Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2453
Currently Logged in: 195

Game Profile for Tigress on the Free For All Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: 186th

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100UnrankedN/A
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$80,741,365#339
Attack SuccessUnrankedN/A
Pop Killed0N/A

Countries on this server

60 192 Hatari (#2480) 112$63,982,511 H NBK
60 194 Cast a Giant Shadow (#2479) 112$63,798,318 H NBK
60 186 The Sons of Katie Elder (#2478) 112$64,550,025 H NBK
60 195 The War Wagon (#2477) 112$63,758,693 H NBK
60 204 El Dorado (#2476) 112$62,178,804 H NBK
60 188 The Green Berets (#2475) 112$64,444,660 H NBK
60 190 The Longest Day (#2474) 112$64,101,814 H NBK
60 189 True Grit (#2473) 112$64,301,299 H NBK
60 256 Chisum (#2472) 253$47,399,484 H NBK
60 191 Rio Lobo (#2471) 112$64,068,112 H NBK
60 198 Big Jake (#2470) 112$63,461,757 H NBK
60 231 McLintock (#2469) 112$52,912,944 H NBK
60 196 Donovans Reef (#2468) 112$63,679,451 H NBK
60 202 The Shootist (#2467) 112$62,564,553 H NBK
60 206 Rooster Cogburn (#2466) 112$61,545,211 H NBK
60 199 Brannigan (#2465) 112$63,171,180 H NBK
59 275 Warren Buffett (#2671) 19,560$78,704,353 H NBK
59 265 Janet Yellen (#2670) 19,005$80,701,584 H NBK
59 276 Jiang Jianqing (#2669) 19,165$78,663,214 H NBK
59 327 Abigail Johnson (#2668) 19,360$63,938,241 H NBK
59 262 Larry Fink (#2667) 19,209$80,760,232 H NBK
59 282 Jamie Dimon (#2666) 19,638$77,404,983 H NBK
59 273 Mario Draghi (#2665) 19,161$78,902,496 H NBK
59 264 Michael Bloomberg (#2664) 19,066$80,725,166 H NBK
59 263 Christine Lagarde (#2663) 19,597$80,738,698 H NBK
59 271 Steve Schwarzman (#2662) 19,652$79,362,572 H NBK
59 269 Carl Icahn (#2661) 19,612$80,176,094 H NBK
59 270 Ray Dalio (#2660) 18,900$79,749,965 H NBK
59 279 Yngve Slyngstad (#2659) 19,536$78,170,956 H NBK
59 284 Lloyd Blankfein (#2658) 19,553$76,852,330 H NBK
59 277 Ding Xuedong (#2657) 19,071$78,440,586 H NBK
59 278 George Soros (#2656) 19,208$78,410,381 H NBK
16 514 Pink Soap Bubble 16 (#1445) 26,111$66,724,973 D RnR
16 579 Pink Soap Bubble 15 (#1444) 24,603$57,162,348 D RnR
16 519 Pink Soap Bubble 14 (#1443) 26,114$66,621,123 D RnR
16 531 Pink Soap Bubble 13 (#1442) 25,786$65,887,530 D RnR
16 532 Pink Soap Bubble 12 (#1441) 26,075$65,806,497 D RnR
16 522 Pink Soap Bubble 11 (#1440) 26,190$66,434,387 D RnR
16 553 Pink Soap Bubble 10 (#1439) 24,740$63,292,296 D RnR
16 491 Pink Soap Bubble 09 (#1438) 31,572$67,846,412 D RnR
16 580 Pink Soap Bubble 08 (#1437) 25,489$56,951,209 D RnR
16 549 Pink Soap Bubble 07 (#1436) 25,876$63,504,500 D RnR
16 527 Pink Soap Bubble 06 (#1435) 25,913$66,166,862 D RnR
16 534 Pink Soap Bubble 05 (#1434) 25,915$65,746,444 D RnR
16 569 Pink Soap Bubble 04 (#1433) 25,577$58,969,042 D RnR
16 524 Pink Soap Bubble 03 (#1432) 26,060$66,230,571 D RnR
16 544 Pink Soap Bubble 02 (#1431) 25,264$64,006,896 D RnR
16 536 Pink Soap Bubble 01 (#1430) 25,968$65,632,110 D RnR
15 605 Prisoners of Atlantis 16 (#3770) 16,348$31,401,591 D RnR
15 621 Prisoners of Atlantis 15 (#3769) 16,362$30,852,961 D RnR
15 612 Prisoners of Atlantis 14 (#3768) 16,317$31,146,704 D RnR
15 602 Prisoners of Atlantis 13 (#3767) 16,523$31,545,007 D RnR
15 763 Prisoners of Atlantis 12 (#3766) 16,473$22,189,010 H RnR
15 775 Prisoners of Atlantis 11 (#3765) 16,854$21,499,841 H RnR
15 773 Prisoners of Atlantis 10 (#3764) 16,291$21,692,839 H RnR
15 776 Prisoners of Atlantis 09 (#3763) 16,250$21,417,126 H RnR
15 611 Prisoners of Atlantis 08 (#3762) 17,771$31,195,639 R RnR
15 607 Prisoners of Atlantis 07 (#3761) 17,708$31,328,957 R RnR
15 596 Prisoners of Atlantis 06 (#3760) 18,104$31,790,493 R RnR
15 614 Prisoners of Atlantis 05 (#3759) 18,150$31,096,804 R RnR
15 630 Prisoners of Atlantis 04 (#3758) 16,267$30,057,835 F RnR
15 632 Prisoners of Atlantis 03 (#3757) 16,376$29,889,032 F RnR
15 628 Prisoners of Atlantis 02 (#3756) 16,355$30,222,058 F RnR
15 640 Prisoners of Atlantis 01 (#3755) 16,275$29,563,438 F RnR

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism