Active countries: 2464
Currently Logged in: 190
Currently Logged in: 190
Game Profile for jeffro71 on the Primary Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: Twenty-fifth
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $219,934,371 | #179 |
Land | 270,813 | #141 |
Top 100 | 31 | #34 |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $14,201,768 | #533 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
91 | 25 | Wuffes (#25) | 9115 | $8,918,455 | FG |
90 | 36 | Energy Star (#49) | 10,274 | $6,374,654 | DG |
89 | 37 | Raytek MT6 (#25) | 6972 | $6,992,237 | DG |
88 | 42 | Bazinga Berries (#58) | 4565 | $3,057,539 | RG |
87 | 48 | Sweet Sour Meatballs (#60) | 6249 | $2,280,141 | RG |
86 | 35 | Skies of Azure (#26) | 8120 | $6,274,394 | FG |
85 | 39 | Pineapple Parade (#34) | 6387 | $6,085,420 | DG |
84 | 41 | Struggle Famine (#31) | 8378 | $5,288,869 | RG |
83 | 32 | Philliesphreak (#59) | 10,543 | $7,215,728 | HG |
80 | 33 | Wikichat (#16) | 11,825 | $11,719,944 | IG |
79 | 57 | HLL2300 (#39) | 6252 | $3,158,916 | DG |
78 | 38 | KXNT553 (#31) | 8543 | $6,965,777 | FG |
77 | 34 | Missile Command (#48) | 7558 | $8,721,957 | DG |
76 | 45 | Adorabelle (#34) | 9242 | $6,158,568 | RG |
75 | 46 | Da Party (#103) | 9283 | $7,138,317 | CG |
74 | 57 | Ukrainian Wings (#21) | 10,006 | $5,103,847 | RG |
73 | 54 | Blue Merle (#60) | 8321 | $6,171,062 | HG |
72 | 34 | Azure Skies (#4) | 9109 | $10,959,085 | CG |
71 | 62 | QuasiBe (#27) | 7050 | $2,176,916 | F |
70 | 65 | ChaPiBanSmoBe (#54) | 2751 | $1,244,836 | I |
69 | 33 | ChaChaChaChia (#16) | 11,559 | $10,586,548 | RG |
68 | 52 | Pack Attack (#41) | 5711 | $3,540,328 | H |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |