Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2462
Currently Logged in: 205

Game Profile for A-Rod on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: First

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10047#227
Top 1030#60
Best 3$69,608,272#14
Attack Success97.22%#112

Countries on this server

795 77 i Want a b1g b0y (#7) 19,878$4,305,584 RG
794 1 O n e e y e o p e n (#98) 44,867$54,594,247 HG
793 71 i am not dead (#95) 35,984$8,326,347 FG
792 3 Obviously someones multi (#81) 47,128$49,889,674 HG
791 89 F r o s t b u d d y (#76) 6856$1,785,449 CG
790 1 InteriorCrocodileMasticater (#47) 55,385$59,247,513 CG
789 2 Dual Life of a fox (#79) 49,251$57,436,503 HG
788 88 100 percent wagyu NITELl beef (#56) 5621$561,573 HG
787 1 Dont eat p00p (#19) 55,464$68,353,953 CG
786 2 What time is your name (#73) 50,045$53,457,640 HG
785 3 Numuhukumakiakiaialunamor (#54) 44,354$42,615,658 CG
784 5 Come Original (#32) 49,283$42,448,028 CG
783 4 whoops too late (#90) 36,992$43,697,929 MG
782 3 Ye110w L3dbetteR (#82) 41,918$45,782,240 HG
749 89 Lookingforgroup (#77) 100$4717 MG
747 94 Hawaiian punch monsters (#92) 120$5617 MG
744 97 Stewert vs the world (#90) 4190$445,525 FG
700 76 The M A N who sold the W O R L D (#44) 39,148$4,877,509 FG
699 1 MB1021 (#92) 52,100$56,470,181 HG
697 1 8simpleR00lsT0runAfarmer (#74) 29,459$44,073,758 HG
696 113 We l0ve y0U bACon (#91) 120$5617 MG
695 82 Burned my mouth on Comet (#96) 33,710$7,561,317 RG
694 15 Fried GREEN Cathankins yum (#9) 28,907$20,930,209 DG
693 3 Jalopenos on a Niteburger (#98) 44,805$50,289,815 HG
692 1 No mustard on my SKOLdog pls (#85) 49,796$56,947,324 HG
691 1 Food for me not you (#94) 44,459$60,183,833 HG
690 102 wHAT TiMe is youR name (#78) 9055$1,021,948 FG
683 97 Rivers of Red (#26) 6528$650,117 RG
682 29 no soup for you (#96) 18,843$3,994,121 RG
681 71 gAve eRic c0viD not stds (#39) 11,681$2,530,495 RG
680 1 nAsty R0tten fooD (#82) 43,947$67,204,679 HG
679 2 dARe tO keep you on Drugs (#73) 51,986$64,456,953 HG
678 1 give brAins foR f0oD pls (#81) 70,601$69,427,219 C
677 2 mAybe supeRfly maybe ar0D (#48) 30,212$56,490,767 RG
676 3 Vote for A R 0 D (#81) 60,104$56,962,860 CG
675 2 sometimes Satisfying (#81) 40,146$71,043,645 HG
674 88 Always Retal On Deezy (#64) 6616$858,099 FG
673 4 A R 0 D T H E S A I N T (#13) 50,873$34,227,560 HG
672 1 I ate at Joes (#9) 48,504$53,194,260 HG
671 8 sAmuRai s w0rD (#27) 34,678$27,204,186 HG
670 6 A Rash on yOur Dong (#13) 31,774$36,309,283 HG
669 14 A R 0 D (#3) 13,688$11,812,000 MG
668 5 ARwen r0bbed the craDle (#2) 14,308$22,002,852 HG
667 3 AngRy erOtic worlD (#5) 48,780$44,617,572 HG
666 4 AnotheR orOgy grinD (#4) 50,093$39,769,869 HG
665 3 A Rash on yOur Dong (#10) 24,940$45,549,179 HG
664 7 A Rash on yOur Dong (#3) 10,782$35,309,837 HG
663 40 A Rash on yOur Dong (#71) 12,565$14,476,472 HG
194 176 pWrinkle (#103) 100$4717 M
147 129 odo eater plus (#135) 1869$217,637 H
146 108 Milk straight from the boobeh (#140) 5959$1,157,991 R
145 121 the People of SmArt WatER (#77) 7015$1,142,036 R
144 14 HTC for you and Me (#131) 10,354$17,034,450 R

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism