Active countries: 2469
Currently Logged in: 206
Currently Logged in: 206
Game Profile for the_olivers2006 on the Express Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: Sixth
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $90,292,312 | #863 |
Land | 139,158 | #909 |
Top 100 | 8 | #1152 |
Top 10 | 1 | #481 |
Best 3 | $14,300,148 | #672 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
177 | 91 | Warner (#22) | 10,019 | $2,581,905 | CG |
176 | 24 | Warner (#121) | 16,760 | $14,977,990 | RG |
173 | 142 | Warner (#134) | 315 | $24,933 | F |
172 | 132 | Warner (#121) | 3447 | $360,478 | FG |
170 | 140 | Warner (#98) | 120 | $5617 | M |
168 | 151 | Warner (#144) | 100 | $4717 | M |
167 | 143 | Warner (#160) | 3137 | $305,610 | FG |
161 | 127 | Warner (#123) | 1430 | $174,457 | CG |
159 | 145 | Warner (#135) | 1721 | $140,056 | F |
158 | 34 | Warner (#141) | 11,755 | $9,180,630 | F |
157 | 153 | Warner (#163) | 100 | $4717 | M |
156 | 99 | Warner (#4) | 6893 | $1,392,551 | DG |
155 | 6 | Warner (#88) | 15,186 | $15,111,462 | DG |
154 | 109 | Warner (#124) | 5434 | $1,044,601 | CG |
151 | 134 | warner (#174) | 1798 | $262,293 | F |
130 | 119 | All the way to the top (#7) | 7949 | $1,980,559 | CG |
129 | 119 | Angry Birds (#11) | 7110 | $1,937,688 | HG |
128 | 106 | Warner (#29) | 9086 | $3,183,769 | CG |
127 | 41 | Apple Pie (#13) | 12,010 | $10,926,232 | FG |
126 | 35 | kissurfluffgoodbyeDec212012 (#28) | 10,030 | $12,647,606 | RG |
125 | 34 | Truth (#12) | 10,924 | $12,810,992 | HG |
124 | 147 | Warner (#199) | 3834 | $1,233,449 | HG |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |