Active countries: 2469
Currently Logged in: 206
Currently Logged in: 206
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Networth | Land | Top 100 | Top 10 | Best 3 | Attack Success |
Kills | Deaths | Pop Killed | Attacks | Missiles | Defends |
Total Attacks
This leaderboard ranks users by the total number of attacks they have done across all rounds. This leaderboard is updated once a day.
Prev Page | Next Page |
Rank | Name | Score |
701 | DaMmItSuXeR | 1279 |
702 | Unlinked Account | 1270 |
703 | Bikerman | 1269 |
704 | Soul Stealer | 1253 |
705 | Unlinked Account | 1250 |
706 | Tuckleberryfin | 1245 |
707 | ld | 1238 |
708 | Unlinked Account | 1233 |
709 | Leovalentine | 1226 |
710 | UnitedEarthDirecto | 1210 |
711 | Unlinked Account | 1186 |
712 | dellestj | 1178 |
713 | Unlinked Account | 1175 |
714 | Cumorah | 1174 |
715 | H | 1164 |
715 | zardvark777 | 1164 |
717 | Pallets | 1156 |
718 | plaxton | 1154 |
719 | Zzzarka | 1143 |
720 | exi1e | 1134 |
721 | Squeeky | 1133 |
722 | Unlinked Account | 1128 |
723 | killrun75 | 1110 |
724 | ITM | 1109 |
725 | Unlinked Account | 1105 |
726 | vmorphusv | 1103 |
727 | flob | 1100 |
728 | John-John | 1097 |
729 | Gurgel | 1095 |
730 | vincey | 1087 |
731 | vramool | 1064 |
732 | Amsterdam | 1062 |
733 | Unlinked Account | 1047 |
734 | Snunez00 | 1024 |
735 | dossw780 | 1001 |
736 | Solids control HAN | 995 |
737 | OrderofBleh | 993 |
738 | twige | 985 |
739 | Strikey | 984 |
740 | BattleKJ | 980 |
741 | OGT | 979 |
742 | MrGamer | 977 |
742 | Unlinked Account | 977 |
744 | Aphrodite777 | 976 |
745 | covax | 974 |
746 | Shootingmailbox | 965 |
747 | Unlinked Account | 961 |
748 | jailed man | 960 |
749 | World Peace | 957 |
750 | TheDonald | 953 |
751 | spyfoodpoison | 945 |
752 | paygan | 940 |
753 | finalspz | 938 |
753 | Jackbman | 938 |
755 | kurtz | 934 |
756 | pepsity | 925 |
757 | gban | 924 |
758 | Unlinked Account | 923 |
759 | PaoLo | 919 |
760 | Unlinked Account | 917 |
761 | Unlinked Account | 911 |
761 | Chacings | 911 |
763 | death to all | 910 |
764 | Petluffer | 905 |
765 | Matty monsta | 892 |
766 | GASCONADE | 889 |
767 | legion | 885 |
768 | Attack2025 | 875 |
769 | Unlinked Account | 873 |
770 | Unlinked Account | 869 |
771 | Jhendrix | 868 |
772 | HEMPMAN1 | 839 |
772 | xirtam | 839 |
774 | kal | 827 |
774 | cksyder | 827 |
776 | Dissident | 821 |
777 | grimjoww | 808 |
778 | Pixmo | 802 |
779 | Celphi | 796 |
780 | samdogg87 | 788 |
781 | Gibber | 786 |
782 | killing music | 782 |
783 | Sevah | 781 |
784 | stanrools | 778 |
785 | ERTYUIPOP | 775 |
786 | teky | 772 |
787 | Landorian | 770 |
787 | JamesBond007 | 770 |
789 | Unlinked Account | 761 |
789 | firestormx | 761 |
791 | xcooldriver | 756 |
792 | Unlinked Account | 752 |
793 | Unlinked Account | 748 |
794 | seangcxq | 738 |
794 | Unlinked Account | 738 |
796 | Unlinked Account | 732 |
797 | Lilmxcn | 730 |
798 | vascon | 719 |
799 | Gleipner | 713 |
800 | Tails | 703 |