Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2466
Currently Logged in: 204

Game Profile for DerrickICN on the Team Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: First

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10049#49
Top 1018#24
Best 3$80,085,757#19
Attack Success96.7%#79
Pop Killed4,208,988#57

Countries on this server

160 35 Moon Hooch (#32) 19,602$2,809,420 F weedylar
159 3 Puff Boy (#58) 68$71,272,005 HG weedylar
158 58 Pretty Bright Lights (#29) 180$11,797 M  
157 5 Plumbermandan (#14) 18$73,471,758 HG xUISx
155 69 Wherefore art thou BHole (#14) 120$5617 M  
154 6 K Hole with B Hole (#11) 64$65,640,770 HG Darkines
134 26 Ooooooweeee (#37) 67$15,241,990 H xUISx
133 31 Fap fap fap (#31) 14,420$5,674,501 F xUISx
132 6 Play It Again Sam (#3) 1$61,155,808 H xUISx
131 1 Cured Hog Jowl (#6) 25$76,968,866 HG xUISx
130 3 Do the tree shake a leaf (#14) 25$71,391,037 HG xUISx
129 4 Rosie The Riveter (#14) 19$68,348,668 HG xUISx
128 9 Pardon me miss (#24) 2008$54,636,013 H xUISx
127 32 Shysus (#61) 3431$414,556 M  
127 SMOOOCHICIDER (#23) 13,004$1,624,199 F  
126 23 Mama it still meeee (#68) 7962$1,596,773 T Darkness
126 Mama it me (#51) 11,270$1,603,598 T Darkness
126 ODoyle Rules (#18) 10,609$870,479 T Darkness
125 53 Mama it me (#49) 140$6517 M  
121 52 Look mom no hands (#33) 5547$693,732 F D4RKNESS
120 45 Fade Away (#37) 20,037$5,552,804 F Darkness
119 38 Double Bonus (#38) 34$18,382,105 H darkness
118 40 Days late dollars short (#55) 11,152$11,128,829 T D4rkness
117 36 Look mom no hands (#34) 18,706$6,444,465 F D4rkness
116 1 Tired (#45) 34$84,621,205 HG Darkness
115 7 Look mom no hands (#30) 25$58,618,384 HG Darkness
114 4 Look mom no hands (#26) 46$58,996,425 HG Darkness
113 10 Look mom no hands (#5) 34$44,151,910 HG Darkness
112 16 Look mom no hands (#38) 14,473$14,905,490 T xCKx
111 12 Look mom no hands (#29) 9227$10,958,145 T MERCS
110 7 Gritty Hates Fascism (#39) 34$45,335,425 HG LoC
109 41 Lol (#90) 2988$1,414,791 I LoC
109 Great Googley Moogley (#39) 3929$1,841,539 R LoC
108 4 Bahama mama (#1) 17$62,885,369 HG WETWILLI
107 10 Oleg Daripaska (#35) 21,837$22,885,759 HG Darkness
106 36 Poooo (#75) 3370$2,258,540 T SiN
106 Look mom no hands (#37) 9544$6,350,219 T SiN
105 29 Tanks For The Memories (#51) 19,739$8,588,934 F ZagZig
104 47 Oh mah gawd I got gitted (#72) 4882$1,514,430 T merc
104 Crip Walk (#43) 13,722$4,214,809 T merc
103 9 Your brain on drugs (#53) 34$39,741,421 HG Darkened
102 30 Puff Boy (#46) 11,963$6,404,609 T FIREPISS
101 Derrick stole my weed (#21) 19,212$4,443,484 F xFAGx
100 37 Look mom no hands 2 (#95) 4277$1,698,396 F ROSANNE
100 Look mom no hands (#33) 1847$2,779,012 F ROSANNE
99 2 Tallywhacker (#41) 20$78,667,201 HG FREEBUCH
98 5 GoFundMe Bushels (#44) 34$59,903,667 HG BANGBROS
97 36 Gucci two times (#26) 15,662$7,059,151 H Oldballs
96 57 10 days late and a dollar short (#61) 140$6517 M  
94 32 Better netter than archaic (#63) 11,312$6,274,889 H NBK
93 11 DeathFromTheSide (#57) 34$52,965,429 HG OLDBOY
92 I came here several times (#68) 7335$593,714 F  
92 She thinks my cashers sexy (#46) 4334$445,741 T  
91 49 Fig Nuts (#52) 6203$1,771,743 C Elders
90 36 Villain Slayer (#33) 12,848$4,334,648 T Elders
89 31 Child Molesting Robot (#54) 11,505$12,041,591 T Elders
88 66 Salty Jacob Dicksuck (#109) 1672$695,390 M Elders
88 61 Sparkle Pony Rainbows (#98) 2960$1,489,781 H Elders
88 Forever Dolphin Love (#48) 6990$5,165,201 I Elders
87 62 Correction Richard Cheese (#96) 2025$462,694 H Elders
87 Dick Cheese (#85) 4012$493,076 H Elders
87 Double Penetration (#71) 4880$616,522 F Elders

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism