian Empire (#246)  Game profile 27,510$93,305,585 HG LaF
88 Sourcream (#580) 22,433$92,833,531 DG OldMEGA
89 incontinence rules (#670) 24,143$92,766,750 H OldMEGA
90 Fathers and Sons and Lovers Rock (#286) 25,239$92,569,221 DG OldMEGA
91 One Day At A Time (#423) 24,433$92,072,654 HG LaF
92 wonkoland (#474) 21,150$90,536,778 HG SOLxK3nt
93 K3nT WiLL alWays be in SOL (#715) 31,510$90,206,652 FG SOLxK3nt
94 BeepBeep (#635)  Game profile 21,931$89,005,890 H LCNostra
95 diiiiiiiEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (#744) 30,777$88,799,602 DG xNAx
96 My Old Farts Smell O Pop Tarts (#539) 23,403$88,379,150 HG OldMEGA
97 Milk Ocean (#429) 46,304$88,210,278 HG LaF
98 rolla xXx (#256) 28,709$88,206,328 DG RD
99 Purple People (#364) 18,703$88,058,281 D LCNostra
100 SOL IS FAMILY (#267) 19,716$87,985,404 HG SOLxK3nt

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