Active countries: 2486
Currently Logged in: 188
Currently Logged in: 188
Scores & Ranks are updated every 5 minutes. Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. Players in Yellow are Non-Player Countries. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |
There are currently 90 countries in the Express server.
Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | |
1 | The Den (#3) | 10,221 | $4,494,697 | HG | |
2 | YouKnowWhatYouDid (#46) | 21,959 | $4,469,643 | FG | |
3 | Warhammer (#4) | 22,571 | $3,969,821 | HG | |
4 | F o o l s P a r a d I s e (#10) | 12,831 | $3,963,489 | HG | |
5 | Wathmon Talberon Atlin (#15) | 9377 | $3,923,762 | C | |
6 | Jungle Bunny (#26) | 17,142 | $3,870,869 | HG | |
7 | Link (#20) | 21,954 | $3,773,240 | FG | |
8 | The is Seremban SOL (#12) | 12,026 | $3,399,269 | MG | |
9 | Im Trippin Im Slappin (#37) | 24,028 | $3,233,548 | TG | |
10 | alltechedupwithnostocktoblow (#50) | 11,545 | $3,209,297 | RG | |
11 | Synestra (#75) | 8514 | $2,873,161 | CG | |
12 | Larva Red (#47) | 8937 | $2,720,732 | C | |
13 | Dreaded Minimum Jockey (#69) | 9777 | $2,594,119 | H | |
14 | The Mean Streets (#85) | 16,359 | $2,551,462 | HG | |
15 | Frozen Gothar (#70) | 8981 | $2,500,909 | CG | |
16 | AEROHEAD (#84) | 11,462 | $2,479,849 | HG | |
17 | Six (#6) | 10,989 | $2,206,537 | HG | |
18 | The Order of Vi (#45) | 10,035 | $2,165,349 | H | |
19 | bat chit crazy (#2) | 11,345 | $2,098,211 | HG | |
20 | Eternal Gruesome Peasant (#77) | 10,597 | $2,088,463 | R | |
21 | Samot Staph Cardon (#30) | 7554 | $2,069,684 | C | |
22 | Silly Pluto (#23) | 8345 | $2,044,476 | C | |
23 | Smack Daddy (#11) | 13,461 | $2,023,714 | IG | |
24 | Yellow Color Elephant (#53) | 8508 | $2,013,557 | CG | |
25 | Fiend Fast (#34) | 9196 | $1,963,720 | H |