Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2462
Currently Logged in: 205

Game Profile for Kevro on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: First

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10050#216
Top 1025#76
Best 3$50,358,078#44
Attack Success97.04%#124

Countries on this server

711 99 Sparky (#99) 100$4717 MG
709 78 Might farm might not (#90) 27,252$5,394,128 FG
708 3 Big Booty Jooty (#97) 36,203$43,702,607 RG
707 2 Sparky176 (#91) 21,493$40,973,970 HG
706 5 Fluffing fluffers (#37) 2918$15,838,049 HG
705 34 Chesters Mill (#47) 5690$3,410,021 TG
704 2 I block every walkway (#2) 34,264$54,172,824 HG
703 4 Lud (#31) 39,487$42,870,657 CG
702 2 Calla bryn sturgis (#30) 30,220$44,337,660 MG
701 1 Gilead (#7) 30,336$52,563,751 HG
700 2 Little Tall (#5) 25,270$44,073,005 HG
699 76 Sparkys unite (#73) 10,793$8,866,099 DG
698 8 Im still a noob (#5) 17,060$26,965,873 DG
697 4 Sparky176 (#42) 10,316$28,005,927 DG
696 9 StinkStar (#59) 15,256$26,892,182 HG
695 8 I block every walkway (#77) 17,772$22,403,116 RG
694 11 Jw176 (#16) 16,129$23,778,265 CG
693 81 Sparky176 (#111) 6572$5,328,520 CG
519 8 Mmmmmmmhm (#7) 16,520$20,657,832 CG
518 5 Sparks 1 7 and 6 (#37) 9754$22,958,829 HG
517 6 Light em up (#64) 14,940$24,602,246 RG
516 39 I block every walkway (#59) 8560$8,598,587 H
515 7 Why am I doing this (#12) 20,748$27,109,225 DG
514 4 Seventeensix (#98) 16,519$32,769,558 HG
513 9 Jw 176 (#84) 11,243$20,627,496 D
512 4 I suck at this (#79) 18,607$21,923,499 DG
511 99 Gahhhhhhh (#116) 2794$1,419,587 C
511 100 I block every walkway (#5) 8677$1,215,089 T
510 7 Sparky 176 (#58) 17,476$21,952,775 CG
509 15 My couch pulls out but I dont (#45) 13,504$12,934,907 CG
508 11 My couch pulls out but I dont (#62) 16,198$20,543,737 F
507 18 Kevro (#9) 10,517$11,817,960 D
506 7 Kevro (#100) 8793$19,425,095 H
263 43 Kevnuts (#123) 9362$10,115,063 C
261 3 Kevnuts (#72) 17,571$21,955,888 CG
260 9 Kevnuts (#68) 16,654$18,397,741 CG
259 49 Table (#62) 16,993$5,084,348 CG
258 10 Kevnuts (#50) 10,061$15,463,039 HG
257 3 The Desert Spear (#46) 15,013$21,197,122 RG
256 30 Kevnuts (#38) 9816$8,762,095 I
255 18 Kevnuts (#52) 9794$16,826,040 TG
254 19 kevnuts (#74) 13,166$14,339,306 CG
253 12 my couch pulls out but I dont (#58) 12,494$17,674,048 CG
252 92 Land of Earl (#5) 1529$1,018,244 CG
251 15 Land of Earl (#13) 12,419$16,489,756 HG
250 27 Land of Earl (#21) 10,044$14,941,619 D
249 106 Land of Earl (#35) 9802$1,190,501 DG
248 29 Land of Earl (#89) 7964$12,383,640 HG
247 39 soderpants (#100) 6238$9,196,173 HG
246 35 Sawysauce (#9) 13,005$10,379,417 FG
245 68 Kevmen (#121) 8330$4,497,258 C

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism