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Top Clans - Free For All

Current round: Oct 12, 2024 - N/A Prev Reset

Top 8 (out of 8) clans ranked by total networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Natural Born Killers NBK 80 $65,226,443 $815,331
Insane Multi Posse Imp 32 $51,831,581 $1,619,737
Lords of ChAoS LoC 64 $33,213,789 $518,965
Pandora Last Vikings PANLV 16 $29,697,149 $1,856,072
Insane Clownz W/ Dope xICDx 20 $10,794,112 $539,706
Unknown Unknown 8 $8,944,389 $894,439
Hooked on Phonics HoP 16 $90,772 $5673
1-16 116 1 $5617 $562

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