Active countries: 2466
Currently Logged in: 203
Currently Logged in: 203
Game Profile for Kwand on the Free For All Server
Overall | Express | Alliance | Team | Primary | Free For All | Tournament | Cooperation |
Best Finish: 655th
Leaderboard Rankings
Leaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $309,363,130 | #499 |
Land | 281,762 | #570 |
Top 100 | Unranked | N/A |
Top 10 | Unranked | N/A |
Best 3 | $24,550,610 | #534 |
Attack Success | Unranked | N/A |
Kills | 0 | N/A |
Deaths | 14 | #796 |
Pop Killed | 0 | N/A |
Attacks | 39 | #1411 |
Missiles | 0 | N/A |
Defends | 2814 | #808 |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
71 | 971 | Jim Irsay (#2716) | 15,220 | $22,701,178 | CG | TMNT |
71 | 745 | Tony Dungy (#2715) | 12,202 | $24,769,944 | DG | TMNT |
71 | 1174 | Frank Reich (#2714) | 15,781 | $20,945,020 | CG | TMNT |
71 | 1325 | Pittman Jr (#2713) | 16,891 | $19,193,123 | CG | TMNT |
71 | 1983 | Ryan Kelly (#2712) | 20,005 | $5,114,641 | FG | TMNT |
71 | 1384 | Jack Doyle (#2711) | 10,837 | $17,690,197 | DG | TMNT |
71 | 1254 | Kwity Paye (#2710) | 16,069 | $20,029,630 | CG | TMNT |
71 | 1176 | Deforest Buckney (#2709) | 20,333 | $20,935,872 | HG | TMNT |
71 | 1830 | Bob Sanders (#2708) | 13,753 | $7,838,554 | IG | TMNT |
71 | 1162 | Marvin Harrison (#2707) | 20,928 | $21,069,231 | DG | TMNT |
71 | 1266 | Reggie Wayne (#2706) | 18,253 | $19,879,531 | CG | TMNT |
71 | 1261 | TY Hilton (#2705) | 21,494 | $19,960,575 | FG | TMNT |
71 | 920 | Andrew Luck (#2704) | 10,854 | $23,306,880 | RG | TMNT |
71 | 655 | Peyton Manning (#2703) | 18,447 | $25,575,006 | HG | TMNT |
71 | 1388 | Quenton Nelson (#2702) | 14,015 | $17,485,821 | FG | TMNT |
71 | 1456 | Darius Leonard (#2701) | 20,362 | $13,849,243 | CG | TMNT |
41 | Koboldddd (#2384) | 8394 | $5,383,769 | I | ||
41 | Digger (#2383) | 7670 | $3,059,979 | R | ||
41 | 1417 | Rando1 (#2382) | 10,017 | $5,763,745 | M | |
41 | Faithless (#2381) | 0 | $2,811,352 | F | ||
41 | Verd (#2380) | 0 | $1,683,146 | F | ||
41 | 1763 | Bluntforce (#2379) | 6301 | $3,254,939 | RG | |
41 | Vicktor (#2378) | 8003 | $5,724,831 | IG | ||
41 | One Saber (#2377) | 8148 | $11,100,722 | H | ||
41 | Fate Killer (#2376) | 8625 | $2,855,576 | DG | ||
41 | Wastedarmy (#2375) | 10,576 | $9,502,396 | T | ||
41 | Twirl (#2374) | 16,252 | $8,607,502 | CG | ||
41 | Jazz (#2373) | 6531 | $3,169,276 | R | ||
41 | Gregminster (#2372) | 3565 | $2,362,970 | DG | ||
41 | Harmonia (#2371) | 21,745 | $9,313,324 | CG | ||
41 | Deli (#2370) | 91 | $2,454,288 | FG | ||
41 | Linley (#2369) | 7807 | $10,239,722 | RG |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation. Players in Red have been destroyed. Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations. |
Special Codes M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism G=GDI-Member |