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Top Clans - Free For All

Next Reset Eighty-second round: Aug 12, 2023 - Oct 11, 2023 Prev Reset
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Top 18 (out of 18) clans ranked by member count
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
NBK NBK 153 $10,964,475,312 $71,663,237
Lords of ChAoS LoC 80 $10,492,307,757 $131,153,847
Insane Clownz w/Dope xICDx 52 $60,029,773,729 $1,154,418,726
WILD ANIMALS WILD 32 $3,956,520,298 $123,641,259
Olympus Olympus 16 $2,033,550,253 $127,096,891
Belt and sword O 16 $3,394,463 $212,154
zorp zorp 16 $445,270 $27,829
Hooked on Phonics HoP 16 $736,029,466 $46,001,842
TheReLicHunteR xXRHXx 16 $6,479,836 $404,990
Super Heroes n Movie Monsters SHMM 16 $1,909,869,039 $119,366,815
Camelot Camelot 6 $1,289,248,862 $128,924,886
Insane Multi Posse IMP 5 $944,027 $94,403
USA ARMY USAARMY 4 $7,682,218 $768,222
The France France 2 $49,568,975 $4,956,898
Pokemon Pokemon 2 $543,083,182 $54,308,318
theBomb theB0mb 1 $1,822,040 $182,204
l33t l33t 1 $457,906,698 $45,790,670
Zoolander ZOO 1 $148,416,689 $14,841,669

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