Feb 26 - Apr 26
Mar 5 - Mar 9
Jan 12 - Mar 12
Mar 4 - Apr 1
Active countries: 2456
Currently Logged in: 203

Game Profile for jsquared on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: First

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10068#149
Top 1019#96
Best 3$23,512,492#233
Attack Success92.41%#514

Countries on this server

174 123 Porky (#158) 3821$291,843 F
154 116 Wharfed (#141) 3872$723,165 C
138 139 123NOTabc (#145) 2667$237,937 M
137 141 456 (#162) 3481$407,546 C
137 153 Erhmahgerd (#161) 224$18,179 C
134 151 trying to play again (#97) 120$5617 M
133 89 Artificially Stupid (#75) 10,962$3,629,270 F
110 106 graee (#149) 5411$864,774 F
100 116 grape juice (#168) 6537$1,166,218 C
99 77 Definitely not going to kill you (#135) 11,337$3,604,083 HG
98 141 demo (#136) 228$16,399 D
91 173 15616 (#113) 100$4717 M
83 161 Fruit Cake (#6) 120$5617 M
82 1 Grape Drink (#63) 26,144$24,588,993 CG
79 44 BCMA (#86) 18,303$10,115,735 DG
78 14 Baron Longrod (#93) 15,124$14,837,387 D
77 12 GrapeFruitS (#20) 19,863$15,182,693 CG
76 37 Roughnut (#97) 24,334$11,144,661 C
75 136 Roll a D6 (#40) 8550$1,158,892 CG
74 26 Cave Johnson HERE (#144) 15,344$11,248,793 RG
73 142 Computer Generated (#83) 3933$362,028 R
72 93 reseller no 1 (#88) 9325$2,609,546 HG
69 164 Rocks and Rocks and trees (#139) 100$4717 M
68 54 Needle nose Pliers (#13) 12,936$5,602,759 RG
67 54 Bigs really Canada (#105) 15,291$6,108,186 I
66 125 Canadas Really Big (#124) 4946$582,466 C
65 83 Canadas Really Big (#128) 7233$3,491,463 C
64 41 Canadas Really Big (#123) 14,188$7,343,490 FG
59 80 Bill from Accounting (#13) 7661$1,264,872 CG
58 15 Wharfed (#23) 23,006$13,092,718 CG
57 34 OliviaWildeIsHotter (#3) 11,333$5,047,680 F
56 102 OliviaWildeIsYes (#10) 120$5617 M
55 34 Wharfed (#1) 10,239$7,775,912 C
54 34 Leaky Wharff (#61) 14,687$7,099,027 H
53 4 Wharf of Quay (#10) 15,893$21,985,185 HG
52 6 DeFrahw (#65) 14,391$19,605,571 HG
51 11 Fishermans Wharf (#9) 13,797$16,712,852 RG
50 14 Filling Wharf (#7) 12,793$13,821,792 RG
49 56 Wharfing Two (#11) 11,033$4,212,043 RG
48 25 Thermodynamically Stable (#18) 17,935$7,919,821 T
47 51 Fishermans Wharfed (#56) 2060$3,699,883 IG
46 62 Remember Remember The 5th of Nov (#9) 9238$1,715,760 RG
45 100 okoj (#116) 100$4717 M
45 4 Ford Prefect (#23) 6868$16,262,750 HG
44 6 Vogons are Stupid (#32) 10,074$15,245,336 H
43 6 Arthur Dent (#31) 10,809$14,804,940 RG
42 67 Fluff EE (#93) 6739$1,304,260 R
42 Ford Prefect (#9) 10,367$2,151,560 RG
41 40 One Wheel Short of a Unicycle (#29) 10,964$6,044,208 H
40 7 Four Lions (#16) 14,115$16,033,919 C
39 82 Infinite Improbability Drive (#122) 8003$1,698,980 H
39 104 Infinite Improbability Drive (#117) 444$22,629 C
39 Infinite Improbability Drive (#10) 3541$526,142 C
38 1 Wharfed (#12) 11,201$23,963,298 HG
37 9 Wharfed (#22) 12,752$15,460,151 RG
36 57 Darling Thieves (#30) 6617$4,068,238 I
35 28 Metric (#36) 11,509$7,630,135 H
34 5 FlugTag (#19) 11,897$14,563,323 R
33 49 TheVille (#13) 10,639$4,269,915 R
32 63 Wharfed (#11) 9907$2,911,513 R
31 3 Wharfed (#21) 13,191$19,037,233 R
30 6 Wish the Night away (#3) 11,221$15,042,138 H
29 4 Nightwish (#19) 11,895$19,952,090 H
28 9 PO TA TOES (#30) 10,644$15,390,994 HG
27 34 TheVille (#23) 20,011$7,146,195 F
26 24 Bucyrus (#54) 240$11,691,766 H
25 2 Bagger 288 (#30) 10,021$20,603,776 HG
24 3 Soup of the Week (#49) 10,421$16,962,533 HG
23 63 TheVille (#22) 14,873$3,504,584 RG
22 2 The Ville (#13) 500$17,508,719 HG
21 8 Soup of the Day (#15) 21,377$13,808,495 C
20 13 TheVille (#28) 10,529$12,308,450 RG
19 71 theville (#68) 10,965$2,704,223 RG
18 72 Soup of the Day (#61) 10,431$3,957,085 RG
17 34 The Ville (#35) 10,781$9,366,387 R
16 16 TheVille (#7) 9329$9,693,559 R
15 132 Animosity (#27) 2435$242,625 R
14 4 Soup of the Day (#5) 14,390$16,582,396 RG
13 68 TheVille (#40) 15,495$4,264,508 RG
12 46 TheVille (#38) 15,876$5,257,441 FG
11 84 hmmmmmm (#134) 6244$2,413,329 R
11 KLUB WHARF (#66) 1802$153,919 R
10 12 Nalgene (#38) 13,945$13,193,459 F
9 18 Cornish Game Hen (#30) 12,458$11,317,880 RG
8 18 BCMA (#55) 7504$11,242,313 HG
7 41 BCMA (#36) 4270$2,322,371 RG
6 45 BCMA (#57) 4352$2,081,199 HG
5 21 Lingenfelter (#118) 8215$1,847,192 RG
3 65 blahblah (#114) 6251$1,563,642 F
1 235 Wharfed (#446) 5766$886,650 RG

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism