Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 12 - Mar 16
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2506
Currently Logged in: 184

Game Profile for Kahuna on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Seventh

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100124#78
Top 103#314
Best 3$19,516,433#360
Attack Success95.96%#210

Countries on this server

634 92 Birb Gang (#94) 7143$3,046,698 R
633 104 Koh es joto (#107) 9165$918,497 T
632 84 Death to Mob (#58) 7779$3,551,271 T
631 95 Soviet Red Army (#5) 7819$2,371,842 T
630 82 Nu Yohk (#109) 5751$2,925,105 T
630 Chicago (#94) 5392$2,371,755 H
629 58 Nu Yohk (#109) 22,490$10,343,306 RG
620 104 Bugs ma behch (#109) 7480$635,259 MG
610 77 Soviet Red Army (#86) 9099$4,993,942 H
607 98 Kahuna melts the beach neagas (#76) 100$4717 MG
605 78 BLAZING ANGELS (#101) 21,090$6,795,963 RG
604 23 Canada Moose Antler Cadillac (#36) 14,595$16,500,398 HG
603 76 BACKWOOD BACKPACK PACK SAVEGES (#101) 22,357$7,737,043 RG
599 104 USSR (#8) 1906$133,539 MG
598 79 Mobs ma behch (#97) 21,192$4,993,757 T
597 104 Mobs ma behch (#113) 6235$777,838 MG
595 69 KoH es una Perra (#20) 10,601$3,720,337 T
593 88 Blame Canada (#72) 8733$1,266,454 TG
592 60 Land of Oz (#89) 9850$6,201,216 T
591 96 I like attention (#99) 100$4717 M
591 77 De Fierce Rey Kahuna kohsmabehch (#88) 8121$2,506,343 T
590 83 KoH likes burga (#92) 7494$1,218,070 M
588 96 Mobs ma behch (#34) 160$7417 M
587 82 USSR (#12) 9667$1,902,059 T
586 83 Planet Kahuna (#96) 7320$2,587,688 T

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism