Active countries: 2569
Currently Logged in: 184
Currently Logged in: 184
Game Profile for DStone Rocks on the Express Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: Eighth
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $219,520,714 | #444 |
Land | 215,123 | #625 |
Top 100 | 18 | #609 |
Top 10 | 4 | #265 |
Best 3 | $19,512,230 | #363 |
Attack Success | 87.39% | #851 |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special |
332 | 103 | RickGrimes (#88) | 100 | $4717 | M |
197 | 12 | AlwaysPicksStupidNames (#80) | 12,987 | $18,071,829 | CG |
196 | 15 | AboveFromDeathFromBelow (#26) | 13,126 | $18,008,804 | DG |
195 | 33 | VampireBiLL (#77) | 14,406 | $11,142,887 | CG |
194 | 17 | whoistheREALIngle (#63) | 12,875 | $17,066,537 | CG |
193 | 19 | theREALIngle (#135) | 13,654 | $15,719,503 | RG |
191 | 49 | PeterGriffin (#129) | 13,364 | $7,854,368 | RG |
190 | 65 | notHeretoDie (#120) | 9157 | $5,420,940 | RG |
189 | 9 | TheWindsofWinter (#122) | 13,614 | $17,697,304 | RG |
184 | 79 | StoneCrows (#147) | 8775 | $4,055,385 | R |
182 | 11 | StoneCrows (#148) | 15,268 | $17,075,502 | RG |
181 | 162 | StoneCrows (#166) | 100 | $4717 | M |
181 | 134 | Dracarys (#104) | 878 | $457,252 | RG |
180 | 96 | Castle Black (#79) | 11,659 | $3,428,019 | IG |
179 | 46 | Hear Me Roar (#67) | 13,684 | $8,304,058 | RG |
178 | 69 | Siege of Pyke (#30) | 459 | $4,241,887 | RG |
177 | 8 | Valar Morghulis (#72) | 14,529 | $19,519,691 | RG |
176 | 9 | StoneCrows (#34) | 13,793 | $20,945,169 | R |
175 | 36 | StoneCrows (#27) | 10,968 | $9,261,042 | DG |
174 | 10 | StoneCrows (#36) | 14,323 | $17,768,650 | RG |
173 | 79 | StoneCrows (#151) | 7424 | $3,473,353 | R |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |