Active countries: 2463
Currently Logged in: 190
Currently Logged in: 190
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Networth | Land | Top 100 | Top 10 | Best 3 | Attack Success |
Kills | Deaths | Pop Killed | Attacks | Missiles | Defends |
Total Attacks
This leaderboard ranks users by the total number of attacks they have done across all rounds. This leaderboard is updated once a day.
Prev Page | Next Page |
Rank | Name | Score |
801 | Unlinked Account | 2930 |
802 | bRainwashED | 2924 |
803 | kanga | 2923 |
803 | Martin-l | 2923 |
805 | jjterrico | 2919 |
806 | Frisky | 2917 |
807 | vintage | 2910 |
808 | Wookie | 2909 |
808 | Mister Ed | 2909 |
810 | SpeedWood | 2903 |
811 | Penguinbeng | 2883 |
812 | Lobo | 2878 |
813 | Sulliven | 2861 |
814 | samxz | 2858 |
815 | d34dm4n | 2855 |
816 | kazjames | 2853 |
817 | king7012 | 2852 |
818 | bulok | 2850 |
819 | Kinnin | 2847 |
820 | DeathRider | 2841 |
821 | MrX | 2839 |
822 | Raztastic | 2823 |
823 | GreenMan | 2809 |
824 | SuperMoose | 2808 |
825 | W | 2807 |
826 | PhoenixMD | 2795 |
827 | Zlac | 2774 |
828 | Revolver | 2769 |
829 | midevil.chaos | 2765 |
830 | Cookster | 2760 |
831 | Mellbell | 2759 |
832 | Tinysub[SYN] | 2744 |
833 | Vulk | 2741 |
834 | snawdog | 2721 |
835 | gerb00 | 2719 |
836 | Rabbitofcaerbannog | 2718 |
837 | Charles | 2711 |
838 | Locutus | 2706 |
839 | Loc | 2687 |
840 | Unlinked Account | 2680 |
841 | TheSovereign | 2679 |
842 | JTSLai | 2675 |
843 | jakahn | 2672 |
844 | Unlinked Account | 2669 |
845 | lymz | 2657 |
846 | ThunderWalker | 2656 |
847 | Ballzac | 2654 |
847 | LATC | 2654 |
849 | Ă„she | 2649 |
850 | trout | 2647 |
851 | Huntress | 2643 |
852 | tsouns | 2642 |
853 | BadFish | 2617 |
854 | Unlinked Account | 2614 |
855 | Hammer | 2613 |
855 | Chand | 2613 |
857 | GD | 2608 |
858 | ArchAngel | 2607 |
859 | Shogun | 2599 |
859 | JivinGeneReturns | 2599 |
861 | jon316 | 2591 |
862 | VicVixvi | 2583 |
863 | Unlinked Account | 2582 |
864 | Penguine | 2572 |
865 | One | 2570 |
866 | Billi_AoDT | 2569 |
867 | Coolhand | 2556 |
868 | Sherita | 2552 |
869 | Jax | 2551 |
870 | agusjo | 2549 |
871 | Don KILLER | 2538 |
872 | Kahuna | 2536 |
873 | ebola | 2519 |
874 | Tinamou | 2513 |
875 | Andylax | 2511 |
876 | ou812 | 2509 |
876 | Oriontakers | 2509 |
878 | Kingme | 2508 |
879 | CC | 2492 |
880 | joedro | 2488 |
881 | thor2001 | 2487 |
882 | qcgoofball | 2486 |
883 | DonKarnage | 2478 |
884 | Bee | 2476 |
885 | metaresolve | 2474 |
886 | cml87 | 2465 |
887 | Tyrant | 2464 |
888 | Mr Charcoal | 2461 |
889 | kean | 2451 |
890 | juice | 2447 |
891 | de1i | 2445 |
892 | Wulf | 2443 |
893 | mc2x | 2432 |
894 | hurricane | 2429 |
895 | Denning | 2424 |
895 | Acevan v2 | 2424 |
897 | paladin | 2418 |
898 | jaabaa | 2406 |
899 | VermiThrax | 2405 |
900 | Unlinked Account | 2403 |